When the advantages of the weapon are offset, the test is the all-round quality of the user, and he is still far behind.

"It's time to practice."

Sheathing the knife, Zamsha said so.


One sentence attracted the attention of both of them.

"Let me first declare that neither the spiritual time house nor the gravity device exists on this earth. You don't want someone to drive a jeep into you, do you?"

Cutting through a fast-moving vehicle and the like.

"Haha, how come."

Nangong's words made Zamxia smile.

"I just happen to have a companion who can give me a lot of advice, and it's an old lady...huh? Wait."

Halfway through, doubts suddenly rose.

After all, is Mephilas male or female?

Is it an old man or an old woman?

"Before that, how could anyone use such an impolite address before asking someone else?"

Nangong treated Gedi with his left hand, and scratched his hair with his right hand.

He already knew Zamxia's character completely, and in a sense he could indeed be regarded as a stunned young man.

"Of course I won't say it face to face. Besides, that guy is quite proud of his age."

As reassuring as Zamsha's response was, it also drew attention to something else.

"How many aliens are there on Earth?"

Nangong thought about it, and decided to forget it, as long as he is not a bad person, he can come to Earth if he comes to Earth.

Speaking of which, he has one more thing.

"By the way...Tiga."



Dagu who was called suddenly blinked his eyes. At this time, everyone noticed a very serious problem.

"I'm Nangong, Nangong Lan."

Even though they have fought together so many times, they don't know each other's name at all, which is quite strange in a sense.

Because I didn't think it was necessary, I never communicated.

"Yuan Dagu, a member of the TPC Victory Team."

Or a former Victorious team member?

The two knew each other's names, and there was one thing that Nangong actually cared about.

"How is that girl now?"

The girl who was used as a pawn by Dysnook, but at the time, I was so dazzled by anger that I didn't notice many obvious things that were wrong.

Now that I think about it... It's really alarming to see a person falling from the sky and wanting to kill someone without saying a word, especially if this person looks like he's lost his mind.

Nangong was actually very grateful to Dagu for stopping him, otherwise a victim who didn't know anything and was used would die.

"As for Lucia, she actually lives in Tokyo. Although there are TPC staff following her at ordinary times, her usual movements will not be restricted. It will not be difficult to communicate after learning Japanese."

Dagu also went to see each other from time to time during the break time. Compared with the first time, the melancholy expression was much less.

She seems to be separated from her family, not knowing what has become of her hometown.

"Altman's hands also have limits."

This is his true feeling, no matter how hard he tries, there will always be lives that cannot be saved.

"We try our best to save lives. We can't save all lives. If you don't even know this, you may end up saving no one."

Nangong has experienced that feeling before, and the gods will not fail to save everything.

The atmosphere suddenly became heavy, Zamxia looked left and right, is this the so-called guardian?

It will be too tiring to live like this because of the people who cannot be saved. Anyone who is willing to carry such a burden must be an idiot, but an admirable idiot.

"Hey, hey, why did the atmosphere become so heavy all of a sudden?"

As soon as he clapped, he pulled back his thoughts of not knowing where he was going to run the train.

"We just saved the world, how about thinking of something happy? Like...uh, um..."

Suddenly asking people to think about it is really not very desirable.

Just then, hurried footsteps were heard.

His keen sense of hearing captured it in an instant, and Geddy's body trembled, and he opened his eyes because he was suddenly lifted up.

The three people hiding behind the bunker waited for the visitor, and soon someone's voice was heard.

"Dagu, answer me if you are here!"

'Lina? '

"Hey, Dagu!"

This is Xincheng.

"Dagu, are you here?"

This is Horii.

"Da Gu, come back to the team, Da Gu."

This is Zong Fang command.

The moment Tiga reappeared, everyone in the victory team understood a little bit, and the Tokyo camera did indeed capture Dagu wearing the victory team uniform.

He came back, but the label of MIA was still covering the opponent's body. In other words, Yuan Dagu's identity was basically equivalent to a dead person.

Although the other party usually acts silly, he is definitely not an idiot.

Ultraman is not a god, but a human being, so there is no need to fight alone, if you are tired, you can rest, if you are suffering, you can talk.

"Dagu, you have worked hard so far, no matter what, you are a member of the winning team, so you don't have to bear it alone."

Zongfang's words were also the voices of all the members of the Victory Team. The moment he heard these words, the young man who was not only Tiga, but also a human being lowered his head.


He was hesitating. If he went back, this matter would definitely cause trouble for the winning team.

At this moment, the body was suddenly pushed by someone.


He staggered and stood still, turned his head subconsciously, and Zamxia, who was originally standing behind him, shrugged innocently.



Thanks to the enhanced physical ability, the reaction also increased. Even if he was a little stunned, Dagu still firmly caught Lina who rushed over.

His hands were shaking, not knowing where to put them.

Subconsciously turned his attention to other teammates for help, but Hori raised his head, just like the gorgeous starry sky on the ceiling. look.

Compared with the usual way of getting along, Dagu felt at ease and at a loss as to what to do.

'It seems all right. '

Nangong felt relieved, the other party also had a companion whom he could entrust and a place to go back to, which was a good thing.

Half a minute later, Dagu separated from Lina in embarrassment, he was not very used to such things.

"Let's talk elsewhere."

He still hadn't forgotten that there were two people hiding behind. Soon, everyone from the victory team left the old place, and it became quiet again.

"I took a big scapegoat from the boss."

Zamxia complained, he didn't do anything, Dagu staggered out by himself.

In other words, it wasn't him who pushed the other party out, in fact, someone pulled the other party out with the power of Ultra Mind.

Nangong shrugged, he knew the pain of being alone, so he didn't want Dagu to become alone.

Even if TPC really treats the opponent as a guinea pig, he can rush in to save people.

It's just... I hope it doesn't develop into that situation.

Speaking of TPC, that grey-black Ultraman... no, a negative energy monster?

It's not the first time he has encountered a negative energy monster with the appearance of an Ultraman. When he fought Babar, didn't he have a negative energy Enpat?

But this time it seems something is different.

"Go back and think about it if you have anything to do."


Pulled out of his thoughts by Zamxia, Nangong nodded.

The two left towards the abandoned factory, from Tokyo to Kumamoto, how to go back?

Three and 10 minutes later, inside the storage compartment of the airliner.

"Hey, isn't this smuggling?"

"If I don't get caught, it doesn't count as stealing?"


What a shameless cosmic man!

--------------------------------------------Dividing line

How would you feel if your friend was a member of the fire brigade or a dangerous profession like the police?

Now Ryo understands that it is natural to worry, the other party has disappeared for a week, where did he go?

The previous mobile phone news said that there are terrifying monsters in the Pacific Ocean. If there are monsters, there will be Ultraman... Although I thought so, it may not be the same this time.

Why would Ultraman risk his life to fight for human beings?

This question always echoes in my heart, but I can't ask it, because there is always a strange sense of distance.

Humans are visual creatures, so from the outside, Ryo feels that Nangong is just a good friend who lives at home.

He is an Ultraman, but he doesn't look like an Ultraman. It's a very strange logic. This logical boy himself can't understand it very well.

To put it simply... I hope he can always be 'Nangong Lan' when he is at home, because the name 'Ultraman' carries a strong burden.

To be honest, I don't think it is very suitable for the young man who is actually half stupid.


Shaking his head, after school, reaching the tram, and now walking, 10 minutes later, the phone can be taken out.

It has been such a long time, and there should be a lot of information about the monsters that appeared in the Pacific Ocean.

A slightly protruding house number can be seen ahead, where someone is talking.


Blinking, Wu and Ye seemed to be chatting with someone.

One of them happily pushed forward.

Who is there?

The plants in the courtyard completely block his figure.

Subconsciously, he quickened his pace.

"Yo, brother."

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