Should I be used to it?

Or do you have experience with such situations?

What echoed in Nangong's mind was the fluctuation of space.

Quickly grasping that trace of intuition, the side of the erected right arm is a sharp claw swung.

The road shattered again, and Empat, who had slid a distance, looked in the direction of the attack. No one was there.

Jayden's teleportation ability is naturally also inherited by EX Jayden, it doesn't matter if one hit fails, because there will be more attacks to come.

Appeared again, and disappeared quickly.

Its figure repeats the process of appearing and disappearing, and its energy is not limited. It relies on its unique ability to play with the enemy.

Even if the speed is not enough, just teleportation is enough to overcome this weakness.

The giant in the setting sun guarded the surroundings, turning around quickly from time to time, but he couldn't catch his opponent, and he seemed to be helpless.

Near the battlefield, although it is a bit short, the roof of this building is already the highest in the city.

Charika's feet were wobbling, watching the situation in the battle like an urchin.

He was seen by someone like this, but he didn't notice it.

Because it was not humans who were looking at him.

Risa does not have a real body, she is just an illusion created by AI, she can only guide others, and has no ability to fight.

'Just scare it, just make the guy let go of the red ball. '

She thought so, and ran into the building.

The body moves directly through the gate, ignoring obstacles.

At this time, the fighting is still going on, and the people in the city have not been able to fully evacuate.

Xiao Mian's right hand was held by his mother. He turned his head, and Empat, who seemed helpless, kept turning around, looking for the enemy's location.

I remembered the previous conversation in my memory, Ultraman will definitely win.

In the middle of the battlefield, Nangong quietly felt that because the first blow was received, EX Jiedon's movements became more cautious than before.

Be cautious, let him be cautious. After fighting many enemies with teleportation ability, he also has a way to deal with it.

The energy in the body is decreasing due to the passage of fighting time, and the anxiety in my heart is slowly suppressed.

Staying the same, responding to all changes, finally, captured the enemy's position.

Appearing behind him was EX Jayton with his arms folded in front of him, and the huge power was gathering through the yellow organ.

Its arm swung down suddenly, and in an instant, it disappeared in its original position, and then appeared in another position.

Before the violent fireball was fully formed, Empat threw out his left hand suddenly.

He didn't just rely on spatial fluctuations to capture the enemy's position, the scattered Ultramania became an effective radar just like the battle with the invisible Barabbas.

It was at this moment that the blue light hit EX Jayton's body. It had no lethal force, but pure restraint. Cooperating with this force, it was squeezed by thought force.

The invisible force erupted into fluctuations that ordinary people could not detect. In Empat's vision, the world seemed to be shaking.

The unformed fireball struck, and EX Jadon's hands shook, exerting force.

The mental oppression was conveyed to Nangong's mind in one breath, and in a second, or even half a second, opponents with exaggerated physical abilities could break free from this short-term shackles.

The same move will not work a second time, he has already understood this in the previous fight.

In this short period of time, is there any trick that can solve the opponent in one go?

The power in the body instantly expands to the limit, and the steps of Zapelio's light charging are used, and the strong dark energy comes out through the body, covering Empat's body with a layer of dark shadow.

However, the clenched fists did not move left and right, but collided suddenly before the timer, and a little spark rose up, just like the collision of flint and steel would ignite a flame.

The pitch-black flames were extremely strong, spreading crazily, almost engulfing him.

If it was before, he must have been shrouded in the pillar of flame.

But now, it wasn't just strength that had improved, complete control over energy allowed him to precisely control this suicidal move.

Empat pulled back with his right fist, and his entire arm was ignited by the black flame.

Taking a step, the figure pulls out a blurred afterimage. When its real figure appears, the incomplete [-]-megadegree fireball of EX Jayton explodes in mid-air, and it itself has long been swallowed by the flames.

The guardian of the Valley of Fire was hurt by the corrosive power of ice cooling. The power of darkness is displayed in the form of 'fire', but it has a different coldness from 'fire'.

The black icy flame instantly invaded EX Jayden's body, Charika's happy expression froze, and the burst of dark energy expanded upwards and detonated.

Some fragments of the wreckage were thrown for a certain distance and fell along with gravity, and the corrosive force contaminated above completely swallowed them up.

Like a pebble falling to the ground, those residues also fell on the roof of the building where Charika was.

The silent burning ended, Empat's straight forward right hand slowly opened, and the backlash brought to him by the concentrated explosion began to manifest, light particles floated on the right arm, and the timer's color also changed from blue to blue. It's red, on and off.

The green-eyed giant half-kneeled on the ground, and the skill he used for the first time made his right hand temporarily unusable after exerting exaggerated power.

"Damn! You scum! You trash! You scum of the universe!"

At this time, Charika, who finally reacted, cursed angrily, and he tightly held the red ball with spikes in his hand.

"Watch me make another——"

"Give it back to me, you thief!"

Suddenly, someone's clear scolding sound came from his ear.

Attracted by that voice, Charika subconsciously turned around.

I don't know how the girl behind him rushed towards him, and then...


The body was trembling, and Charika was indeed frightened.

Because that girl just 'entered' his body.

Risa took advantage of her uniqueness to successfully scare the other party.

The red ball in the opponent's hand could not be held tightly, and it came out of his hand.

She successfully separated the red ball from Charika.


Lisa called out Ultraman's name, what the red ball needs is someone who makes a wish, so, what is wrong with letting Nangong make a wish?

Hearing the girl's voice, Empat looked precisely to that side.

Use the power of thought and touch it.

In an instant, that unique feeling came again.


He raised his head suddenly, and floating in mid-air was a man with a hood wrapped in purple light.

The opponent's right hand pointed towards the bounced red ball, and a unique energy wave gathered and released.

Fear, fear, bewilderment, the negative emotions in the hearts of the people in this whole city constituted a strong negative energy. At this time, these negative energy were poured into the red ball by the cloaked man.


As Charlie Jia commented, Nangong was alone in this world, and he who had defeated EX Jiedon failed to stop another enemy from hiding in the dark.

In an instant, red light overflowed, like blood.

A deep roar came, destroying one civilization after another, sleeping purely for better destruction.

The sudden appearance of King Obmons crushed innocent buildings with his feet, and the running citizens fell down due to the shock.

They raised their heads, and it seemed that a huge monster with three eyes let out a roar after waking up, and spread its wings left and right.

"Uh ah ah ah!"

The screams were inaudible, and a large number of citizens fell to the ground, covered their ears, and blood flowed out from inside.

They couldn't hear anything.

"You bastard!"

Following the surging emotion in his heart, Empat rushed out immediately, his left hand was dyed purple, and the zero-distance spiral assault hit the enemy again.

The next moment, King Obmons, who was not affected at all, opened his mouth, and the orange-red breath tore apart the purple thunder, and ruthlessly blasted on the opponent.

Empat, who was blown away, had a brief darkness in front of his eyes, and the feeling of being unable to breathe echoed in his brain.

The Beast of Destruction, which destroyed several civilizations, has regained consciousness and power.

"Good! Good!"

Charika was in ecstasy.

"Knot, it's over..."

Lisa fell to his knees weakly, and the destruction came.

Chapter 140 Three Childhood Heroes

More than half of the city has been turned into ruins, and apart from being crushed, there are also meltdowns caused by ultra-high temperatures everywhere.

Only two-thirds of the residents living here have been evacuated.

Still on the way, even the citizens who were so unlucky that they happened to be near King Obmons had difficulty taking a single step.

They fell into a great panic, the sharp pain in their ears, the sticky wet feeling, the blood in their palms, and the world suddenly became silent.

The roar alone has already damaged the eardrums of ordinary people, and the breath in the mouth almost directly defeated the giant with blue eyes.

Empat forced himself to his feet, and the fight began again.

The smooth boxing skills blasted from different angles were easily blocked, and his attacks could not break through the enemy's defense at all. King Obmons' powerful arms easily received the attack.

Ten, twenty, dozens of offensive and defensive collisions, this 83-meter behemoth is not just scary in size.

The sound of the collision echoed in the sky, and the powerful fists hit the enemy's abdomen at the same time.

Empat suddenly moved forward, his arms were connected, and the released mind power cooperated with the attack, and the opponent's movements stopped immediately.

Zero distance, Zapelio light bombardment.

The jet-black particles scattered like blooming flowers, and the spread wings of King Obmons formed a light golden shield covering the whole body.

It straightened its body, and the sharp stabs of its abdomen protruded.

The sharp teeth surrounded by the left and right sides were noticed, and Empat raised his arms in time. The tough skin touched the sharp teeth, and the pain filled his brain.

With a red abdomen and fangs on both sides, the abdomen of King Obmons seems to have turned into a huge mouth at this time.

The next moment, it raised its left paw and slapped it fiercely.

Huge and sharp, pulling down.

A long string of sparks emanated from Empat's chest to belly.


With a muffled grunt, the arm supporting Li Ya also became weak, and his legs that had lost strength half-kneeled on the ground, and the beeping red light set off a new light.

After King Obmons successfully restrained the enemy, the two sharp claws came into play.

Swing down, swing down, swing down, swing down, just repeat the same movement, shoulders, chest, face, Empat, who is constantly suffering from injuries, is distracted by the pain.

The fist loosened and clenched again suddenly.

He swallowed the pain patiently, and the energy he mobilized gathered in his arms, and the spiral thunder was wrapped around his arms again, and the razor-sharp rotation and friction bounced off the oppressive fangs on both sides.

Half-kneeling on the ground, he punched out with both fists, and the power of the double spiral assault was superimposed and further increased. This time, King Obermos could no longer easily ignore this power.

It was repelled two steps back, the red eyes and the crystal on the forehead opened and closed at the same time, it seemed to be blinking, surprised that there was any existence that could cause damage to it.

The power in the body was mobilized, and the huge mouth that opened spurted out scorching beams of light.

Noticing this, Empat, who was concentrating his strength, immediately turned to the left. There was a bottomless ravine in his original position, and the light beam named 'Gremet' swept from bottom to top, laying a foundation for the city. Another dividing line was added.

Suddenly, the ground shook.

The scorching light that penetrated deep into the ground caused a new reaction, and hot 'blood of the earth' spewed out.

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