The moment he stood in front of the house, the young man with a Shiba Inu lying on his shoulders showed an embarrassed smile.

"Sorry, I'm back."

This feeling is actually quite strange, but it makes people feel good.

I hope that the people I care about also care about me, people are such a troublesome existence.

"Where did you go? Did you really go to another timeline as the Internet said?"

Wu didn't think too much, once she confirmed Nangong's safety, she chirped like an excited sparrow.

"Let me think... the silver giant in the long past! The ultimate man in the distant future! Ultraman lost in the timeline travels through the chaotic time and space, repairing the chaotic timeline!"

How about it!Is it possible to make a 90-minute movie!

If you want to whet your appetite, you can even show it in segments and make it into a short online video!

"not at all."

"What, no..."

Wu lowered her head in disappointment.

"But I went to other parallel worlds and saw other Ultraman."


Immediately, the eyes began to flicker again, and the interaction between the two was as usual.

Liang and Ye looked at each other. In a sense, they were actually quite envious of Wu's nerve.

The time is February 2. When Tiga and Empat returned, the world completely returned to normal.

Chapter 150 What is Abnormal

"Where did you go?"

"Why do you want to make it look like a joint trial?"

I went to work the next day, and as expected, I was arrested as soon as I arrived. It was indeed his fault that he disappeared for a week, but...

'Well, no but. '

Nangong tried to find a reason, but found that he couldn't think of anything.

"And they abducted my dog ​​yesterday."

Kyoko found out that Gedi was completely gone, and couldn't find it after looking for it. She didn't know where the other party had gone, but this morning, she ran back with this man.

By the way, why didn't you come back yesterday?

"Wait, isn't this my dog?"

"In terms of time spent together, it's definitely me who lasts longer."

One sentence is directly locked, and it can only be said that it is true. For some reason, it is really incompetent to play the missing Nangong alone.

Moving his eyes, Gedi, who was watching the show, seemed to be enjoying the pleasure of being surrounded by both sides.

"Okay, then I won't hide either."

Nangong stood up with a serious face, Kyoko raised her eyebrows, she wanted to see what kind of mess the other party could pull up.

"Actually, I am the eldest son of the Nangong family in an ancient family. I enjoyed all the luxury in the family. Then one day, I was framed by an adulterer, kicked out of my family, and lost everything. I made a three-year contract and swore To take everything back from me."

No, what is this man talking about?

Kyoko complained in her heart, what era do you think this is?

"A few days ago, I went to the mountain to fulfill the agreement, broke into the mountain gate with my own strength, and defeated the younger brother who planned to frame me under the witness of many elders, but time has passed, not only the family, but even my beloved fiancée has passed away. miss."

You have some emotion when you speak.

Who would believe such nonsense with a poker face.

"The family is so big that there is no place for me. I used to own everything, but it was all gone in a blink of an eye. But I have proved myself. I can get back everything I have lost. It is not my intention to cheat. I wanted a life, so I came back here."

Congrats, congratulations.

"Then may I ask what your fiancée's name is?"

"Han Meimei."

Just use whatever name comes to mind.

"Then what is your family's mountain?"


"Isn't that a city! Get on top of you!"

"Ahem, the mountain in Foshan."

"Besides, there are too many elements in your words. It's so old-fashioned. It's not popular now!"


This is the sentence that hurt me the most.

Nangong began to think whether he was out of touch with the times.

This is also a matter of course. How can people who have forgotten their mobile phones and lived alone be in line with the times.

They are simply primitive people living in the city.

"Well, it's okay not to say what you don't want to say."

Kyoko rubbed Geddy's head, she always felt that the hand felt a little different from before, it seemed to be a little smaller.

'Anyway, this guy just wants to talk nonsense and say something, so I won't pursue it. '

She thought to herself.

"Sorry, thank you."

Nangong first apologized, and then thanked the other party for accepting him all the time.

'Sure enough, if you talk nonsense, the store manager won't pursue it. '

After all, he is a good person.

"But your salary this month probably won't look very good."

The reality is, if you don't work, you don't have money.

Kyoko teased Geddy's chin.

"Zamxia has been coming to the store to look for you during this time, ordering instant coffee."

Don't you want to think of a way?

This is the meaning revealed in these words.

"Recently, he probably won't come."

Nangong remembered what the other party said yesterday, saying that he was going to practice for a while, but he didn't know where to go and who to practice.

"How did you know?"

"I just ran into it yesterday."

Zam Xia, the great swordsman of the universe, has a good command of using a sword in one hand. Where is he who is being mentioned by the two now?


"Idiot, don't make noise."

"oh oh......"

The aggressive young man froze all of a sudden. If he wanted to ask why, he took a closer look. After he opened the door and walked in, he found that the villa was full of women.

Women only affect how fast I can draw my sword!

'Old pervert. '

"You just said in your heart that I am an old pervert, right?"

"No, no."

The tone rose inexplicably, and Zamxia talked about him from left to right.

"Come with me."

Mephilas drank the red wine, which was not much different from a tasteful drink to her, and got up from the sofa.

"Even if you pay back your previous favor."

For the grace of saving my life, just saying that the previous board and lodging is really not enough, there is always a thorn in my heart.

'It's also a twisted person. '

Zamsha evaluated in his heart.

Soon, the two came to the study.

"Didn't you need to master the way of using energy before?"

Mephilas was a little curious about what made the other party change his mind.

"Recently, I met an enemy who couldn't be defeated by technology alone."

It's such a terrifying guy, it can't even be cut through, how can it be cut through the clouds afterward?

Technology always has a limit.

"Does that mean you admit your weakness?"

"That's it."

"very good."

Zamsha's unflinching attitude pleased Meferas, a tradition her clan had before coming of age.

The words I got at that time can be applied to the other party now.

"It all starts with acknowledging your weakness."

People who can't see their own flaws will only destroy themselves, so don't think too highly of yourself.

Zamxia started his own practice, Nangong returned to the coffee shop, and Dagu just finished one transcript after another.

He's getting a lot of attention as someone who's 'taken into another time and brought back'.

The Arabian Nights, but not impossible.

After all, Eiji Tsuburaya has been identified as a past human being who arrived in this era in the TPC event of time-space disorder. It turns out that "Ultraman" is a documentary film.

The world is so magical.

'It's finally time to rest for a while. '

Dagu thought in his heart, he has been tossing and tossing since he came back yesterday for a short rest, and he is indeed quite tired, fighting one after another one after another, which makes people feel tired.

His back gradually disappeared in the aisle, and soon, the blood drawn during the physical examination was taken away.

"What is the difference between Ultraman's blood and ordinary people?"

Masaki stared at the test tube. For him, there was one very frustrating thing.

Ever since he learned that there is a superpower called 'Kirino Shepherd' in the world, he has realized that he is not special, and the talent he was originally proud of was shocked by Baltan technology.

He is just a relatively intelligent person living on the earth, which is nothing compared to the vast universe.

What thoroughly proves his universality is the super ancient gene.

This is not special, on the contrary, it is something that everyone has, more or less. The reason why Yuan Dagu was able to obtain this power seems to be simply because he appeared at the right place at the right time.

So what about after evolution?

In order to become Ultraman, he had to study someone similar to him, not a guy whose whole body turned into light and evolved more completely.

After all, the other party... the results of the physical examination came out, and his body was full of light without a drop of blood.

Thinking of this, Masaki could only shake his head helplessly.

In TPC, it is planned to analyze the broken stone statues, and then create their own stone statues.

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