
"The color-changing operation is really familiar, and I always feel that there are a lot of things in my brain."


"So I'm actually a color-changing Ultraman?"


The words in the other party's mouth never stopped, and Jack could only sigh helplessly.

What can he do?

'Talking all the time distracts me and makes me less susceptible to negativity' - let's just say it does, but it's annoying.

"Why do you know so much about these things?"

Not really wanting to continue on the topic of 'color-changing toys sold for ten years', Jack tried to turn the topic back to the other party.

"Commander, I was once young too."

Carl shrugged, though it felt subtle in that gesture.

"Robots, space fighters, singers, and a series of figures."

As a man longing for the sky, he was actually obsessed with this series of works when he was young.

"So young people like hand-made things, don't they?"

Jack raised his eyebrows, and he asked the young man who couldn't stop talking too much.

"What? Commander, are you interested too?"

"No, no."

But my daughter does.

He doesn't know much about young people. He only knows that when he went home from vacation last time and went into his daughter's room, there were a lot of beautiful things... right, and then he was forcibly kicked out.

"Instead of caring about this kind of thing, you might as well hurry up and continue to exercise your abilities."

Jack's face was solemn, causing Carl to shrink back.

In any case, the two were actually in the relationship between the superior and the subordinate. Before that, one was the head of the American branch, and the other was just a pilot in the team.

The reason why it became the way we get along today is all because of a sentence from the psychiatrist: 'Don't put too much pressure on him. '

So Jack temporarily threw away the relationship between superiors and subordinates, and found that Carl was really annoying.

"Ha! Spyium Rays!"

The hands joined together to form a cross, and black and red negative energy shot out.

"Ha! Eight-point light wheel!"

The fingertips are facing each other in front of the red timer, and then pulled to the right rear. The rapidly rotating light wheel can be used as a dart for throwing or held in the hand as a weapon.

"Ha! Attack Ray!"

The energy is channeled into the right hand, forming a continuous ray in the form of a ring.

"Why do you keep calling your name?"

Jack couldn't help it in the end.

"Because the nirvana is to shout loudly, even if you attack from behind, you have to scream with all your strength."

Carl didn't know whether he was joking or serious, at least his expression was serious.


This is the Ultraman that belongs to human beings?Is it really okay to entrust the future of mankind to this guy?

Can't help but start thinking about this question.

Time flows day after day, imperceptibly, a week goes by.

In the peaceful days, there are neither monsters nor Ultraman, but there are only conspiracies brewing.

'There is no way to make a super beast. '

In the dark world, there are two huge beings here.

Among them, the 62-meter monster completely surpassed Altman's height. Its hands hang down, but there are no palms that can relax freely.

The left hand is a meteor hammer, the right hand is a short scythe, and both arms are inherited from the assassin super beast Baraba.

The head is Seageras, and the tail is King Crabber. Two monsters that exist in the 'sea' domain are fused together. There is naturally a sharp horn that can manipulate the ocean.

The feet are Red King, with powerful legs supporting its weight.

Its body is also a combination of monsters, the belly feeding port provided by the cosmic monster Bemonstein, and the back spikes provided by the juice super beast Han Zakiran.

Adding two by two, they are completely fused together.

Han Zakiran's terrifying vitality is the basis of this monster, with unlimited physical strength and resilience, and a completely liberated physical body.

The resentment left by the enemies who were once defeated by Tiga and Empat were combined, stitched together by negative energy, and finally became a powerful monster that has not yet awakened.

There is one last step, which is to give it sanity.

Originally, I planned to use stronger resentment, but I couldn't do it because the upper limit had already been reached.

There is always a limit to everything, and this monster has reached it.

"Ikarsians, use your distorted will to drive the strongest physical battle."

Resentment is a fragment of the soul, and here is the collected, real soul.

It's just that these souls were roughly mixed together at this time, forming a disgusting 'ball'

Hands, feet, head, and the iconic big ears all floated on the surface, and dozens of eyes all over the sphere opened and closed irregularly from time to time, and the mouth on the side of the eyes opened.

Painful wailing, crazy sight.

Pain is the simplest way to constitute hatred, and beings swallowed by hatred hate everything in the world indiscriminately.

"Very well, it's not in vain that I have been caring about you all this time."

Forcibly splicing souls and souls together, 'sticking' one after another, memory and memory interfere with each other, consciousness and consciousness constantly conflict, bringing boundless frenzy.

Even so, it didn't stop, and now the total of 18 people is the best raw material.

No self-will, no thinking personality, only a mad desire to destroy.

Put this distorted soul aggregate into the strongest body that has been prepared for a long time, and it is constructed with two big ears.

For one second, two seconds, three seconds, those yellow eyes stared at the cold and deep seabed.

This is where it was born. At the same time, humans have not been able to conquer it, and it is also a large trench that TPC cannot pay attention to, the Mariana Trench, with a depth of 11034 meters.

The strong sea pressure didn't affect its activities, and the Sigaras and King Crabber in its body endowed it with the ability to survive in the sea.

An existence composed of monsters, super beasts, and aliens, and even super beasts that surpass monsters are just a part of it.

That being the case, why not call him a 'King'?

The soul that drives the body is full of desire to destroy, because that piece of soul is always in endless pain, neither dead nor alive, extremely violent.

That being the case, it is the violent king.

The tyrant monster Tyrant was born, it opened its mouth, and sea water poured into it.

The roaring sound resonated with the sea water, and its ferocious aura spread in all directions.

The sense of existence that had gradually become clear from a few days ago instantly became huge. In this activity, the creatures that should be the top predators of the deep sea frantically wanted to escape.

The thick horned hands swayed, and the undulating sea water immediately attracted Tyrant's attention.

It's just that the overlord squid active in the deep sea suddenly noticed that it couldn't control its body anymore.

Without even having time to react, it disappeared into this world.

The big mouth of Tyrant's abdomen opened, whether it was sea water or other things, all poured into its mouth.


Not so, the vitality provided by Hanzakiran made it not need to eat at all.

It is an existence beyond the ecological chain of monsters, and its hatred for life makes it devour everything crazily.

"Heh, heh heh heh, ha ha ha ha ha!"

Its maker looked upon its supreme creation with delight, and even without its command, Tyrant would act of its own accord.

Sad souls with deformed interiors have nothing left but pain, and now they're about to bring that pain to everything in the world.

Schools of fish, plants, overlord squid, and even sperm whales are sucked into their mouths.

In just a few seconds, the ecology at the bottom of the Mariana Trench was completely destroyed, and everything that could be seen was swallowed up by greedy mouths.

There is nothing left here.

The super beast that originally existed behind Tyrant disappeared without a trace, and he wanted to find a special seat to watch the destruction of the world.

Bubbles gushed out of its mouth and nose, and the fighting instinct of this tyrant monster was so exaggerated that the sharp horns inherited from Sigeras released a flash that could not be observed by any existence.

From the deep sea, everything is different.

The fish that were originally swimming in the upper layer felt abnormal, but before they escaped, the ocean ushered in a new owner.

Moreover, the catastrophe that no one can predict or imagine shows its posture.

How exactly did it start?

The first thing that the TPC Pacific Maritime Observatory noticed was the anomaly of the sea level.

"what happened?"

The staff stared suspiciously at the information from the 'sign'.

The so-called mark is a special device that TPC puts into the water to play the role of observation.

Although many scholars in this era are concerned with the exploration of the ocean, human beings are species that cannot survive in water. Therefore, in line with the trend of the times, the focus has shifted to the exploration of the universe.

It's just that for the ocean, unsolved puzzles, and monsters that may be hidden under the sea make TPC feel vigilant.

Facts have also proved that their vigilance is correct.

"Why did the sea level suddenly..."

The sea level suddenly dropped by 3 meters?

Absolutely abnormal situation cannot be ignored, immediately contact the TPC China Branch which is closest to here.

"This is the Pacific maritime monitoring base. Before 1 minute, we...we..."

Words, did not have time to go on.

What was presented to the staff of the entire monitoring base was a veritable magical scene.

The sun is warm above the sky, and today's temperature is comfortable.

That's why it seems weird, no matter how you think about that scene, it should be in harmony with the storm.

People's eyes were completely drawn and failed to notice the readings on the device.

What was set off on the sea was a huge tornado, a sea tornado, and its scope expanded wildly.

Ten meters, 50 meters, 100 meters, the vortex sucks in everything around, and there is nothing in the sky, but the huge seaspout keeps rising.

Ten meters, 50 meters, 100 meters, the range increases proportionally to the height.

Why is sea level falling?

The reason is revealed in front of the eyes, because the sea water forms a tornado, which seems to go straight to the sky.

This is abnormal. The elements that make up the waterspout, whether it is high temperature, high humidity, or cumulonimbus clouds, are completely absent, and the size is completely different, and it has expanded to more than 200 meters.

"What happened? Please answer."

In the middle of the communication was the operator of the Chinese base. This voice drew the attention of the monitoring base staff back.

It seemed as if it was raining heavily in the sky, and the sea water thrown out by the tornado hit the base tick-tock.

"The abnormal giant seaspout is forming and expanding, and now I will pass on the first-hand video and data of the scene to you!"

That's when people noticed.

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