In this way, Zamsha, Gedi, and Gai Ozark, the three who helped TPC protect humans during the Yabo invasion, were not Ultraman's presence on the screen.

Coupled with Baltan, this is a very special signal for TPC.

After so many invaders came, beings exuding good intentions also appeared, which proved that the universe is not dark... Although they wanted to believe so, they still couldn't let go of their guard.

The intrigues of the Kirielod people are still engraved in their hearts. As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake and afraid of well ropes for ten years, TPC is indeed in such a state.

Carrying the future of mankind on our shoulders, we cannot afford to be careless.

Altman proved himself with death fights and actions. Baltana did not appear again after that, Zamsha only appeared twice, Gedi seemed to act with Empat, and Geozak disappeared. where.

The high-level officials looked at these photos and shared their opinions with each other, while Masaki, who was also on the sidelines at the base, narrowed his eyes and stared at the image of Guyozak.

This is the first time he controls this mechanical monster to fight, but no, it's too weak.

Taking advantage of the underground, it looks good, but it is far from it.

For example, if the enemy this time is that Melba, Gaiozak won't be able to play any role at all.

What's more, it will definitely cause severe damage to the city because it dives into the ground during the battle.

For Masaki, both humans and cities must be protected in order to be considered a success.

'Sure enough, we still need to search for stone statues, and if we can't, we will make stone statues. '

Only by evolving into a giant of light can this planet be protected.

The unofficial memories are still going on, and what reassures the intermediary captain is that TPC's attitude towards Ultraman has softened.

This is in stark contrast to the Kirielods. Their rhetoric did not make TPC let go of their vigilance at all, so when Tiga appeared in Osaka, TPC was able to rush to support them so quickly.

In addition, probably because of the successful test of the Magus power system and the successful weaponization, human beings initially have the power to protect themselves, and the originally anxious atmosphere has also eased.

And because the unidentified cosmic beings help human beings, the attitude towards the cosmic beings is not so sharp.

Even the hawks know that they should not create enemies for no reason. It is not a rational choice to be enemies all over the world.

While the meeting was proceeding steadily, the door of the combat command room was suddenly opened.

The staff of TPC walked in hurriedly. He knew that important things were being done here, but this matter was more important.

"Director Sawai, it's a message from Delta Space Station."

Handed the tablet-like device in front of Director Sawai, and after a few seconds, everyone present could see the surprise on his face.

That message says this:

At a position 1000 meters directly in front of the Delta space station, the fluctuations that occurred around the world three days ago reappeared. What appeared from the inside was a disc-shaped spaceship, and the message sent from the inside was a request for negotiation.

At the same time, the universe, inside the Delta space station.

Lina's father, Nanase Makoto, was staring at the screen. After the communication link was established, that face was indeed not human.

White body, black lines, and hair-like mane extending from the head, and two huge ears moving.

"Earthlings, hello."

Unexpectedly, the other party spoke this passage in very fluent English.

After that, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, and Hindi.

This situation obviously made Nanase stunned, and he quickly interrupted:

"Hello, I'm the station master of the Delta Space Station, TPC belongs to Makoto Nanase, may I ask who you are?"

This passage made Nanase a little dazed for a while. The same cosmic beings came here at the beginning, and everything went smoothly, but why did they get such a result?

On the other side of the screen, the intelligent life form of the extraterrestrial civilization looked around, and there seemed to be companions around him.

"We are Ikars people from Ikars, my name is Franka, please forgive us for visiting, but we really have very important things, if possible, you can introduce us To the government?"

Franke from the Ikars star came for important things, which is different from the Raculan star.

The matter of their visit has already been conveyed to TPC. This is the second extraterrestrial civilization that came with negotiations. Is it to accept or expel?

Soon, Nanase received an order from Earth.

"Mr. Franka, please go to Earth under our guidance."

Killing strangers when they see them is definitely not the right way, Director Sawai's opinion has not changed.

Earth, Japan, Shinjuku, young and beautiful women staring at the sky, the corners of their mouths curled up.

"A different dimension..."

she murmured.

140 Chapter Seven Friendly Communication

The Ikars star civilization is also an intelligent race that existed a long time ago, nearly 200 years ago. The development process is the same as other civilizations. Until [-] years ago, they explored the world called "different dimension".

Attached to the universe but independent of it, the red world will always be the same, as if it is a matter of course that a person needs a soul in order to live.

What is in this unique space?

The Ikars civilization addicted to this continued to explore inwardly, and finally discovered the existence of 'time'.

It's very unusual, quite unusual. It started with an exploration plan as usual, but the members saw themselves in their respective age groups, as if the time period in them was being disturbed.

This situation did not last long, but it aroused the enthusiasm of the Ikars civilization.

If even time can be mastered, maybe even the origin of the universe and the beginning of everything can be answered.

It's just that with the deepening of exploration in different dimensions, they still can't find the source of time, time passes slowly, and that day comes.

The Imperial Stars set off a frenzy of war and aggression, and the powerless Ikars civilization hid in a different dimension with the power of the whole family.

The move has kept them alive while avoiding decades of fighting.

Only recently have they returned to this universe to take part in the counterattack against the Empire.

This is what the main army is doing. Those who come to the earth are members of the scientific research troops behind.

If you want to ask why...

"Director Sawai, the strong space-time vibrations generated on the earth before are the answer that our Ikars star civilization is looking for, and we are willing to use any technology to exchange with you."

Franke came prepared, and it was precisely because of this that he deliberately learned the language of the earth.

To be honest, there are so many languages.

"Mr. Franke, we also want to give you an answer, but in fact, we are not very clear about this."

Space-time vibration, for the earth, it is a big crisis that almost drags human civilization to destruction.

It's just that this is an opportunity for other civilizations, and things will change according to different opinions.

"Can you provide us with data and images? Of course, we will also provide corresponding exchanges. For you who are developing into the universe, we will answer as long as it does not involve the privacy of our civilization."

Franka is very friendly, which is a matter of course. If the Ikars civilization is the invader, why should they hide in another dimension?

The thriving earth is a future generation worth looking forward to for civilizations like Icars who have joined the Star Alliance.

If you want to analyze the secrets of the universe, it is undoubtedly stupid to think on your own. A mere civilization is just a drop in the ocean for the universe.

Regarding this point, they have a deeper understanding at this time.

What is another dimension other than the universe itself?

The more you explore, the more you discover your own insignificance, so civilization and civilization must unite.

"We only have the wavelength and image data at that time, is this okay?"

Director Sawai first told what he had here, and there was no need to deceive anything.

If everything the other party said is true, then this time it is not even a negotiation at all, it is just a friendly exchange.

He was delighted about this.

The universe is not dark, and the lights of life warm and illuminate each other.

"That's enough, thank you, Director Sawai."

Franka got up and bowed her head slightly to thank her, then turned her head to look at her companions who came to Earth together.

"Iss, please stay."

"no problem."

The Ikarsians are talking to each other, probably because of the different races. The onlookers couldn't help but have this thought in their hearts:

'What's the difference between you guys? '

Doesn't it all look the same to me?

"Director Jack, I'm counting on you here."


Hearing Director Sawai's words, TPC America Branch Chief Jack saluted quickly.

This time, the reception and exchange of the Ikars civilization is in charge of the American branch.

Soon, the two left the reception room.

Jack turned his head, and the Ikars star called 'Iss' moved his two big ears.

'Er... the ears? '

not understand well.

He tried his best to sort out his mood. There were indeed many things he wanted to know.

"Mr. Ice."

Jack uses the honorific, and...

"It's Miss Ice! Can't you tell?"

The angry cosmic man's ears began to move again.


'No, I really can't see it, who can see it, I can't see it anyway. '

Although he didn't speak, Jack's silence was clearly telling something silently.

The next moment, Yisi was shrouded in brilliance.


The last word got stuck in her throat when the young girl appeared in front of her. Not only Jack, but also the surrounding soldiers who were waiting showed shocked expressions.

Now standing in front of them is no longer a cosmic man with a pair of big ears, but a young girl, even wearing a white dress.

What should I say at this time?

Jack still remained silent, this time he really didn't know what to say.

Everyone's shock seemed to make Iss very proud. She smiled happily, not hiding her pride at all.

The Ikars star has the power of mimicry, and while writing down this incident, he has to lament one thing.

'Young and innocent. '

Showing his ability in front of people of other races, and still showing the ability to be used as a spy, is really as young as this 15 or 16-year-old appearance.

"So what do you want to ask? Can you go outside and talk? I want to see more of the earth's sky."

I don't know whether it's a cultural difference or the child is just plain stupid. Iss didn't regard Jack as a great existence at all, and there was a little pleading in her tone.

Jack noticed the key points in the other party's words, and then asked:

"Is there anything special about Earth's sky?"

Isn't it just blue that can be seen everywhere?

"The sky in a different dimension is only red. Although there will be colorful colors and rainbow colors mixed in from time to time, but the red background is still..."

Recalling his life in another dimension a year ago, Yisi's expression became very uncomfortable.

After seeing the normal world, the abnormal different dimension looks so dazzling.

Hearing her words, Jack understood completely.


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