At the beginning, just entering a different dimension for a short period of time, the color has already made people dizzy. Did this child grow up so much in such an environment?

"I see, come with me."

Jack led the way ahead, and when he got an affirmative answer, Is smiled happily.

'I don't feel like negotiating at all...'

The head of the American branch thought in his heart that the progress of the matter could not be described as 'smooth'.

He even felt that he was actually attending some strange dating party.

'Alright. '

The mood also relaxed, so he began to ask with a relaxed attitude.

What exactly is a different dimension?

A different dimension is a unique space attached to the universe and its origin is unknown.

Its size is equal to that of the universe. For example, this time the Ikarsians came to the earth through a channel of another dimension. However, if they just walk around without specific coordinates, they will soon get lost in it and cannot find their way forward.

Because the front, rear, left, right, top, and bottom are all red, there are no road signs at all.

"So, you know the coordinates of the earth?"

His words revealed information that Jack could not ignore. Has the location of the earth been exposed?

"Actually, we also heard it from other civilizations. Everyone in the rebel army knows it."


This is no longer a matter of being exposed or not, it is simply a matter of reporting from the entire universe.

Not seeing Jack's taboo at all, Ice continued:

"The shining gems in the universe are guarded by the ultimate people."

The ultimate man, Ultraman.

"Ultraman... so nice, I really want to see him again."

There are not far echoes in the girl's memory.

"You say goodbye?"

Jack froze for a moment, what's going on?

Isn't Ultraman the patron saint of the earth?

"Actually, I saw it once not long ago. At that time, we were operating in the universe as a scientific research force, looking for traces of space-time waves, but encountered a terrible monster."

Yisi directly spoke out about his past experiences.

"How could the most basic armament of a scientific research ship be able to fight against that monster that I have never seen before? When I thought everything was over, I swish!"

She opened her hands, as if to show how powerful the scene was.

"The golden ball of light knocked the monster away, and what appeared in the light was a handsome giant. His eyes had the same green light as the timer, and they were brighter in the dark universe... too He's handsome, I applied for a follower just to thank him face to face."

After defeating the monster, the silent giant turned into light and left without even a word.


Qingmang, Empat?

"I didn't expect Ultraman to be so famous in the universe."

Jack couldn't help but sigh, for the earth that has not yet developed into the universe, they don't know how much effect Ultraman has had on the situation in the universe.

"It's not famous anymore, it's simply a legend."

Yisi is like a fanatical fan doing science popularization.

The rebels now have a huge advantage, and the empire is on the verge of collapse, so they can only retreat again and again.

It was all the result of the death of their emperor on Earth. Not only that, General Magma, but also Emperor Snoke, who commanded the army, almost all the upper layers of the empire died on Earth.

What kind of planet is this?

To be honest, no civilization dares to underestimate it. The Imperial Stars themselves have the ability to destroy civilization alone. What about the Ultraman who defeated him?

Where did the empire's proudest fleet go?

The little-known Earth actually has a chilling power.

"And so far no one has figured out their origins, and there are different opinions about this mysterious origin."

It has completely become a living legend passed on by word of mouth.

"By the way, it seems that the Vatican people plan to make a movie called "Legend of Ultraman" after the war."

As if remembering something, Ice said happily, she was looking forward to it.

"No, we have never filmed on Earth, what kind of big movie are you making without authorization..."

Jack felt that the fluctuations in his heart today were more than the sum of the previous week, which was simply inexplicable.

Just like that, amidst the girl's eloquent voice, the two walked outside the base of TPC.

Suspended there is a green disc, which is the Ikars spaceship that came to the earth, and most of the members stay in it.

"Awesome... not only the blue, but the clouds."

Yisi looked up at this not-so-special sky.

'Is it so great? '

Jack didn't understand it very well, because he grew up on the earth since he was a child, and this blue sky was something he was used to for a long time.

It seemed that some switch had been turned on, and Yisi began to speak different words incessantly again.

Of course, most of it was 'Where's Ultraman? ''Can I see Ultraman? ''Let me meet' and so on, to be honest, this performance is not much different from the people on Earth, especially after the appearance is the same.

10 minutes, 10 minutes, there are two people outside the base, and there are also two people inside the base.

Franke imported the data into her own portable device, just as they researched, and sure enough, the disorder of time and space would make the past, the present and the future overlap.

There are also those three monsters that people care about. Ikars civilization has studied them for such a long time, but they have never seen them in another dimension. What is going on?

There are still many unknown things, and these can be investigated slowly in the future.

"Director Sawai, thank you for your kind help."

"Each each other."

The two shook hands, both satisfied with the trip.

Things seem to be over, and moving toward an end.

In this base, one person is strictly monitored.

At this moment, he felt an unusual aura.

"This power...negative energy!"

Turning directly from the bed, he rushed out of his room.

This action instantly attracted the guard's attention.

"Captain Karl!"

"Where is Jack? The situation is urgent, I can feel that something is about to appear!"

His eyes were not the color that humans should be, and there seemed to be blood flowing in the pupils.

Suddenly, as if echoing each other, Carl's knees softened, and he half-kneeled on the ground while leaning on the wall.


What the hell, what the hell!

What Carl felt was what was brought.

Hidden in the forest near the base of the American branch, the woman was lying on the ground, her right eye was in line with the scope.

No one knew exactly how she came, and what she saw was a defenseless figure.

Director Sawai and Franka who came out of the base noticed their Jack and Iss.

The trigger is pressed, and... blood blooms.

The woman's tongue licked her lips, as if tasting the fragrance of blood.

Chapter 140 Eight Wrong Choices

How fragile life is. The white dress is stained red with red blood. Although he is a cosmic being, he is not a brazen head and iron arms. A powerful bullet pierces through the skull and finally gets stuck inside.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment. The girl who was alive and kicking a second ago fell down with a stiff smile on her face. When the corpse touched the ground, someone moved.


Jack roared, the situation on this side had already been noticed, the warning system was activated, and the flight trajectory and source of the ballistic were immediately calculated.

He stood behind Director Sawai and Franke, protected them, and headed back to the base.

In the woods, the woman sneered.

Above the sky, the disk was lifted into the air in an emergency.

Too slow, really too slow, for the gunners who were prepared, her firing was a signal.

Negative emotions that cannot be seen are transformed into concrete shapes, and negative energy is materialized. After such a long period of silence, a new monster is formed under someone's will... No, that is a monster ?

It has a coral-colored body with a blue starfish-like pattern on its belly.

There are only dull eyes, and the skin covering the body is like foam armor, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

From appearance to attack, only a moment.

From ten meters above the ground to 50 meters above the ground, the green disc failed to escape.

The gigantic being named Delim Gilas opened its mouth, and the whole weird face became even more abnormal, looking like a pattern that was randomly pieced together.

The next moment, the ejected red liquid formed a high-pressure blade, and the disk was cut off from the center, corroded, and finally turned into a ball of fire in the explosion, and the wreckage fell down.

Iss died, and Ikars' disk was destroyed. The whole process took less than two or two seconds.

In the forest, a woman with a moving gun is staring at the target in the scope.

There is only the last person left, just kill him, how can you run past bullets with just two legs?

However, troublesome things happened.


She smacked her lips, because what was in the mirror was no longer a defenseless figure, but a human being deliberately blocking it.

Jack, the head of the American branch, would not be able to sit in this position if he was an idiot, so in this short period of time, his brain pieced together a conclusion.

The people of the Ilkas civilization came to the earth and then disappeared... What kind of event is this?

'Who intends to cause conflicts or even wars between the two civilizations, and such a situation should be avoided no matter what. '

In other words, the survivors must be kept alive.

The thought made the body move, so Jack stood in front of the gun.

It's a pity that even if he could barely block the bullets as a shield, he couldn't stop the giant beast's attack.

Born with negative energy as the source, Delim Gilas obeys the orders of its master. The high-pressure water gun made of corrosive liquid produced in its body is an indestructible blade.

It is not difficult to cut this base from it. The American Branch failed to react, or it was impossible to react.

There is no sign of the monster's appearance, it is formed out of thin air, and it attacks directly.

The water jet shot out, aiming at the three people who were about to run into the base.

'It's too late. '

Karl, who rushed out of the base, could clearly feel the movement of the enemy, probably because the enemy was composed of huge negative energy.

His eyes met Jack's, and then, he gritted his teeth.

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