This is simply a miracle. In the aurora, Ultraman disappeared completely at some point.


Xiao Mian held the red ball in his hand, completely silent in the incredible scene.

Around him, people are relaxing or lying down, looking up at the scenery that may only be seen once in a lifetime.

"Little Mian!"

The boy heard someone calling, he turned his head, and there was a young man running over there, with his right hand stretched out, giving him a thumbs up.


Xiao Mian waved his hands excitedly, as a child he didn't think too much.

Things are over, so of course it is extremely exciting.

Soon, the three joined together, except for Nangong, there was one more person.

"This is the red ball..."

Young yet with a touch of maturity, the man who was dressed like the teacher in the school, and the man who came with Nangong stared at the wishing ball in Xiao Mian's hand, which had changed back into a 'ball' shape.


Xiao Mian blinked, not knowing what to call her.

"Yagi is fierce, just call me Yaya's uncle."

He originally wanted to say 'teacher', but suddenly realized that he is no longer a teacher.

The time on Earth is a precious memory that I can't forget until now.

There is a long distance from here, on the roof of the intact house, Charika struggled hard.

"Let go of me, let me go!"

He yelled, but those little tricks were really not enough for Tai Luo.

"Charlie, the cosmic devil, you are suspected of a series of crimes such as destruction of civilization, monster injury, assault, etc. I arrest you in the name of the Space Guard."

The handsome young man said seriously, not to mention that the other party is a registered fugitive, he also has a lot of things to interrogate the other party, especially about 'negative energy'.

140 Chapter Five Temporarily Closed

"Red ball, that's what it is..."

Yadi nodded. Before the situation was urgent, he didn't have time to think about it. Now he fully understands why they, who travel in parallel universes and find it difficult to catch each other's feet, suddenly come to this world accurately.

This wishing ball can realize wishes indiscriminately, whether they are good or bad.

Probably because of this, it became what it is today.

"Xiao Mian, you are amazing. It is because of your courage that this world will be saved. Don't forget this heart that works hard for what you love, and then do what you can."

Yashi patted the boy's head, although Xiao Mian didn't know the name of "Eddie", but the thing of "being praised by Ultraman" still made people laugh happily.

At this moment, Nangong also spoke:

"But no matter when, you should not pin your hopes on the props to realize your wishes. Good wishes and bad wishes have the same thing in that you give everything to others instead of working hard yourself. This desire will eventually turn into A monster that devours the person who made the wish."

Desire represents the heart. Have humans who created and used such props forgotten the strength of struggle?

This is something that should never be forgotten.


Xiao Mian nodded vigorously. In his eyes, it seemed that two giants were talking to him.

And the voice of the fourth person intervenes between the three:

"A person's desires often expose his heart. The dark side of a person's heart cannot be eliminated by force. Therefore, the red ball cannot be destroyed. Only human beings can change people's hearts."


The girl who came from there was no longer entangled in the haze, and she had a relaxed smile on her face.

"Xiao Mian, thank you. It is because of your existence that your heart of shouting for the future has restored the red ball to its original appearance. It is only the last step."

As long as this red ball exists in the world, someone will definitely act for it.

"Make a wish to make it disappear, just please."

"In doing so, you will also..."

Nangong knows that the two are one, the red ball and Risa are equivalent to the body and the soul, if one disappears, the other cannot remain.

"It doesn't matter, no matter who the user is, after all, I have brought such destruction and killed so many people. Whether it is King Obmons or me, they are essentially part of the red ball."

Someone has to pay it back, her heart as a weapon doesn't seem to be ruthless enough.

But that strength was also conveyed to everyone's hearts. Xiao Mian calmed down and took a deep breath. He had two wishes:

"Let our world change back to how it was before, and disappear, red ball!"

Red, blue, red, blue, flashing alternately. This time, the desire will not awaken the monster inside, because it has been completely killed. The wishing ball at this time is the original prop created to pray for future human beings. .

The particles swimming inside are like sparks that light up the darkness. Soon, it floats into the air, and the bright light illuminates everything, like a small blue sun.

In the end, this light illuminated the almost completely destroyed city, making it impossible for everyone to open their eyes.






The man suddenly turned up from the seat, and he stared blankly at the water glass in his hand that spilled water due to the violent movement.

Look to the left, it's the TV playing Ultraman Gaia.

Look to the right, it is a promotional poster pasted on the wall.

He lowered his head again, watching the time.

"Eh? Eh?"

Am I dreaming?

The owner of the small shop was full of doubts, but now he was in a daze until the sun was going down...

Is this reasonable?

This is not reasonable!

Put down the teacup, walk out of the store, the whole street can not find the slightest trace of damage, intact.

It's just that the unusual thing is that there is obviously more than one person who is confused with him on the street.

Everyone on the street is confused about the current situation, what happened?What's going on here?

Isn't Ultraman fighting monsters?

Empat from Heisei, Eddie and Taro from Showa, why suddenly... Could it be that everyone in the city is sleepwalking?

On the hillside, Xiao Mian, who was sitting in the secret base, raised his head and put the toys that had fallen on the ground back on the shelf.

It's just that the red ball that fell before has disappeared, and I feel a little lost in my heart. Everything seems to be an extremely real dream.

He walked out of the secret base, and the boy in black came right after him.


Kashima also had a very strange expression, as if he wanted to say something but didn't know what to say.

The two stared at each other for a while in a strange atmosphere. At this time, it was Xiao Mian who spoke first:

"The two Ultramans from before are so handsome, who are they?"

The previous works should also be read together.

"Tayro, the youngest of the six Ultra brothers, the son of Ultra's father and Ultra's mother, and Eddie, Ultraman who came from the Kingdom of Light and knows love."

Once the topic is together, it can't stop.

Two people were walking on the street, one was talking and the other was asking.

Dream, or reality?

Everything went back to the way it was, so the city went back to the way it was.

It's just that the memory hasn't disappeared, it's blurry, and what's shown on the evening news is video data.

Giants and monsters, the picture in the camera has not disappeared.

Ultraman has been here before, look up at the starry sky, maybe the Ultraman star is shining in the sky.

The crisis in this world has been lifted, but Nangong still has one thing to do.

Human observations have not even been able to extend to the age of the moon, so naturally they cannot capture the existence of those two extremely fast flying beings.

What has been reproduced will not disappear, so what is left for Empat is the last battle.

"I don't have much time, quick fix."

"Oh, as you wish."

Outbursts, sprints, crazily shortening the distance, pincers and fists, swords and knives.

The blue and white thunder sword is sometimes hard and sometimes soft. It is not only a sharp blade, but also a flexible giant snake.

Zibai's palm knife exists for a while and disappears for a while. It is not only a sharp blade, but also the sword energy of the new moon.

Regardless of the place of destruction and battle, the two that are entangled are impacting each other.

Empat's clenched fist slammed into the opponent's face. The force of this blow was so heavy that the Imperial Stars wondered how long it had been since his death.

Flying upside down, being dragged into the gravity of the gaseous star with exaggerated speed.

Empat chased forward, and the moment the speed unfolded, the whip was wrapped around his waist.

The imperial star pulled hard, the current paralyzed the enemy, and the strength pulled the opponent.

The Ring of Jupiter crashed into the new being and fell with that force out of balance.

The remaining claw opened, releasing a golden killing light.

It was just a little short of being hit, and the light in the darkness was so conspicuous. After Empat cut off the shackles of the thunder whip, he turned sideways, and the incoming light passed by and crashed into the gaseous star behind him.

He immediately felt pain, because the imperial star directly hit him with his body as a weapon, and the two of them fell completely along the gravity of Jupiter, falling into that unique planet.

The bursts of light continued one after another, and the burst of purple light thought about a huge opening, and then suddenly stopped.

Jupiter seemed to have been cut open, and soon, one side went in and one side went out, the imperial star appeared, and the kick that broke out in his abdomen blasted him away.

Raising the claws to touch the falling palm knife, the line of sight and sight intertwined, the whole body turned into a weapon, close-to-body slaps erupted, the arm blocked the arm, and the leg hit the leg, almost turning into a group of hard-to-see afterimages, every time When colliding, sound is transmitted through contact.

In just one second, dozens of clashes could be heard, and Jupiter was no longer a battlefield, but switched to space again.

Empat slammed out with his right hand, and the heavy punch aimed at the abdomen exploded, and the opponent's body arched.

Aiming at the back of the head, the elbow hit with all its strength, the feeling of hitting was so unclear.

The next moment, the imperial star turned his body along with this force, and the 360° rotation drove his legs, which in turn hit the opponent's head, and the distance between the two separated again.

Claws open.

Push forward with both hands.

The invisible extremely fast light bullet collided with the purple barrier, and there was no chance of reflection.

In an instant, the barrier was removed, and the palm knife was cut out.

Purple and blue, sword and knife, the conflict of power broke out, setting off a burst of brilliance that would take many years to reach the earth.

With speed and power side by side, the golden killing light dug out a gap of thousands of meters in Saturn's rings.

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