What it possesses is the power to manipulate resentment.

Empat, who rushed forward to close the distance, slammed on the brakes, and then quickly jumped to the side. The sea water covered his body, and the coldness he had never felt before was transmitted to his soul.

What gushes out from Tyrant's body is the resentment of the dead, they look like flames, like mist, but in fact they are completely different things.

The spheres that grazed the body took away the particles of life, just like being bitten off by something.

Before falling to the bottom of the sea, those resentful spirits attacked.

From all directions, with a deep light, as sensitive as a firefly, it frantically circled to a dead corner while changing directions.

Empat swayed his body, trying to dodge.

On the other side, Tyrant was attacking at a not fast pace.

The long hook at the front end of the left-hand meteor hammer pops out, wrapping around the enemy's arm precisely.

Pulling, approaching, the timer suddenly burst into brilliance.

Deliberately caught, the power of light instantly burned the wraith, Empat clenched his right fist, and then hit the bone in the abdomen fiercely.

Some dull voices came, and the situation was unexpected.

It was completely different from the previous Nai Da, the bones that were shattered by the blow floated around.

But, does Tyrant really have a body at this time?

Among the shattered bones, there was pitch blackness where nothing could be seen, and Empat's fisted right arm just slammed into the darkness.


The bone-piercing pain was transmitted to the brain, as if thousands of sharp teeth were tearing at the arm.

Before it could be pulled out, purple mist gushed out from the cracks in the bones.

Left and right, unfolded and retracted like wings, the dazzling purple light can be seen even on the sea.

Then, what a horrible scene it was.

One face after another emerged from the light, their mouths grew, and they drew closer.

Now Nangong understood that it was these crazy wraiths that were biting its arms.

All the escape routes were locked, and his right hand was firmly stuck inside, as if someone's fingertips were piercing it, preventing him from leaving.

Empat, absolutely dead.

At the same moment, Tiga flying in the sky and countless wraiths following him were engaged in a fierce chase, and the counterattack was meaningless. Up and down, purple mist, black clouds, and twisted palms protruding from the inside.

One after another, intertwined into countless, densely packed arms with the same proportions as human beings, like huge arthropods.

No matter where you dodge or advance, these arms will never disappear.

Dark clouds spread over the entire continent, providing a place for resentment to move.

The sunlight in the sky was also firmly locked, unable to shine into the battlefield like night.

Continuously passing through the gap, the continuously fired Lampal light bullets shattered the blockade ahead.

In this way, a little time was gained, and this little time disappeared in an instant.


There is such a poem in China - black clouds overwhelm the city and the city is about to be destroyed, which describes the scene before the heavy rain.

At this time, it was not a metaphor, but a real thing. The black cloud was suppressed, and the dark cloud occupied by resentment became a tool.

Together with the rain, Tiga was drawn into the clouds full of resentment.

It seemed that there were countless people cursing beside his ears, and there seemed to be countless bugs biting his body, and his palms kept covering his body, as if trying to pull him into something.

Di Jia struggled hard, but couldn't get rid of it.

In the continuous battles, both mental and physical strength have reached their limits, and it is difficult to overcome the exhaustion with willpower alone.

At almost the same time, Ultraman in the sea and in the air are swallowed.

Resentment, joy, and hatred are rewarded, and they can't see anything except the enemy who is entwined with light.

Just then, it was a rainbow.

Passing by from above, the dark clouds were completely dispersed, the blue sky, bright sunlight, and a warm feeling shone on the body.

Dijia's face was covered with water that hadn't dried up. He crossed his hands between his foreheads, and a pure white light flashed.

The resentment that was originally entangled in the body disappeared because of the fierce sun that represented life.

Out of there comes more rainbows that are light.

Human beings are not so powerful, and there is darkness hidden in their hearts. Even so, those who yearn for light still move towards the light.

"Tear the darkness away like this!"

There is an unparalleled momentum in the tone, and the ship's name is Yagdis.

The test of the power system of Magus was successful, the weapons were successfully used, and various branches invested. At this time, the technology of TPC played a role, and several rainbow lights tore apart the dark cloud.

Black and white, rainwater hitting the surface of the turbulent water, below this, is a huge hollow.

No way out?

it's not true.

Empat's left fist exploded downward, and the hole created by Grip's light pulled him and Tyrant into it together, temporarily avoiding the encirclement of the wraiths.

And it was at this time that the sunlight shining down made the wraith unable to hide.

Tyrant's movements froze, and he punched the skeleton with a heavy blow, completely shattering it. The right hand that was pulled out swung out again, and the sound echoed in his ears.

A few seconds later, Empat, who jumped out of the water, fell down.

With a flick of his right hand, he threw the bone scythe aside, and the shattered ground was wet again.

The dark clouds that were torn apart once again combined, or shrank.

In just a few seconds, the huge head of Tyrant surpassed the size of the Ultraman just by the eyes. At this time, the shape hindered the purification of the sunlight, and the sunlight shone on the Ultramans.

It opened its mouth, and at this time, Tiga also fell.

"give it to you."

Nangong said so, if you want to deal with resentment, the purest light is more suitable.


Dagu nodded, took a step forward, palms forward, and the moment they crossed, the remaining light energy in the body was maximized.

Behind him, Empat stroked the timer with his right hand, and a light blue light attached to his hand.

Di Jia pulled out the lines with both hands, and the light energy irradiated by the sun and his own strength all flowed into the timer.

Not only that, the light blue light poured into his body, and Empat's figure gradually became a little blurred while delivering power.

The next moment, Di Jia's hands met again before the timer, mixing in new power.

Zapelio's light burst out, and countless star points mixed into it, rushing towards the enemy in one breath.

Tyrant spouted purple resentment, but when the two intersected, it was not a fierce confrontation.

The cell-transformation light beam mixed in by Tiga has a purification effect. This time the attack is not for damage, but for transcendence.

The sun, purification, light, the light spots quickly spread out when they collided, softly wrapping purple resentment.

One after another, the light spots left towards the sky, the purple faded, and the black was infected by white.

Soon, the head and eyes of Tyrant, who seemed to be struggling, glowed, and the purified resentment turned into pure light, and he left towards the sky.

This scene is not obvious in sunlight, but everyone can see the black cloud shrinking.

Finally, rays of light emerged on the surface of the black cloud, and finally exploded together.

The rain has stopped, and there are white stars under the rainbow, like fine snow falling.

It is said that after death, people will rise to the sky and become stars. Maybe these resentments will be the same after purification.

Di Jia and Empat looked up, vaguely, it should not be an illusion.

They can see people with big ears thanking them and waving goodbye.

It wasn't killing, but purification. Dagushun's choice in his heart liberated the tortured souls of the Ikars star people, and finally returned to silence.

"Thank you."

It seems that a young female voice can be heard.


Even so, those who could not be saved were still unable to be saved.

The two backs were shrouded in sunlight, and Karl, who was holding on forcibly, finally fell down.

"Sure enough, I'm still amazing..."

He smiled bitterly in his heart before losing consciousness.

150 Chapter Seven

"It hurts, it hurts, take it easy, ah ah!"


"I'm going to die, I'm going to suffer a great crime this time, but it's a good thing to save so many people, right?"


The location is an abandoned factory in Tokyo, and the number of teams is four.

Nangong, Dagu, Zamxia, Gedi.

Gedi was obediently resting on Nangong's knee, while Zamsha's right hand, which had been crushed to the bone, was now covered with light representing life force.

Compared with Dagu who still has a physical body, Nangong is more suitable for this kind of healing work, because the particles released from his own body actually represent active vitality.

Now this life force is piecing together the bones and regenerating them.

By the way, Zamsha shouted that it hurts, it hurts, but it didn't mean that at all.

Dagu actually wanted to complain, 'Why are you winking at me? '

The reason is actually very simple. Nangong sighed helplessly after completing a certain amount of treatment work.

"I see, I will discuss with you after everything is over."

To put it bluntly, it's 'I'm so tired, can't you give me some reward? '


Zamxia immediately cheered, and then looked around.

"By the way, why do you need to be treated in such a shabby place?"

Abandoned building with few people, it will be demolished at some point, there is only dust here, a little blowing will turn it into an incredible scenery.

"Because I don't want to be seen holding another man's arm."

What Nangong said was a very straightforward reason.

"Eh? Is it so straightforward? I thought there would be an even more serious reason, that's it? Isn't this a secret base or something?"

Because it was so real that there was no way to refute it. In all fairness, Zamsha didn't really want to be held by another man's arm in full view.

"Unfortunately, no."

When the voice fell, the treatment was completed.

Zamxia, who retracted his arm, moved a little bit, and there was still a strange strange feeling left.

"Leave it alone and it will heal itself after a while."

As he spoke, he pulled the sharp knife out of its sheath.

Even fighting monsters like Tyrant, there is no damage at all, it is indeed the top weapon in the universe.

However, compared with this weapon, it was him who failed.

"I used to think that as long as I have this knife, I can cut anything, as long as I continue to hone my skills, but now it seems that it is not so simple."

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