Charged again, his body turned into a blurry shadow, the blade he swung was invisible, and he slashed out crazily, even his hands turned into staggered phantoms.

However, only the clanging of swords and halberds echoed.

Tyrant took a step back, swaying his body, and the scythe in his right hand also swayed.

Every time there is a collision, there will be a strong wind.

The falling blade collided with the raised hand sickle, and Zamsha held the metal scabbard at his waist.

Sweep backhand and hit the side-hand sickle.

Slash forehand, inflicting damage.

The bottom-up cross cut, the vertical cut that was pulled down after reaching the high point, and the continuous cut knocked Tyrant back.

The knife and sheath at the waist were shot out at the same time, and the point collided with the face, but failed to break through the skin.

While jumping back, he rotated his body, and the sword wind stirred up scattered the flames, and the metal scabbard bounced off the sharp cones that came.

The distance between the two shortened instantly when Zamsha landed, and Tyrant crushed the ground and came in quick pursuit.

The sickle swept across and collided with the raised blade.

At this moment, its right hand pulled back, and the mouth on its abdomen also opened, releasing an irresistible suction.


The sickle blade is stuck on the back of the sword, and the suction force is combined with the arm strength.

A completely irresistible force pulled Zamsha closer, his mouth opened, and the flames that were about to explode at zero distance were stopped, and the ultra-ancient monster that hit him from the side knocked his body away.

Seizing this opportunity, Zamsha pulled out a blade and severely cut a wound inside the mouth of the abdomen.

'Just now is...'

He vaguely caught something in his heart, but he didn't have a chance to think about it.

Gedi and Tyrant in the front are entangled together, their attack power is not outstanding, but their defense power is very good.

Every time the two monsters move, they will vibrate.

Gedi clawed forward with both claws, pulling the enemy tightly, and then, he opened his mouth wide and bit his sharp teeth.

Towards the key point, bite with all strength.

Tyrant has a characteristic that is both an advantage and a weakness. It does not have hands in the true sense, so it cannot restrain the enemy in turn.

What makes up for this is also the mouth on its belly.

Less than five seconds after the confrontation between the two huge monsters, the scorched earth was covered with ice.


Zamxia, who rushed forward, stabbed the scabbard fiercely towards the ground, only to stop the sudden slide.

Geddy felt his body temperature drop instantly, and the cold air from Bemonstein's mouth could freeze even the ocean, and the captured temperature made his limbs feel stiff.

No, it's not felt, but really, the whole lower body is frozen in the ice.

Tyrant broke free with both hands, aiming at the position where the opponent was restrained.

The meteor hammer was raised high, intending to shatter it together with the limbs inside the ice cube.

Just then, a fierce knee strike deflected the arm.

Carl, who was in good shape, fell, but did not touch the icy ground.

He turned around from behind and restrained Tyrant's arms, and his flying ability pulled him away.

Seizing this opportunity, the energy in Gedi's body warmed up and thawed, melting the nearby ice layer together.

The ground became normal again, and Zamsha rushed forward to chase the two people over there.

In mid-air, Tyrant's struggle made Karl extremely difficult.

What is the dislocation sound of this part came from his ears.


The weird sense of confusion is impossible to ignore, and Karl finds Tyrant and him face to face.

The flames spewed out instantly submerged him, the burning sensation burned his whole body, and the pain was distracting.

The two fell one after the other, but before they touched the ground, their sharp tails twisted and spun around, entwining the gray giant that had escaped from the fire, and the giant beast that crushed the ground turned its head back 180 degrees. °

At this time, pull closer and chop.


The knife collided with the sickle, and then Zamsha staggered and fell to the side.

'Just now is——'

Compared with him, dealing with Gedi is much easier.

Strength, speed, crushing in all aspects, the meteor hammer slammed forward, and amidst the intense air vibration, Gedi was directly blasted back, the pain was so clear.

This time, it was no longer flames and cold air. Tyrant's ears trembled and released arrow-shaped light, and hundreds of arrows pierced the opponent's body.

It turned immediately, another collision.

Zamxia's blade was directly deflected, and he immediately swung out the scabbard with his left hand. This pursuit was quickly responded, and the counterattacking meteor hammer directly bounced off the scabbard with its strength.

There was no time to pursue it, because the opponent pursued it first.

While Karl was struggling, he raised his tail and smashed it down. He touched and rubbed against the shattered ground, and countless sharp gravels set off 'sprays'.

And the movements of Tyrant's hands did not slow down, the hammer and sickle were used alternately, suppressing Zamsha to keep retreating.

The situation was completely reversed from before, and what happened in just a short time?

'This guy's movements have changed! '

Strength, speed, and, yes, the skill of using force.

When the suction came, the suction disappeared, and the pulling in less than 0.2 seconds was enough to affect the body. Zamxia was equivalent to actively crashing into the meteor hammer.

He barely blocked it with the blade, and the moment he was knocked back, he was pulled for 0.1 second, and he entered the enemy's attack range again.

It was definitely not an illusion. Carl, who was lifted high, was smashed into the shattered ground again.

At this time, Zamxia is like a ridiculous doll.

Every defense, every repulsion, will be pulled back again.

In a short period of time, Tyrant learned how to fight and how to use his own abilities to create advantages for himself. Bemonstein's strength is enough to affect any enemy.

What the hell is Tyrant?

It is a combination of a total of seven monsters, super beasts, and cosmic people's resentment supplemented by negative energy. In other words, it is a unique existence that has just been born.

It just uses its own power instinctively, but it doesn't know how far it can go.

But what are the beings that make it up?

Except for the Icarus star who provided consciousness, the rampant monsters, the super beasts born for battle, and the six fighting instincts constituted an abnormal learning speed.

The three enemies that cannot cause damage are just tools for it to improve itself. Now, the tyrant monster is fully awakened.

Finally, the smashed meteor hammer suddenly moved downwards, avoided the blade, and hit Zamsha's chest directly.

Fragments of the armor flew in the air, and its wearer fell to the ground in embarrassment.


Even the body was injured by the huge force, and red blood spit out from the mouth.

Unable to bear even a blow, the huge gap is displayed here.

The blade plunged into the ground, and Zamsha tried to stand up.

Gedi, who barely recovered from the damage, suddenly rushed forward, tightly bound the enemy's arms.

The next moment, as if for revenge, Tyrant's sharp teeth bit Geddy's neck directly.

The tough skin was broken instantly, and pale golden light particles gushed out from the inside, like golden blood.

The sound of the lights echoed, and Zamsha took a deep breath, exhaling all the pain with his breath.

Rush forward, ready to slash.

However, it was not able to be used.

What a force it was, Tyrant's head tugged, and Geddy found that its feet had left the ground directly.

With a flick, it couldn't even maintain the restraint, and it was thrown directly towards Zamxia.

The assaulting swordsman lowered his body, and what he saw in his sight was a black rope.

A wailing sounded, and the sharp cone at the front end of the meteor hammer in Tyrant's left hand suddenly thrust out at some point, piercing Geddy's body.


Pulling, retracting, Gedi attacked from behind, and Zamsha was knocked to the ground. Half a second later, his right hand holding the blade tightly lost consciousness in severe pain.

The armor shattered, and Tyrant's leg nearly crushed the arm.

Supporting the ground on all fours, Geddy tried to stand up.

At the same time, its wound that was emitting particles of light pierced into more spikes.


The meteor hammer in Tyrant's left hand can shoot out sharp cones, and these sharp cones are more than one.

Dozens of sharp cones penetrated Gedi's body at the same time, passing through the inside like a poisonous snake.

In an instant, the sharp cone broke out again. It would be too cruel to say that the flowers bloomed.

The arms, abdomen, back, all parts of the body, and even the eyes were not spared. The intense pain made Gedi tremble all over, and the awakened tyrant ruthlessly opened holes in the enemy's body with sharp points.

This is not the end yet, it growled and pulled with its left hand.

What kind of picture is that?

Geddy, whose body was spewing particles, was pulled into the air, and it seemed that the knotted spikes in his body locked him tightly.

Tyrant rotated his body, and the centrifugal force crazily destroyed the enemy's body.


His right hand was already numb, and Zamxia, who stood up with the knife in his left hand, was sealed in the ice by the cold air that spewed out the moment he swung the knife.

There is only a brutal desire to destroy in the ruthless golden pupil, and at this moment, its tail is torn into pieces in an instant.

Regardless of his own pain, Tyrant smashed the scarred Geddy to the ground, and Karl, who broke free from the restraint, gasped fiercely.

He has no restrictions on his activities, nor will he disappear due to lack of energy, but the more he fights, the more his emotions will be magnified.

The right hand is turned backwards, and the eight-point light wheel is raised.

It didn't even need to be charged, and the red and black stream of light gushed out.

That is a majestic negative energy, where does it come from?

Obtained from the people in this city who have not yet evacuated, the power overflowing the body surface and the emotions that disturb the brain are all released from here.

The right arm was cut out, and it all poured out.

The huge red and black light wheel was peeled off together with the giant's right arm, the sawtooth rolled into an oval shape, and after a few seconds of stalemate, it rebounded and exploded.

Tyrant was divided into two from it, and the body was facing the left and right sides...


One, ten, a hundred, the sticky black liquid dripped to the ground, and the corpse was being pulled back together again.

The blow that gathered the negative energy of 400 million people was declared invalid in the roar, and the gloomy sky seemed to herald the coming of the end.

Unlimited stamina, immortality, this is the power that Tyrant inherited from the super beast Han Zakiran.

The reason why the sharp cone of the meteor hammer recovered is also completely clear.

That was originally a part of its body, and it could be regenerated at will.

Carl, who had lost his right arm, knelt on the ground, unable to win. This idea was infinitely magnified the moment it rose, and the impact of negative energy was so strong.

Watching him, Tyrant's first thing to do was to execute one after another.

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