The battle is still going on, and today it seems that a huge meteorite fell on the surface of Uranus, smashing the rock and ice.

This fierce battle must not be known to anyone other than the participants.

It's just that after many, many years, astronomers will observe several weird explosions that are as bright as supernovae, but not supernovae.

--------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Sure enough, Charika is just an abandoned child."

Acting in the space where countless parallel universes float, Eddie and Taro are returning to the Kingdom of Light.

Their mission this time was not only to destroy the red balls of several civilizations, but also because they noticed a huge amount of negative energy. The red ball and Charika actually happened to encounter that negative energy when they were chasing that negative energy.

"I'm afraid the enemy deliberately threw Charika and the red ball out to attract our attention because they noticed our pursuit."

Eddie is deducing the current situation based on the current situation and Charika's testimony.

Before, Charlie Jia confessed his 'companion' without even the slightest hesitation, because the reason why he was not able to escape was that he was bound by a powerful mind for a short period of time.

And Nangong also said that besides Charlie Jia, there is another enemy.

"The other side took Charika as an abandoned child to attract attention when we were fighting King Obmons, and then took advantage of this opportunity to escape without leaving us any clues."

In other words, they were completely lost.

After hearing Eddie's deduction, Taylor shook his head angrily.

"What a thoughtful enemy."

The only thing to be happy about is saving a world and freeing the red ball, so that no more tragedies will be caused.

The two flew fast, and finally entered a world like a drop of water falling into the water.

What appeared in front of my eyes was a planet like emerald.

This is Nebula M78, the hometown of the Ultra family, the Kingdom of Light.

Falling from the sky, Taylor and Eddie had to lament that the earth is an enviable place, with four seasons, sunshine, and different weathers, unlike the Kingdom of Light, which is cloudless.

Looking down from a high altitude, tall buildings are lined up separately, except for the guards, ordinary people are walking up and down the streets.

There are men and women who seem to be in love, and here are young people who raise gentle monsters, and women who tear down their houses and prepare to rebuild them.

Flying across the sky, what I met were residents who were also flying forward.

"Instructor Taylor!"

"Teacher Eddie!"

Say hello one by one, and finally returned to the headquarters of the guard.

"Taro, Eddie."

The red cloak fluttered with the movement of turning around, and the elder brother with medals lined up on his chest felt relieved because of the safety of his younger brothers.

"Brother Sophie, we're back."

Taro feels the warmth of coming home.

"Brother Sophie, we have something to report on this mission, and there may be some conspiracy brewing."

Eddie was more rational, and the huge negative energy really made him feel uneasy.


Nodding, Sophie led the two into the base.

Charika, negative energy, enemies hidden behind, and young and reliable fighters from other worlds.

After that, Taro and Eddie searched hard on this matter.

In the end, Ultraman, Ultra Seven, Jack Ultraman, and Ace Ultraman transmitted their power to the parallel world, and together with the human body in that world, it is another story to defeat the evil king of darkness. up.

Different parallel worlds have different stories, and evil people will always act for their own ambitions.

Back in the world where Tiga and Empat lived, three days had passed since the plot of the Yabo people was shattered.

During these 3 days, people didn't think it was so strange, because Ultraman usually disappeared after defeating the evil enemy, so they didn't realize that Tiga and Empat came from this The world is completely gone.

It's just that someone realizes that certain or two people are missing.

"I said why does your master always disappear inexplicably? He is not in the call area. Could it be that he went to Bermuda or Amazon?"

Kyoko rubbed Geddy's face. Her employees disappeared again. In this era, people call casually. What's the situation if they are not in the calling area?

Up and down the sea into the jungle?

Or did you learn from Master Xuanzang and come to the Nangong to learn scriptures and cross the desert?


Gedi yelled, it was also very wronged, and it was hard to show it once, but after the matter was over, the owner disappeared?

Where did he go?

140 Summary of Six and a Half Years

Three days is enough time for many things to happen. For example, the telephones of Yuangu Company, which has already been transformed, will be blown up. Reporters, the masses, and TPC will come one after another.

It was said before that it was purely a coincidence, and it stopped after the heat passed.

This time, Ultraman appeared, and the giant who is exactly the same as the protagonist in the special film really came to the earth. Is it too much for you to say that it is a coincidence?

Even children won't believe it.

However, Tsuburaya Eiji's descendants are also miserable. This is really unclear. That person is simply tight-lipped. They didn't know that maybe the other party had really come to this era from the past until after the incident happened.

It wasn't until the TPC issued a warning that the crowd and reporters stopped.

But people's discussion has been led to a new peak, the M78 nebula, the kingdom of light, and the star of Ultra. Is there really a giant of light who has been watching the earth 300 million light years away?

Of course, only those who have the time and leisure to discuss these matters have the heart to discuss them. For everyone in the Victory Team, or for people other than Xincheng and the intermediate captain, there are other things that need to be accepted.

The door of the combat command room opened, and Director Sawai walked into the command room with a very strange atmosphere.

Look left, look right.

"What's the matter? They all look absent-minded?"

Although he said this, he could understand why everyone behaved like this.

Regarding Dagu's disappearance, he also felt regretful and sad. The young people's sacrifice was unreconciled, but they belonged to such an organization that must have the awareness of sacrifice.

It's just that Director Sawai didn't know the real reason for everyone's behavior at this time.

After that battle was over, Xincheng was only a little bit away from being turned into the interrogation room by other team members.

The reason is very simple, that is, Dagu's disappearance.

No skydives, no crashes, so what about people?

How could it disappear out of thin air.

Not knowing how to explain it, Xincheng, who had been silent all this time, was criticized. In the end, it was the intermediary captain who completely diverted everyone's attention with a single sentence.

'Xincheng, Dagu is Dijia, right? '

At that time, the expression on the other party's face due to being told was too obvious, so everyone knew after that.

Giants and Ultraman are not unreachable existences, they are existences struggling as human beings.

He is both a comrade-in-arms and a good friend, so it makes people worry.

Where did Tiga and Empat disappear?What did the last wave of space-time fluctuations represent?

The worst case scenario is that they are thrown into a different timeline or a different world, and in that case, they may never find their way back.

Applause sounded at this moment, and the action of the captain in the middle drew everyone's attention back.

"Okay, everyone, let's put things aside for now."

Director Sawai was not the only one who came to the command room of the Victory Team today. Director Yoshioka and Staff Nagumo also arrived here soon. Wire.

It has been nearly half a year since Ultraman appeared.

In the past six months, many things have happened.

The ancient monsters who slept on the earth and woke up, the cosmic monsters who came to look for food from the distant starry sky, the extraterrestrial invaders who want to occupy the earth, and the extraterrestrial invaders who have been hiding on the earth and want to control mankind. people.

Three days ago, monsters and invaders that could affect the great thing of 'time' appeared directly.

At this point, no matter who it is, they have to admit one thing.

Ultraman is a companion of human beings. Without them, the earth would probably have already fallen into his hands. Even the stubborn members of the Hawks understand this.

However, taking Ultraman as a target will not change. This is not out of guard, but out of spurs.

Human beings have to rely on their own strength to protect themselves, even Ultraman must do so to protect the earth. They are not babysitters, but companions who fight together.

Leave everything to them, can that be called a companion?

So after nearly half a year, all the top executives of TPC finally made a serious summary of what happened in this long period of time.

At the very beginning, I really have to mention the two giants Dijia and Empat.

First of all, the former appeared from the Pyramid of Light mentioned by the time machine, and defeated Gorzan and Merba with an advantage. After that, the escaped Gorzan absorbed underground magma in Wumenyue Volcano to strengthen it.

It's a pity that it wasn't the only one that became stronger, Tiga defeated it again, this time it was completely killed.

Then there is Empat of the latter, who first appeared in Nagoya, and also defeated the unnamed cosmic being who completely paralyzed the TPC Far East base by an advantage. Besides, his place of birth is unknown.

The difference between the two is that Tiga has three forms of balance, strength, and speed, while Empat fights with a variety of skills.

"Wait, you said that Ultraman is also getting stronger and stronger in the battle, how can you see that?"

The head of the European branch asked, the reason why this meeting was handed over to the Far East base was because they were the team that had fought the most with Ultraman.

Accompanied by the question, Ye Rui moved the screen, and what appeared there were monsters arranged according to the passage of time.

"The simplest comparison, the original monsters, our TPC's Feiyan, Lan Hurricane, and Fire Dragon fighters can still cause damage, but with the fierce battle, various missiles have been developed. Even so, they are still There is no way to penetrate the monster's skin."

In other words, the monsters are getting stronger and stronger.

"Faced with such a situation, we stepped up the development of the Magus power system and researched the new fighter Feiyan EX-J. However, this situation seems to be no problem for the Ultramans. To put it bluntly, in the Before the development of Feiyan EX-J, our TPC team can almost be regarded as a useless pendant."

The intermediary captain's words were ruthless, but no one could refute them, because it was the truth.

"Other than that, the most obvious thing is the time they fight."


"In the initial battle, whether it was Tiga or Empat, the battle never lasted more than 3 minutes. In other words, their active time on the earth seems to be only 3 minutes. Now, according to statistics, the longest time It was 11 minutes and 39 seconds."

They continue to grow and become stronger in the battle, this is one of the possibilities.

Another possibility is that they have adapted to the current earth environment. According to the time machine, the giants came from super ancient times, so the super ancient and modern earth environments must be different. They could only move for 3 minutes at first, which may be simply acclimatization.

The captain's words convinced everyone, they nodded and signaled her to continue.

In addition to Altman's matter, the high-level people also care about another thing.

Soon, two completely identical contrasts appeared on the screen.

That was the enemy that Empat defeated in the first place, and the existence that appeared with Empat during the Kyrierod incident.

TPC doesn't know the name of the Baltan star, only knows that the two should be of the same family.

In this incident, the opponent rescued ordinary people trapped in the mall and easily defeated two monsters.

What is going on?

It would be nice if Empat could communicate, but unfortunately they don't talk at all.

In addition, there are images taken by the Delta Space Station and the sword-wielding cosmonaut that appeared in Kumamoto City before.

TPC still doesn't know that his name is Zamsha, but it's only the second time. For humans, this is the second time Zamsha has recorded helping humans.

For those who are stuck in the position of 'two', there is another one.

Immediately afterwards, Gedi's image was released, and it appeared in Kumamoto twice. Not only that, but what caught everyone's attention was the timer that was almost identical to the two Ultramans.

Even the light when it appeared was the same. Apart from giants, there seemed to be giant beasts protecting humans.

On the side of the Geddy image is another monster, Guy Ozark, the subterranean shark that once appeared in New York.

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