It's not self-deprecating, it's just an argument. Zamsha's sense of energy can be classified as "sluggish".

Even Mephilas said that he had never seen such a phenomenon, and it was even more disturbing now.


"Nangong hasn't come back yet, so there's no need for you to run here all the time, right?"

Kyoko put the instant coffee in front of the bar, a little surprised how often the other party came.

"I haven't come back now, but I will always come back. I found a good reason, and I can still appreciate your magnificence up close like this, the store manager."

Zamxia picked up the coffee, and opened his mouth to describe it from someone who didn't know where he learned it.

"Peerless elegance... Do you believe this? Anyway, I don't believe it."

When you already know that this person is here for another person, he suddenly praises you, it is absolutely nonsense.

"Haha, of course I believe it."

What does fenghuapeaidai mean?

How would I know!

It's so easy to use it casually without any psychological burden without knowing the meaning.

Putting down the empty coffee cup, Zamxia got up to leave.

"Nangong, just come back quickly."

He was really looking forward to it. If you want to ask why, did he protect Kumamoto in the previous battle?

In this way, Empat should owe him a favor, right?

How can I repay this favor?

"If you only order one cup, you order something expensive."

Kyoko complained from behind.

"Next time definitely."

Zamxia waved his hand, and the wind chime sounded crisp and sweet when the door rotated.

"That's what you said last time."

When the door is turned, the inside and outside are isolated.

Did the store manager say anything just now?

I didn't hear that, anyway, I'll order the more expensive one next time... ah.



The police officer who happened to be patrolling this area, and the wanted criminal who came out head-on.

"Don't go!"

"Idiots stop!"

"Why do you run faster than I ride a bike?!"

"I'm so talented!"

Chased and fled, away from the quiet area.

"What are you doing, that guy..."

Kyoko began to worry about whether the police officer would come to collect evidence and affect the guests.

At this moment, the upstairs door opened, the time ended, and Ryoko walked down the stairs.

"Huh? Has Zamsha gone back?"

"Just left, maybe I won't be able to come next time."

After all, he's in jail.

"Oh, that's not certain."

Unexpectedly, Ryoko's tone was a little smug, because Kyoko didn't seem to know about that.

"You, is there anything you want to show off to me?"

The younger sister's expression was too obvious, so the older sister decided to ask directly.

"Ding Dong, that's right!"

This is a very interesting thing!

Chapter 150 The Days of Ultraman's Absence

School, break time, what to do after surviving the crisis of world destruction?

Do you need to ask?

Going to school of course!

If you don’t study hard, you won’t be able to get into a good school. If you don’t get into a good school, you will be frustrated when you go out to the society. It’s true that work experience and academic qualifications have their own advantages, but you can only find them with a good academic qualification. work better.

In other words...

"Don't think that after surviving today, it will be all good things. Study hard for your own future, otherwise you will know what real hell is in the future. Mortgage loans, car loans, marriage loans, if you want to live happily, money is indispensable .”

This is the inexplicable negative energy spread by the teacher in the previous class, but even if it is said, it doesn't make much sense.

You won't know that feeling until you actually experience it. Human beings are such troublesome creatures.

It's get out of class time.

"In the future... I don't know what will happen in the future, I haven't thought about this issue at all."

For UNIQ, or for most high school students, this is too far away.

It is precisely because we do not have the slightest understanding of the concept of 'future' that we muddle along.

"Forget it, I don't want these anymore."

She shook her head and put aside the complicated things first.

"No, you'd better think about it carefully."

Xingzi complained, why can't I not think about it, anyway, I have to think about it sooner or later, you might as well organize your plans now.

"It's too troublesome. I'll talk about it later when I fill out the application."

Uniq shrugged, and then took out the mobile phone that everyone had during get out of class time.

"By the way, I found something very interesting."

As soon as this matter was mentioned, I immediately beamed with joy.

She quickly opened the website, and compared the photos with the photos, she came to a conclusion:

"Look, it's exactly the same."

What unfolded before Kyoko's eyes were two existences, one big and one small.

The former is a one-eyed swordsman with a knife. He stands between the buildings, but he doesn't look short. The glass reflects his figure vaguely, but he is more infected by red.

This is an unknown giant who defeated the monster that appeared in Kumamoto when the whole earth had an accident before.

The armor on his body is reminiscent of an ancient general.

The latter are ordinary people surrounded by crowds.

Holding a sword in his hand, he seemed to be performing something on the street.

What these two have in common is that the hilts of the weapons in their hands are exactly the same as the sword grid separated from the center of the body.

Kyoko stared at the young man, and slowly uttered a question from her mouth:


Who is this man?do not know.

As soon as this remark came out, Yui was shocked.

"Are you… serious?"

Are you sure you don't know this person?

"So who is it?"

There was a hint of irritability in Kyoko's tone, she didn't like those riddlers who spoke half-spoken.

"A regular customer in your shop, a peek-a-boo warrior who roams around..."

Uniq, who understood this, gave the answer helplessly. As a frequent visitor, she has met each other many times, but as a person who lives in the store...

Why don't you know him?

It's better to say that you are not too concerned about your store?

She doesn't care about her friend's expression at all, but Kyoko cares about another thing instead:

"What's the matter with this strange title?"

Inexplicably, she remembered the memes she saw on the Internet before, no one can bear the humiliation of being killed by a pink furry rabbit.

So can anyone bear the humiliation of being defeated by a peek-a-boo warrior?

"It's because the police are often chased by the police for illegally holding a knife, but the police can't catch it. My dad also said that the other party is as slippery as a loach, and he looks like a chameleon when hiding, and he can't find it."

The police suspected that the other party came to find trouble on purpose, but the embarrassing thing was that they really couldn't catch the other party.

" just said that he is a regular customer in my shop?"

Kyoko thought for a while, and began to worry that it would cause trouble to her upper body.

"Actually, it seems that the police have started to slow down their work recently... No, the focus of our chat is not here!"

Aren't you talking about swords?

Uniform, who reacted suddenly, quickly brought the topic back.

"Look, the sword is the same as the sword, playing with the strength of the police. I think this coincidence can explain many, many problems."

Her speech stunned Kyoko.


Is it really okay for you to say that?

It must be very unpleasant to be heard by your father.

"If the peek-a-boo warrior is actually this giant with a sword, then who is Nangong who has been pestering him all this time?"

At this time, the purpose of UNIQI is ready to come out.

"Look, not only that, but have you noticed that Nangong will disappear once any big event happens?"

How many times is it?

To be honest, Unii was thinking about working in Kyoko's coffee shop after graduation, and somehow she played and disappeared so many times without getting fired, it was too gentle.

"When you say that..."

Kyoko folded her hands on her shoulders and began to think about it seriously.

When the cosmic beings invaded, and this time when something invaded, it did disappear in the two major crises.

"Just the right disappearance, as the saying goes, when countless coincidences overlap, it is no longer a coincidence, but an inevitable occurrence."


"So Nangong is definitely not Ultraman. It is a good thing to have a dream, but unfortunately it is not realistic."


Eh?Why did you come here?

Did you say so many things before, but it turned out to be abducted to this conclusion?


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