After technological advancement, nuclear weapons no longer cause too much environmental pollution as before.

But what they are discussing is detonating nuclear weapons on the earth.

The fierce debate continued, and at this moment, it was the head of the American branch who interrupted everyone's discussion and drew their attention.

"Everyone, we still have a secret weapon that has not been announced."

At this moment, the thousands of bombs arranged were also sucked into the center of the vortex.

As the battle was executed, the violent explosion instantly engulfed the marine life in the center, and the smell of blood spread wildly.

However, whether it is the blood-soaked sea water or the explosion enough to completely shatter a medium-sized island, it is swallowed by the greedy jaws.

The upper and lower mouths, the nose, and the blood only arouse a stronger desire to destroy.

--------------------------------------------Dividing line

An orderly evacuation, even then, would be too slow.

Xiamen has a population of more than 400 million people. According to calculations, it only takes one hour for a seaspout to land in this beautiful city.

It is impossible to transfer the whole city within an hour. Some of them will go to the evacuation facilities, some will be transported away by plane, and the underground parking lot will not be available. It is not necessarily all fish that are thrown over. Enough to bathe an entire city.

The water flows downhill, and hiding in the underground parking lot is undoubtedly suicidal.

So, what kind of problems will arise if more than 400 million people gather in an entire city?

Ask why you can't leave the city and instead stay in a shelter in a city that is about to die.

Pushing and crowding, hoping to squeeze into the plane, the anxiety about the future is being transmitted.

There is no difference in this picture, no matter which country you are in, because no matter what country you are in, people are afraid of death, which is a matter of course.

The highways out of the city were also jammed, even as TPC crews tried to evacuate.

The picture of the whole city is reflected in the eyes of the red pupils in the sky. It is Ultraman produced by negative energy. He came from America and can feel the power in his body become full because of people's negative emotions.

By the way, there are more voices in my head.

There are no fighters accompanying him, because only he can do this task.

"At the beginning, it's The Expendables..."

Karl was smiling wryly, thinking of the words of the previous branch chief.

He is the key to everything. Whether he can protect the city and prevent the launch of nuclear weapons all depends on whether he can stop the monster.

Obviously, a few months ago, he was still flying a fighter jet in the sky, but now he actually wants to face the "Sea God" in the water?


'Only I can do it. '

In that case, just do it.

After all, I am also a member of TPC.

Accelerate further, just like that, it has already surpassed any fighter.

Ahead is a tangible tornado, you can't see the wind, but you can see the vortex, which is more exaggerated than any ship. Even compared with his already huge body, it is just a drop in the ocean.

The distorted power of nature is chilling.

Karl controlled his body to climb up, crossing the height of the waterspout, below was the deep blue water, and the blackness in the center was bottomless, as if it was a huge mouth that could swallow everything.


The fear that rose in an instant impacted his heart and brain in the boost, and he shook his head to shake off that emotion.


I'm not such a fragile person.


Accelerating at full speed, swooping down, the wet feeling hits the face, without causing any impact.

The pulling force couldn't have any effect, and Karl charged down along the tornado.

Drag cuts the speed a bit, but not a problem.

It goes completely into the sea, passing countless creatures, plants, and rocks, and they spin and dance beside them. What kind of a scene is this?

[-] meters, [-] meters, crazy descent, everyone in TPC is waiting for the result, waiting for the human Ultraman to complete his task.

Carrying heavy burdens and expectations, Karl's whole body was washed by the water flow, and at this moment, he noticed something abnormal.

Subconsciously, hands meet.


"This is?!"


No one will believe it, but the reality is right in front of us.

The ice sculptures over a kilometer were shining under the sun, which cannot be described in words. The raging seaspout completely stopped, spreading outward from the center, and the cold air drifted away, freezing together with the sea surface.

Chapter 150 Three Unskilled Powers

"It's a monster again, what is it this time?"

Because of the different countries, so do not know the specific situation.

Not only in Japan, people in almost all countries don't know what happened, they only know that there are monsters.

If you want to obtain first-hand information, you must fly to the Pacific Ocean to collect materials. Not many media have such capabilities.

"But as long as Ultraman exists, we can feel at ease."

Inside the coffee shop, people are paying attention to the information that the host said, and people are communicating with each other.

"That's right, from the Kingdom of Light for everyone, our Ultraman is an expert in destroying monsters."

"Hey, isn't that the theme song of the movie? Thank you for being able to sing it."

"After all, it was very popular at that time, and now I understand why there is no sequel."

"You thought it was a story, but it was actually an autobiography."

Everyone chatted and laughed.

It may be wishful thinking, but many people really regard the plot in the movie "Ultraman" as the real situation.

It doesn't matter if there are monsters, Ultraman will protect humans.


Inside the bar, people's attitude towards Ultraman is obviously improving, but why do they feel uncomfortable?

Kyoko sighed inwardly.

Presumably because it's just a swing from one extreme to the other.

It is difficult to change the thoughts of others, even the thoughts of friends, so she does not plan to continue thinking about this matter.

Turn your attention away, and suddenly notice something.


Look left, no.

Look right, no.


How do you also imitate your master to play what suddenly disappeared?

Yes, Geddy is gone. I don't know when it started, but it didn't know where it went.

'Maybe he fell asleep in some corner? '

She will probably run out from somewhere later, she thinks so.

In fact, Geddy did 'run away'.

It was just running out of the shop, carefully looking for a place where it would not be seen.

"Yo, how about taking one with me?"

Someone said so, with a smile on his face and a sharp knife sheathed in his hand.

--------------------------------------------Dividing line

"How can there be such a thing, is this really something that living things can do?"

Completely surpassing human cognition, the vortex that was still under the sea stopped completely, and the existence that was involved in it turned into biting ice.

The ice sculpture formed by the sea tornado went straight to the sky, but it did not collapse.

If you want to ask why, because the bottom is stable, and the sea surface is completely frozen, reflecting the brilliance in the sun.

For TPC, they know that Ultraman has powerful power, and they also judge that the other party can even turn the earth into a barren fire star.

But this is just an inference. At this time, the situation that violates the common sense of nature is really displayed in front of other creatures.

"The monster suddenly started moving at high speed!"

Suddenly, the soldier's warning call drew everyone's attention back.

Her fingertips flicked rapidly, and the picture on the screen quickly switched to the form of radar.

A red dot, that is the unique fluctuation of the monster.

The original inference was that it would land in Xiamen an hour later.

now, an hour?

The crazy skyrocketing speed speaks for itself, it doesn't take that long at all, just 5 minutes is enough.

Under the deep sea, Tyrant no longer walks slowly, its tail and hands swing from time to time, and the sharp horns on its head control the rhythm of the water flow.

Inheriting the abilities of Seageras and King Crabber, it doesn't just swim, but is further accelerated by the ocean current.

This sea is the home field of Tyrant, but it doesn't miss it.

The words here are not enough, all living things in the world must accept the destruction it brings.

"What about the evacuation of the citizens!"

"No! It's too late!"

"The nearby flying teams can't keep up, so we can only rely on the troops transferred to Xiamen to act!"

"Where will it land?"

"Go straight to Xiamen Port!"

"Impossible to intercept!"

"Fuck you!"

There was no problem with Tyrant's previous actions as "walking". At this time, it showed a part of its ability for the first time and instantly cut into the dead end of TPC.

Nuclear weapons cannot be used in a city with about 400 million people, so can fighter jets alone stop it?

5 minutes... No, the monster that was still accelerating further compressed the time, the information was sent back immediately, and soon, the order was conveyed.

Monsters cannot be allowed to enter the city, so Xiamen Port was abandoned.

If the facilities are gone, they can be rebuilt, and if people die, they can never come back.

Ballistic calculations, location predictions, and the passage of time, the calm water surface was completely disturbed, and the fierce waves seemed to indicate something.

The next moment, the water burst, and the existence inside popped up like a leaping dolphin, and waves hit the abandoned ships wave after wave.

The ground at the port was cracked and soaked, and the tyrant monster, which was not like an ordinary creature, scanned the front with its golden pupils.

There is no human breath here, the breath is ahead.

Aiming at it like this, the freezing ray and the melting ray shot at the same time.

The number increased to five, Feiyan EX-J separated, the α fighters aimed at the head, and the β fighters aimed at the legs.

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