They twisted the sharp blades in their hands and slashed towards the red mouth at the same time.

The instinct of the attack made Bemonstein's mouth loose, and the digestive fluid-stained knees of the two were released.

The brief distraction paid the price, and Tyrant stretched his arms horizontally, slamming his sharp arms into their heads.

The two fell down at the same time, mixed with the gravel under their feet, and the overflowing water wet their bodies.

What a perfect condition it was, understood it immediately.

As a result, Tyrant's abdomen spewed out cold air again, and the rapidly spreading Bingjie immediately approached the two of them.

Di Jia quickly turned over and rushed forward to block the front, the light energy in his body ignited, and the instantly rising body temperature melted the cold air.

Empat released his thoughts, and the cold air that surged back froze and sealed Bemonstein's mouth.

The palms of the two moved forward at the same time, and the arrows of the two palms hit the ice directly.

The burst of energy directly shattered it, and a wound was dug out of Tyrant's abdomen at this time, and the bones inside could even be seen.

However, this scene only lasted half a second, the gushing juice filled and finally formed a new mouth.

"Is this monster immortal?"

After thawing, Zamxia has been watching the battle process, and the monster that appeared out of nowhere is so weird.

There was another roar, as if in response to Tyrant's voice, and the overcast sky began to rain amid thunder.

The sinking earth, the monsters and giants standing on it.

Empat and Tiga looked at each other, and they nodded to each other.

In the process just now, the two have noticed.

Repairing Tyrant's unique energy and negative energy have similarities, and since there are similarities, then 'that trick' may work.

Stand up straight and cross your arms across your chest.

The timer sounded by the two was blocked, but in the next second, the timer emitting a strong brilliance appeared in front of the enemy again.

With a little blue white light, in an instant, Tiga and Empat were completely enveloped by the light emitted by the timer.

And this strong light is stronger than the sun, instantly shining on Tyrant in front of him.

It didn't have the terrifying lethality of Zapelio's light, but its performance caught everyone off guard.

The super timer flashes, and the power of light contained in it is just a glare that people can't look at for normal creatures, but for things born in darkness, especially for Tyrant, which is made of resentment and negative energy For the monsters that make up...

It was like a vampire meeting the sun, and it roared in pain.

Take a step, trying to stop those two enemies.

Immediately afterwards, the legs turned into ashes could no longer support the heavy body, and amidst the splashing water, Tyrant fell to the ground in embarrassment.

An angry roar came from its mouth, it was not reconciled, how could it be reconciled!

It's hard to get a second life, take revenge on him, take revenge on them!To drag them into hell together!


The body is evaporating, and the eyes are reduced to ashes.


In this pure light, Tyrant's body was completely eliminated, leaving only a pure white skeleton.

Half a second later, their bodies softened, and the exhausted two half-kneeled on the ground, splashing water.

Whether it is Tiga or Empat, the battle with the Yabo people is not far away.

Even if he went to another time and space, he was still involved in the battle.

Continuous fighting is exhausting, so it ends——

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

The rain in the sky hit the water, and the deep purple light spread.


The submerged white bones emitted bursts of purple light, coloring the waters.


The voice of resentment.

"It's not over yet, it's not over yet!"

Thunder flashed across the sky, and what provided Tyrant's power was resentment.

And besides the seven bodies, isn't there a lot of resentment?

The flesh dissipated completely, leaving only the bones.

The next moment, I saw a familiar figure.

"These guys are..."

One after another, one after another, blurred shadows.

Dysnok, Babar, Magma, Kiri Airod, Gorzan, Merba, Pedan Starman, Baltan, one after another, once defeated enemies turned into dark purple balls of light fall.

Not only that, more small spots of light fell together, falling from the universe.

Bone slowly stood up again, surrounded by ghostly fire, his eyes lit up.

In the torrential rain, the tyrant composed of resentment seemed to have an immortal body.

150 Chapter Six

"So it is, so it is..."

Absolutely not a normal weather situation, spreading outward from Xiamen Port, the black clouds shimmering with purple light rained down, and soon enveloped the whole of Asia.

It's no coincidence that there was a seaspout first, and now this.

The Yabo people, who can be resurrected by resentment, understand the situation better at this time. The resentment is concentrated on Tiga and Empat. If you want to ask why...

"Dead, dead, dead, dead dead dead dead dead—"

From time to time, purple ghostly fire gushes out from that layer of bones. At this time, Tyrant's two-handed weapons are larger than before, and the hand sickle is more like the scythe held by the god of death.

It repeated the same words, and soon, there was a change.

"I can't spare you, I can't spare the Ultraman who destroyed our family——"

Kirierod's figure appeared on Tyrant's body and twisted, and there was a different existence inside the purple flame of resentment.

In the alternation of piercing animal roars, someone's figure appeared again.

"My hegemony..."

"My lord..."

Tysnook, Magma, and their figures intertwine to form a spiral.

"Hee, I didn't expect to meet again one day."

There was anticipation and joy in Babar's tone.

"Hate, hate, hate, hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate..."

Different voices repeat the same words, it seems that everyone's existence is dominated by resentment.

The only difference is Babar.

He was crazy from the beginning, how do you make a crazy person crazy again?

"Empat, do you know who these people are?"

Even if the consciousness is normal, it is still dissolving and being pulled into the body of this crazy monster.

Purple light shone in the dark clouds, and in the sinking ground, water overflowed Tiga and Empat's waists.

"I didn't expect you to be able to win even that emperor. The hero who guards the earth is amazing, but from another perspective..."

Two-thirds of Babar had melted, but that didn't seem like a big deal to him.

"The demon with green pupils has no mercy. Battleships exploded one after another. The comrades in arms in front of me were instantly burned into coke, and then I myself became coke."

Because he has been integrated, he can experience the feelings of resentment.

The planet is unknowingly stalked by the dead.

"Wonderful, decisive and brave in the face of the enemy, on the other side of the guardian, is a cold-blooded and ruthless executioner."

What Babar told was not just about the invasion of the Imperial Stars, nor about Empat. In the face of the awakened monster, Tiga also made a choice.

It's just that they chose 'human' instead of 'monster'

Is it wrong to forage for food and survive as a living thing?correct.

This is the other side of Ultraman as a guardian. Their hands have long been stained with blood that cannot be washed away.

From the perspective of the enemy, there is no reason for them to be killed...

"Then there is no reason for human beings to be destroyed."

There was only calm in Nangong's tone, the dilemma in the world was nothing more than that.


As if he had got a satisfactory answer, Babar chuckled lightly, and the last remaining clarity disappeared, and he, like other beings, was sucked into Tyrant's bones.

This is a battle with the past, where beings who were once defeated by Tiga and Empat come together by chance to seek revenge.


The pitch-black mouth opened, and a silent roar came out, and red spots of light finally formed in the black eye sockets.

The next moment, the attack came, it was the rain of light falling from the sky.

The two jumped up immediately, dodging purple fireballs one after another.

The resentment in Tyrant's body has been saturated, so what about the remaining resentment?

At this time, they have become manipulated weapons, chasing the two people in the air crazily.

The white bone monster moved in the water at a not fast speed, and it didn't even need to get close, it had already caused great trouble for the opponent.

Left, right, sky-like battlefield, purple light spots draw mixed lines in the air, Empat and Tiga fly fast, but can't get rid of the accompanying flames.

The ones in the rear have not yet been caught up, but yet another new attack descends from above.

The light spots danced, forming a flanking posture.

Arms were crossed, and Spetsium rays, which consume less energy than Zapelio rays, were released from the palms of the Ultramans.

Purple and white, blue and white, the interlaced light is composed of three colors, the pure white is in the center, and the purple and blue turn into a spiral, eliminating the surrounding fire of resentment.

This blow hit the black cloud directly, but was blocked inside.

In a sense, the aggregate of grievances presented in the form of a 'cloud' is a monster with the same heart as the Tyrant variant at this time.

The next moment, the counterattack came.

The originally chasing light spots collided and exploded, and the purple flame multiplied in the form of mist.

The encirclement net hits quickly, the crystal on Dijia's forehead shines, and towards the flames in front, the light energy turns into a white cold current.

In the touch between the two, the resentment frozen in it stagnated.

"I'll go down."

"it is good."

The void formed, with Empat going down and Tiga going up, this area seems to be divided into three layers, the highest is the black cloud, the center is the purple flame of the dividing line, and the lowest is sea water.

Water splashes, on the bottom of the sea only 30 meters away from the shore, the blue is the eyes of the giant, and the red is the eyes of the monster.

It's nothing but depth for both.

Bemenstein, Cape Seagrass, the corpse no longer has that power.

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