The messy dog ​​over there is half dead, and the annoying guy in the back.

Zamsha in the ice is alive and has a consciousness of his own.

This may not be a good thing, because I can only watch myself and the ice being smashed to pieces.

The light of Feiyan EX-J still can't make any waves, so what if it does?

The fatal wound split in two had no effect on the undead tyrant, and Zamsha's red eyes reflected the scenery ahead.

The gloomy sky, the sharp meteor hammer, and the golden lightning surging in the clouds.

'Golden... lightning? '

Not blue, but gold?

The thunder fell, the fist collided with the hammer, and at the same time as the strike missed, the impact aimed at the front door made Tyrant's head fall back.

This movement exposed the defenseless throat, and the kick that fell from above erupted instantly, and a huge force was transmitted.

One half-kneeled on the ground after falling down, and the other pushed forward with the palm of his hand.

The majestic power of thought drove Tyrant back a distance.

Standing up on the left side, standing up straight on the right side, there appeared two similar giants.

"What a coincidence, I got a little lost in a different time and space."

"It's not late this time."

Taking a step forward at the same time, the symbol of hope, the giant of light, even if their chests flicker, their will will not disappear.

150 Chapter Five

Just seeing it is enough to stir up a monstrous hatred.

The monsters and super beasts that exist in Tyrant's body hate the existence that kills them from the bottom of their hearts, Tiga, Empat, the disgusting light and shadow.

With a roar, this is the beginning of the battle.

In the huge gaping mouth is an expanding spark, which finally turns into a monstrous flame and strikes.

Facing this attack, Empat took a step forward, calling his thoughts in his body.

Just before that, the sea of ​​flames sucked in.

According to Bemonstein, it was the real attack that was concealed by the blindfold.

Pulling, feet off the ground, Empat is sucked forward.

One hundred meters, ten meters, the air vibrates, and the power of thoughts explodes.

Cooperating with his own strength, he forcibly freezes in mid-air, stalemate with his opponent.

Barabbas' instincts were telling the futility of flames. Tyrande moved forward with the meteor hammer in his left hand, defeating Gedi's sharp cone burst, and dozens of sharp needles rushed towards the opponent in mid-air.

At this moment, someone jumped to a higher sky.

The tyrant's monster was more than one person. The Psychic Shield spread by Empat and his own existence were nothing more than cover, drawing an arc, and Tiga, who was spinning like a top, fell.

The kick that exploded with the power of the whole body was about to collide with the hand sickle that was cut out.

I saw the white-eyed giant panning to the left inexplicably during this process, and the anti-gravity ability once again played a key role.

Amidst the loud noise, Tyrant's right hand shifted downward due to unbearable force, and at this time, Tiga was in front.

He half-kneeled on the ground, his hands formed a barrier, and pushed directly on the belly, the suction stopped briefly.

In the rear, Empat's right hand slammed forward, and Glip's light beam further increased to become a spiral assault, and the spiral assault burst out at a long distance was also a light beam.

One light blade after another constitutes a gale of light. Even if the enemy's cone cannot be smashed, it is still very easy to disrupt.

Quickly drawing closer, the blow passed over Di Jia and hit Tyrant's throat.

Thrust, drill in, and then, the hand scythe and meteor hammer that were thrown out crossed smashed the spiral.

Behind the purple-white brilliance, knee bumps erupted.

Empat rose from the bottom up to complete the impact while holding Tyrant's sharp horns down with both hands, making an action equivalent to a front flip.

The charred ground shattered and sank, and Di Jia's uppercut exploded with force.

One side pulled, the other side pushed up, and there was a crisp cracking sound, and Tyrant's head was twisted directly back at 90°

Even so, it still doesn't make sense.

Tail up, pouring cold air.

The two giants pulled away at the same time, and the wobbly heads rejoined with unnatural movements.

Their sights moved at the same time, and they found a blind spot at the same time.

Bemenstein's mouth is a very powerful organ, but it can only work on the front 180°.

On the left and right sides, grabbing the moment when the enemy's head has not recovered, the three form a parallel line.

The waist, ribs, and fist power exploded, and Tyrant was caught in the center, enduring the squeeze.

The fists exploded, and when the head was reconnected, Tiga and Empat bound each other's arms.

That strange force is indeed terrifying, but if it is only dealing with one arm, it is more than enough.

Flicking in one direction, Tyrant staggered and fell, exposing his back.

At this moment, its legs were bent and strengthened.

Contrary to the seemingly heavy body, in order to avoid the subsequent damage, Tyrant jumped up and reached hundreds of meters in half a second.

Dijia followed closely behind, and Empat was still in his original position.

The next moment, the sharp cone of the meteor hammer was used as a claw, popping out to grab it.

The judgment was correct, Empat crossed his arms in front of him, Ott's mind interfered with the sharp cone, and Tiga's fists interlocked and smashed down in the air.

The strong force knocked Tyrant down from the sky, but it was faster than its fall, and the opponent who was still above it appeared in front of it at this time.

Di Jia blasted forward with both fists at the same time, changing the place where the enemy landed, from the ocean to the port.

With no power to fight back, the tyrant monster was slapped at will like a ball at this time.

The cooperation of the two giants is seamless, and the power exerted is not an addition, but an even more exaggerated multiplication.

Mania, anger, resentment, this is Tyrant's mood at this time.

The next moment, what came lasing from below was pitch-black light.

Zapelio broke out, and Empat seized the moment when the enemy was controlled to attack, and hit the opponent's body at just the right time.

The destructive energy poured into the body to destroy wildly, the skin cracked, and Tyrant was torn to pieces in the explosion.

However, this is not the end.

'Negative Energy?No, no, it's more...'

A gray-black liquid gushed out from the fragments, and a strange spider web seemed to form in the sky, and the spider webs were quickly joined together.

White light burst out, and Zapelio, who was chasing by Tiga, hit the strange thing that had turned into a sphere.

The speed of evaporation, formation, and destruction couldn't keep up with the speed of regeneration, and then, the ball of juice hit the ground fiercely.

Amid the chaotic flying of rubble, one-third of the port sank due to the violent impact.

At the moment when the juice was completely spilled, I saw the sharp angle.

In an instant, countless fragments scattered and crashed into the cement that made up the port, and the tyrant monster charged.

The purple arm, the silver hand sickle, the two collided, and Empat was thrown backwards.

He landed, raised his head, and slashed out his arms alternately. The purple particles floated in the air and were blown away by powerful movements.

Hand sickle, meteor hammer, Tyrant's crazy attack completely suppressed Empat.

The dazzling confrontation came to an end, the giant beast smashed its left arm with all its strength, and the giant was directly blasted away.

Turn around, raise your head, shake your ears, and increase the arrow-shaped light diffusion.

Dijia swooped down with his arms crossed in front of him, and the scattered blue shotguns collided with the attack in front of him.

Particles of different colors intertwined and exploded, before being engulfed by fierce flames.

The sea of ​​flames all over the sky stopped suddenly, and Ti Jia, who was forced to break through, swung a heavy punch, and the damage superimposed with the speed caused Tyrant's head to miss, and it was only missed.

It turned its head and directly opened its fist.

The hand scythe swung in counterattack brushed against the enemy.

Di Jia, who fell back to the ground, sprinted forward again. In the opposite position, Empat, who was knocked into the air, also immediately counterattacked.

It is good practice to stand in a perfectly symmetrical position, defending one side at the expense of the other.

So Tyrant spewed cold air towards his feet, the temperature dropped instantly, and the ground froze.

Stepping on such a ground, it began to rotate, and the combination of ears, mouth, flames and arrow-shaped light spread in all directions.

Realizing that they couldn't break through just like that, Tiga and Empat rose to the cloud-covered sky at the same time.

"It's different."


Both Nangong and Dagu could feel the unbelievable things happening to their opponents.

Physical ability, attack power, fighting skills, what happened?

Tyrant looked up at the enemy in the sky and roared.

There is a unique wavelength in the sound, which is constantly spreading out.

That was an order, and the existence that received this order also came flying, but it hadn't arrived yet.

One forward, one backward, swooping down.

It was Empat who cut off the knife first.

His hand sickle collided with the attacking hand, and the irresistible force was transmitted to the arm, and finally blasted him into the air.

Tyrant's attention immediately turned to another enemy, and the meteor hammer fell.

In an instant, a pothole of several meters was constructed.

Arm collided with wrist, and Tija fought the blow hard, his legs trembling from the pressure.

The time gained allowed Empat to close the distance again. He added both weight and speed, and shouldered the opponent.

Tyrant's body tilted slightly, as if he was a little out of balance.

Dijia seized this opportunity, jumped up and punched his opponent, knocking him back a step.

The one-person attack ends and the one-person attack begins.

Empat's palm knife and hand scythe failed to stalemate, and the power transmitted directly made him lose his balance and stagger.

Before Tyrant could pursue him, Dijia's right hand, which rushed forward, gathered light and collided with the meteor hammer that was also swung.

As a result, the light particles exploded, the giant beast stepped forward, the giant retreated, his five fingers ached, and his wrist felt numb.

At this moment, Empat twisted his waist, but instead spun in the direction of being hit, and the backspin kick entwined with purple brilliance first bombarded Tyrant who was going to pursue.

Tiga slashed forward with his left hand, and the blade of light wrapped around his palm, cutting Tyrant.

Fill each other's gaps and seize the opportunities each other creates.

Empat jumped up, aimed at the enemy's head, and kicked again with all his strength.

Di Jia took a step forward, and the fist of light hit the enemy's chest directly.

Tyrant took two steps back, pulled by the suction force, and swept forward with the scythe and meteor hammer at the same time.

The three collided with each other, and this time it was the two defensive giants who staggered back a few steps.

Left foot, right foot, crush the ground.

The chasing behemoth, the giant who counterattacked, and the moment they collided head-on, the unbearable port finally shattered layer by layer, and the last two-thirds also sank in the collapse.

The surface of the water was discolored by the fragmentary dust, and during this short sinking process, the two people who locked Tyrant's arms slammed their knees at the same time.

At this time, the suddenly opened abdomen released suction, and the knees of the two were pulled into the opening at the same time.

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