There is not a single logo left that should have existed, and the dramatic changes in Haixia seem to be even more exaggerated.


The mouths gradually opened, one, two, three, the whales that were pulled out of the sea and thrown out fell into the sea. Before they could adjust their movements to escape, they were pulled into the vortex and rolled up again.

Not just whales, squids, sharks, dolphins, a mess, different types of medium-sized and large fish repeat the process of being thrown out of the tornado, then sucked in by the vortex under the sea, thrown out, and dragged in again.

In the end what happened?

Just observing the tip of such an iceberg is enough to conclude that the regional ecology has been completely destroyed.

The next moment, the tornado twisted into an arc.

All those present understood what this event represented.

"Evacuation, emergency evacuation, highest warning!"

Where the hell is that thing going?What kind of damage will it cause?

The twisted arc moves with the existence of the sea, and the raging sea tornado is heading towards the land closest to here, the land with the most life.

The huge continent closest to the Mariana Trench is Asia.

That's... China.

Walk, walk, walk, Tyrant's feet touched the bottom of the sea.

No one can see its posture clearly, because it is surrounded by frenzied water.

Wrapped in a whirlpool, a tyrant strikes.

Chapter 150 The Strongest Beast

"My ship—"

"Why can't you just wait!"

"That's all our belongings!"

"Isn't it your TPC's job to get rid of the monsters before that?"

Those who do not cooperate, those who cooperate, and the seaspout that is gradually approaching.

"Take them away even if you use strong means, act now!"

Under the command of the commander, the TPC soldiers began to move quickly. Now is not the time to reason with others.

"Let go of me, let me go, and after I go ashore, I must go to the TV station to expose this matter——"

"You survive for me before you think about these things."

Strongly take away those who are unwilling to evacuate, because they do not understand the seriousness of the matter.

Rather, no one will understand the seriousness of the matter until they see it with their own eyes.

Compared with the previous space-time shock, this time it is more physical, and there is no danger on such a large scale.


"Hey! What's that?!"

In the far corner of the ocean, something is moving.

Tick, tick, drops of water hit his face, and the fisherman subconsciously stuck out his tongue. There was no doubt that it was sea water.

Why is there water dripping from the sky?

Before everyone could react, the huge black shadow quickly approached.


The helicopter climbed up immediately, which was the instinctive reaction of the pilot.

In the next moment, the sky is blocked out.

Everyone standing on the boat was so shocked by this scene that they couldn't utter any words.

The creature passing by was bigger than a ship and heavier than steel. Its body was not an existence that could fly in the sky. The whale went from high to low, and then ruthlessly hit the sea.

In an instant, tens of meters of water splashed, and the huge waves soaring into the sky slammed into the powerless boat.

Unable to achieve even the slightest balance, the TPC staff who were still on board hugged the crew members in charge tightly, and the whole fishing boat turned over and was submerged by the rippling sea water.

The helicopter that rose in time swayed in the incoming water waves, and the rope tied to the companion's body was also pulled upwards at a gentle speed.


Breaking through the sea, the staff who responded promptly pulled the crew members who were also choking on the water, and the ropes on their bodies were being recovered.

'Are you kidding——'

What exactly is under the sea?

At this moment, what flew across the sky was the Feiyan-[-], which was being used as a reconnaissance aircraft, which had been completely replaced by the China Branch and the Far East Headquarters.

In addition to the sky, there are naturally actions under the sea.

The dispatched reconnaissance plane moved under the deep sea, and soon, just as it approached, the huge force pulled the entire drone over.

The picture in the camera shook wildly, and he was caught in the moving vortex.

"No, you can't get close to the seaspout at all."

The drones dispatched by the Chinese branch were devoured one by one. The only information TPC could get was that the moving vortex was still expanding.

From the center to the edge, more than a kilometer, and has been in a state of increasing.

The manipulation of the ocean, this phenomenon made them immediately find out the original 'Sigeras' information.

But if you compare, you can find the difference between the two.

This time, the monster did not set off a tsunami layer by layer, but was more exaggerated, as if it had become the so-called sea god, and the sea water was at its disposal.

Just then, the communication came.

"The information and video materials from the Far East base are now displayed on the screen."

Soon, the screen showed the advancing camera.

Drones don't have enough resistance, those with this resistance...

"Intermediate captain, did you use Dolphin 202?"

Wang Jianjun, the head of the Chinese branch, frowned, because it was too dangerous. Referring to the fate of drones, if something happened to the Dolphin 202 submarine, even the pilot inside would be torn to pieces.

"Relax, we are now using a more dexterous drone control program, and there is no operator inside the submarine."

On one side of the screen, the intermediary captain responded fluently in English. If you want to choose the most widely spread language in this era, it is undoubtedly English, so the compulsory course of TPC is this language.

Dolphin 202 advances in the water. The UAV control program co-produced by Norui and Horii was launched after the Battle of Seagrass. For humans, the deep sea is too dangerous.

Soon, the submarine that entered the periphery of the vortex stabilized itself amidst a wave of shaking.

"This landscape..."

No matter who is shocked, because this is too weird.

Different types of small fish can't even struggle, they just follow the direction of flow.

Corals, crabs, various marine life plants, and unstable rocks have all been pulled into it.

With the deepening of Dolphin 202, the things I see are more exaggerated, living in different depths, living in different areas, and creatures that should not be encountered all exist here.

They are neither predator nor prey, just miserable victims of being drawn in.

Deep-sea fish, the overlord squid so sought after by marine biologists flits by.


Forgetting even words, it is too majestic, and the scene that human beings can never construct makes people feel chilling.

It's like the Sea God's anger, and it seems to be a museum of whirlpools.

Unknowingly, the Dolphin 202 began to shake wildly, even before entering half of the area, TPC's cutting-edge submarine could no longer support it.

Not only that, the control no longer works, the terrible suction makes it impossible to escape, and moving forward is looking for a dead end.

Soon, without waiting for the controller to make a choice, the shaking and unable to dodge dolphin 202 was entangled by something.

It seems that it regards this barely immobile object as a reef that it can rely on. I don't know if it is the same overlord squid entangled it tightly with its horned hands.

The two were taken away together in an instant, and they went deep into the interior with even more terrifying power, shaking, and the camera could not capture useful images because of the imbalance and the camera rotating with the submarine.

"What is it, and what else is hidden on the earth?"

Branch Chief Wang Jianjun doesn't know how to evaluate it anymore. What is going on with this planet?

"This is Air Force One. It is about 500 meters away from Longsu Water, and we are starting to upload video data."

The flying reconnaissance team arrived, or clenched the joystick, or bit their lips. Just looking at this scene is enough to make people feel a strong sense of powerlessness.

The seaspout that goes straight to the sky is nearly a thousand meters high, and it is even rising.

Exactly how strong it must be to form such a scene, they didn't even see the shadow of the enemy, as if the ocean was angry and wanted to punish any life.

There has never been a feeling of being an enemy of nature like this time.

The thrown sea water hit the fuselage of Feiyan No. [-], only the sound of violent impact was heard, and the unbalanced fighter did not crash until the pilot made emergency adjustments.

"There is such a thing..."

The pilot saw it after finishing the adjustment, the big piece of 'fish meat' stuck to the wing

At the top of the seaspout, when the suction force is weakened, the fish being pulled up will be thrown out directly due to lack of strength.

With such a height and such strength, the sea surface is as hard as cement.

A terrible disaster is gradually showing its fangs, and it is the creatures in the ocean that bear the brunt.

"Keep the distance, distance!"

The order was given, and the flight team had to stay away from the waterspout that reflected its light even in the sun.

It started to rain, and it wasn't just fish, gravel, and coral that were thrown out.

The air was disturbed, and Feiyan No. [-], which rolled over urgently, avoided the falling dolphins screaming.

On the advancing route of the sea tornado, the high-altitude clouds were also torn apart, leaving only the dazzling sun shining.

These pictures were transmitted to TPC bases around the world, and they were thinking and discussing how to overcome the current difficulties.

The source of the event is thousands of meters underwater, and the vortex with a diameter of one thousand meters is a natural protection net.

Normal means will not work, and if the route is calculated, it will land in Xiamen, China.

Before its arrival on the mainland, the program was first used.

Equipped with a signal source, a new type of bomb that is manually detonated is put into use.

Accompanied by the pull towards the center of the vortex, as long as the central source of occurrence is killed, the disaster can be resolved.

While carrying out such a battle, we must first consider the consequences of failure.

TPC simply uses the monster detection radar to confirm that there are monsters inside, and even the monsters that can be played with by the sea may not be able to be solved by bombs alone.

What they have to consider is the safety of people's lives.

For now, the interior of the seaspout is a 'museum' of marine life

What would happen if the monster gave up control after landing?

The creatures inside will be used as bullets, as heavy artillery, and will be sprinkled into the city.

In the worst case, can you imagine a 30-meter-long, more than 100-ton blue whale falling towards the city from a height of hundreds of meters and kilometers?

This is really crazy.

Even the craziest movies have never constructed such a plot, throwing sea creatures one after another into the city as if they were bombs.

In order to avoid such a situation, if the monster at the source cannot be killed, the sea tornado must be eliminated.

How to eliminate it?

How can we offset the unknown number of cubic tons of seawater?

'Nuclear' - This weapon is back on the radar of the top brass.

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