
Jack was able to see Carl over there, it was a bad plan, it shouldn't be.


There are no cool transforming lines, just roars mixed with pain.

Regardless of distance, the invisible connection cannot be severed.

The red crystal stored in the closed space lights up with the use of the connector, and enough negative energy has already been absorbed in it to be released.

The high-pressure water gun hit the pale and pitch-black arm, and before Delimjilas could react, the heavy impact knocked it over to the ground.


The women in the forest were stunned. When did humans master such a technology?

The unexpected situation made everyone unable to react, and the impact of the two huge existences shook the ground.

As a result, the three of Jack fell to the ground and looked up suddenly. Standing there was a giant mixed with pale and black.

From the appearance alone, it is easy to remind him of the existence of 'Ultraman'.

It's just that the pale body is mixed with black twisted lines, and the eyes and the timer on the chest are dazzling red.


Brain shaking, Carl felt a strong urge to destroy.

Panic, pain, jealousy, sadness, despair, anger, an almost chaotic combination inside the body made of negative energy, all emotions are finally attributed to one goal - to destroy the enemy in front of you.

'Look, Jack...'

While panting, what came out was a low voice.

Delim Jilas stood up from the ground, and before it could counterattack, that heavy punch hit it hard on the face.

The giant that appeared was not just for show, he hit the knee with all his strength, and straightened the arched body of the enemy with an uppercut.

He aimed at about the neck, and cut off the hand knife from the side.

Amidst the dull echo, Dlimgilas blocked the attack with his raised arm.

At this moment, the weird square mouth opened its teeth, and the gushing high-pressure water gun accurately hit the giant's chest.

With a muffled grunt, he was forcibly pushed back.

But behind him is the base of the American branch.

The hands meet in front of the chest, and the condensed negative energy is released.

The rapidly rotating red and black light wheel blocked the water gun, and the two stalemate in the collision.

Break away from the crisis, and the negative energy in the body becomes smoother during use.

Invoked again, throwing the second glowing wheel forward.

Skimming from below, the jagged blade slashed at Dlimjilas' abdomen, spinning, cutting, and embedding towards the body.

Obviously so, but there was no response. The monster increased the force of the water gun as if it couldn't feel the pain.

The red-eyed giant put his hands up, and then jumped up.

His movements immediately attracted the attention of the enemy, and the sharp water blade cut upwards.

Will it be hit?

Not will.


Really, fly.

An unbelievable feeling rose in his heart. Behind the giant was the chasing water blade, but he was left behind because of the angle.

So wreck, smash everything to pieces.

'Well? ! '

A strange way of thinking was spinning in his brain, and his consciousness was briefly absent.

The ground shook, and the stumbling giant took a few steps forward, barely falling.

'Screw you! '

Concentrate and be yourself.

It is always easier to say than to do, and the rising desire to destroy vents on the enemy who turned around at this time.

He rushed forward, locked on the head, throat, and under the ribs, and the punches exploded at the 'critical' parts in his cognition.

Delimjiras still behaved as violently as before, his throat was hit by a straight fist with all his strength, ignoring this force, he swung the palm with his backhand and staggered the giant, and the kick hit the opponent's chest again.

Falling to the ground and rolling back, the giant half-kneeled on the ground, and immediately dodged to the side. The high-pressure water gun cut a huge mark on the ground.

At this moment, red and blue, a total of nine melted rays and frozen rays hit Delim Gilas's back.

A violent explosion set off, and the traumatized instinct made it stop the attack.

Seizing this opportunity, the giant once again constructed a red and black halo, but this time it was not thrown, but held in its hand as a uniquely shaped dagger.

The sharp claws swung down, the light wheel slashed up, and even the sparks of friction failed to generate, and Delimjilas' palms were separated from the middle.

Immediately, the giant's raised right hand slashed down diagonally, and the pulled slash cut open the enemy's throat.

At this moment, the attack hit.


Pain came, and the starfish-shaped blue lines on Delimjilas' abdomen shot out, turning into sharp tentacles.

Sparks splashed, and the passing tentacles quickly gathered.


The arms, legs, waist, and neck are instantly tightened.

'What the hell is this thing--'

Karl was astonished at the situation at this time, Delim Gilas, whose abdomen and throat were cut by the eight-point light wheel, penetrated into it.

The opponent raised his severed palm, and swiped his sharp claws down, hitting the giant's chest.

Sparks exploded again, and a painful groan came out.

'Doesn't it hurt? '

Encountering an attack is only a feedback due to the impact. Even if it is injured, as long as it is still alive, it will continue to attack.

This is definitely not a normal creature.

The next moment, the three Feiyan EX-Js of the American branch attacked again. The light guns accurately hit the tentacles that bound the giant, and the high-heat energy lines burned these troublesome things.

Breaking free from bondage, what the giant recalled was the scene he had seen in his childhood.

With his left arm in front and his right arm behind, he connected his wrists to his wrists, using the palm of his right hand as the launch port, and the light constructed by negative energy was shot out, forming red and black particles.

Like countless fine needles piercing, the wound on Delimjilas' abdomen became a breakthrough, and destructive power poured into the body and wreaked havoc.

Its mouth opened again, red liquid spewed out, even though it was injured, it was still attacking.

The water column hits, palms up.

The light released by the giant was pulled into an inconspicuous arc along with his movements, and a scorched black mark appeared on Delimjilas' body, and the corrosive liquid it spit out was also pushed back.

The streamer poured into the entrance this time, and began to destroy from the upper and lower sides.

The brain that executed the order was completely destroyed. This time, Delim Gilas failed to fight back. Its knees gave way, and it knelt on the ground and fell down.


The giant straightened up and looked at his hands. Immediately afterwards, the corpse in front of him exploded suddenly, and three Feiyan EX-Js passed by the side.

'Well! '

As if he had found a carrier, the blasted negative energy poured into his body.


Women take notice of this.

'It's a bit of a surprise, but...'

Tiny to almost imperceptible fluctuations appeared, and behind her was a shattered space.

Soon, the woman merged into the red different dimension, and the glass-like fragments returned to their original positions without leaving any traces.

At the same moment, the giants who were half kneeling on the ground due to pain scattered and turned back to their original human beings.

'It seems that being a hero is much more difficult than I imagined...'

Karl closed his eyes, and the last thing he saw were his comrades running towards him.

--------------------------------------------Dividing line

The man-made Ultraman project, which is a plan initiated by the TPC's hawks, has another approach besides collecting the giant stone statue fragments in the Pyramid of Light.

Negative energy, and negative energy monsters.

The monster named Kleistant that appeared in Japan at the beginning was investigated and obtained a unique device that can materialize negative energy.

Based on the information received from the original user, it can absorb negative emotions and materialize what the user is after.

Negative energy monsters are the embodiment of this power.

As a result, the American branch launched a call for users, and the person who met the standard was Carl Anderson. He survived the battle with the invaders outside the field, showing great enthusiasm and willpower, and finally became a crystal the second user of .

Absorb negative emotions, transform them into negative energy, and turn this force into reality.

The existence of negative emotions is not lacking on the earth, and billions of people are enough to generate huge negative emotions in a day, so, it is said to be a plan, but the action that can almost be called a human experiment has begun.

After that, such information was recorded.

First of all, there is a huge amount of negative energy stored inside the crystal, and the internal negative emotions will be transmitted to the user because of the connection between the user and the crystal.

In other words, the crystal will affect the user in turn, increase the user's negative emotions, magnify the darkness in his heart, and then use this to feed back the crystal.

Other people's negative emotions are just a source of energy, and the user's negative emotions are the real nourishment.

Secondly, strong willpower can barely overcome this weakness, and it is only barely affected.

Even if a negative energy monster or a negative energy Ultraman is really created, it also carries the risk of going berserk, and if it is not careful, it will become an existence that endangers human beings.

Finally, the experiment was over and the conclusion was that the plan had failed.

The problem is, they don't know how to cut this link.

Yes, Karl couldn't get rid of the pain, anger, sadness, despair and a series of emotions flowing from the crystal.

He can move freely in the base, but he needs to be accompanied no matter where he goes.

In 24 hours a day, he needs a professional psychiatrist for treatment for about 4 hours, but he cannot be cured.

He was deeply influenced by the crystal.

"You ruined a young man's future."

After a long absence, Director Sawai's tone was filled with uncontrollable anger.

And Jack, as the head of the branch, has no way to refute, he really regrets it.

140 Nine Chapters Artificial Ultraman

Why do you want to join TPC?

Isn't that a simple question?

I have loved airplanes since I was a child.

Boys always fantasize about flying in the sky, the difference is that this fantasy can last for several years and whether it will be broken by reality.

I've been working out hard to make sure I don't get affected and become a bit 'boring' in the eyes of my friends.

Finally, after graduating from high school, with my daily exercise and eyesight unaffected by video games, I joined the Air Force and realized my dream.

It doesn't matter if there is no battle, just looking at the sea of ​​clouds in the sky is already an unforgettable scenery.

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