
"It's only twice because of a coincidence. This doesn't even reach the concept of 'several', and it's 'countless'. Besides, I don't believe it."

Kyoko is a man of science.

"With such a mass reduced to such a small body, what about the conversion rate of energy? What about mass conservation? What principle? What concept? What formula? It's not scientific at all."

"No, can Earth's science control aliens..."

You take the sword of the earth to kill my alien warrior?

"It's impossible anyway, I don't believe it, and I don't accept it either."

"why is it like this......"

Uniform lowered his head in disappointment, the plan to develop Kyoko into an informant had suffered a huge failure.

At this moment, an unfamiliar figure suddenly appeared in her eyes.

"Yo! Nishinomiya!"

"um, I?"

The boy who didn't know where he came back was a little surprised, he didn't expect to be stopped.

Because in fact, the two parties only had a little contact before. When the incident happened at that time, when Nangong came to pick up the person with an umbrella, they knew the connection with each other.

"I said Nishinomiya..."

Uniq moved closer to the other party and lowered his voice.

"Nangong is actually Ultraman, right?"


Kyoko barely endured that certain word, what kind of straight-ball speech is this, is your mind alright?

"what are you saying?"

Ryo's response was to pretend to be stupid.

"He is a distant relative who lives in my house."


"Hmph... so..."

Unii left Liang, and she found out sadly that no one is an ally. Aren't you curious?

'Even if it's just me, I want to find out! '

Shaking the grief away, she was sure she was definitely not dreaming.

As for why it was found... I don't know, in short, find it first, and you can think about the reason later.

"Then I'll go back to the classroom first."

"See you!"

Saying goodbye and waving.

'It's not time to say goodbye...'

Liang complained in his heart about the other party's incongruity, not only that, but the rapid face-changing performed by the other party just now had a strong sense of déjà vu.

He felt that if Uniform and Jia Wu met, they would definitely become good friends, and they should be the kind of carefree people.

The boy turned around and walked into the classroom.

Uniq looked at his friend, but found that the other's expression was a little strange.

"what happened?"

Although it is normal for Kyoko to keep silent in front of unfamiliar people, under normal circumstances, she should not look at others like this.


Kyoko looked away and responded casually.

"Say you hate riddlers, but you're a riddler yourself."

Uniq directly complained.

"That's right, I have a double standard, and everyone has a double standard."


I can only say 'grass', this guy obviously looked gentle at the beginning, but after getting along with him, he realized that it's not normal for this troublesome character to have no friends.

At this moment, there are two sets of arguments in Kyoko's mind.

According to Kyoko's statement, Nangong claimed to be a smuggled person from China with no identity.

According to Xigong's side, Nangong is his distant relative and lives here.

So, who is the liar?Why lie?

' Can't see that guy is a liar. '

What came back in her mind was the young man with a silly face rather than a poker face.

A stern expression, in fact, is simply not thinking about anything.

Paper airplanes are used as Frisbees, thank you for making them!

Suddenly, the ringtone came to his ears, and his thinking was interrupted.

A student is an existence that wants to return to the classroom and sit quickly like a pet that hears a call.

The new curriculum has started, and there is actually no big difference between students around the world in this matter.

The bell for class was clearly transmitted to the sky, and after flying around the earth, Carl felt amazing when he returned to the sky above the American continent.

'Am I Superman? '

After concentrating, what he heard was the sound of the school bell ringing in the city below, and when he returned to the high altitude, the figure of his comrades was reflected in his eyes.

Realizing that there was no way to catch up with him, the flying teams of the American branch stopped their useless follow-up.


To say hello, there was only a low voice.

He raised his right hand to one side, and after saying hello, he, Carl, and the flight team returned to the base.

A few minutes later, Branch Chief Jack and Director Sawai walked out of the base after receiving the news.

They looked up, and sure enough, the gray skin, the black twisted pattern, the red eyes and the timer gave people a feeling of horror besides horror.

Even so, even Director Sawai had a strange feeling in his heart.

Ultraman, an Ultraman transformed from a human.

Soon, the lightly falling giant half-kneeled on the ground, its body disappeared, and finally turned into a young soldier.

"Commander! Director!"

Karl immediately stood at attention and saluted, his posture tall and straight.

"How does it feel?"

Director Sawai asked.

"Great, I'm actually flying in the sky, [-] feet, I think I can fly even higher!"

There was uncontrollable excitement in his tone, which was very different from the depression before.

"I was asking how are you feeling?"

Director Sawai cares more about the young man's inner problems than strength.

"Oh, no problem! To be honest, I still have a bunch of voices in my head talking to me, but I feel great."

Karl thanked the old man from the bottom of his heart for taking the initiative to let him go out and transform into Ultraman, soaring in the sky.

'In this way, I won the opportunity to move freely! '

He felt that he was addicted, the feeling of flying was unstoppable.

He can perform actions that fighters cannot make at will.

But before Carl could speak, Jack gave the order first:

"Captain Carl Anderson at orders."


The soldier's instinct made him subconsciously stand upright.

"From today onwards, you will be assigned to a special operations team with only one person. You want to fight the invaders as our own Ultraman and monsters. Can you do it?"

This is the result of discussions between Director Sawai and Jack during this period of time. Carl shows no signs of going berserk, and the crystal ball that was originally stored has also been taken out.

Now it was placed under the aim of six beam guns, which was the last resort.

If this negative energy Ultraman goes berserk, just destroy the only one crystal completely.

Happiness came too fast and too suddenly, and people couldn't react for a while.

'So I don't have to stay in the room anymore? '


Answering loudly, Karl firmly seized this opportunity and never let it go.

He was originally a TPC soldier, and he already had the experience and awareness of fighting monsters and invaders.

Rather, this is what he wanted.

"Very well, then you will be the pillar of human beings in the future. By the way, can you become the size of a human being like Tiga and Empat?"

Jack's question made Carl close his eyes.

"Let me try."

He invoked negative energy, and the next moment, a somewhat hideous expression emerged.

One second, two seconds, wrapped in red light, slowly dissipated.

The same size as a human, Karl stepped out after transforming.


Changed by the desire of the user, he is now able to speak.

"Very good, it will be much easier for you to control your own strength. At least we don't have to worry about which mountain will be blown up by a giant tens of meters high during training."

"Commander, do you have such a sense of humor?"

Karl stared at his hands, and he had a hunch that a new life was coming, which would turn his life upside down.

'Can I also be a hero who protects mankind? '

I thought so in my mind.

Chapter 150 The Tyrant Attacks

The inside is black, and the outside is red. Although it is called Spyium Ray, only the firing action is the same.

Carl, who has become a negative energy Ultraman, imitates the actions in the movie, but in fact, any action can be released.

Transform into a huge body with itself as the core, and control yourself as you like before.

In front of him, a heavy and thick metal block was easily pierced. It was a test tool built by TPC in a short period of time. It seems that this 'Spaceum Ray' cannot be blocked by the current human beings.

"look at me."

Carl stared at his hands. At this time, he was the same height as before the transformation. The 'mouth' didn't move, but he could make a sound.

According to a detailed inspection, Karl's body at this time is almost entirely composed of negative energy. It seems that the materialized energy is making sound on the same principle as the vocal cords, which makes people feel that it is not scientific at all.

However, the transformation of negative emotions into negative energy that can be actually used is itself a challenge to human science.

"Look at me, Commander, I feel like I am a color-changing toy released by a certain Japanese toy company. Changing the pattern and color can cheat money again."

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