Now he only needs to figure out the necessary conditions, and enjoy the achievement after the stone statue restoration technology comes out. Anyway, the light particle conversion technology is firmly in his hands.


Masaki repeated the term in his heart, maybe he was already possessed the moment he knew that human beings could evolve into this existence.

'It's a pity that an obsessed person doesn't think he is obsessed. '

So, be sure to be a giant.

Make up your mind and fight for it, each has its own ideas and thoughts.

At this time, Nangong was walking on the street with another person.

It's the end of the month again, and it's the weekend to look for suppliers to purchase goods.

"Hmm... Do you think it's scientific to shrink a height of more than 50 meters to human size?"

As always, it was the duo of Nangong and Xingzi, but this time, the question asked by the girl was so precise that she almost pointed her nose.

She didn't really believe it at first, and of course, she doesn't believe it now, but after being told, she naturally cared about it.


Nangong immediately gave the answer, how could it be scientific?Where is the law of conservation of mass?

"Answering so quickly makes people feel that you are hiding something."

There was still some suspicion in Kyoko's tone, just as family and friends commented, this girl has a troublesome character.

Because it was just a whim, she quickly put this topic aside and asked another topic:

"What do you mean by Kyoko's young master of the Nangong family?"

The original sentence is like this: "Can I ask the young master of the Nangong family to help the little girl pick up the goods for the next month?" '

How should I put it, Kyoko is good at acting as usual, and she is not shy at all.

Hearing this question, Nangong's vision drifted a little.

"In short, a lot of things happened."

The store manager is expressing her displeasure in a weird way, but she will still be displeased.

"Did you make her unhappy?"

"You know everything..."

It's been a long time since Kyoko has seen Kyoko like that, usually when she is upset like this.

The whole family is exactly the same in their unhappiness.

"Then change the subject—"

"Wait, shouldn't you provide me with a way to resolve the conflict at this time?"

At least that's how it's written in TV dramas, animations, manga, and novels.

Nangong's complaint made Xingzi show a bored expression.

"No, the trouble is dead, and you can solve the things you provoke yourself. This is what a mature adult should do."

She doesn't want to get involved in people's affairs, because most of the time things won't be resolved, and the middleman gets involved and makes a fuss.

This younger sister who didn't follow the rules at all made Nangong feel a little helpless.

But what the other party said was quite reasonable, and the things that I caused should be resolved by myself.

The two of them were walking on the street that seemed lively due to the weekend, and the distance between them didn't seem close, nor did they feel far away.

Passing through the crowd and leaving the road under the green light, at this moment, I saw something special.

It was a square where many people gathered.

Some people stepped on the stage and said something, and some people watched from below, as if they were watching some joke.

Nangong's keen hearing made him feel uncomfortable when he heard the words of ridicule and disgust.

"Are you still talking like this? How long has it been? Haven't the Ultramans done enough?"

Someone was questioning the young woman.

"Stop doing such eye-catching things. It was like this with Ultraman, and it was like this with Kiri Aylord. If you really want to be famous, you are already famous."

What does it mean?

Nangong thought in his heart, and stopped in his footsteps.

Noticing his movements, Kyoko also looked at the woman being questioned in the plaza.

"It's her..."

There was some sympathy in her eyes.

"do you know?"

What exactly is going on?

For Nangong, there was a woman alone in front of her, and no one seemed to be her companion.

That face seemed somewhat familiar, and immediately recalled seeing her.

"Misaki Fujiwara, 25 years old, only daughter, her father is a manager of a securities company, her mother is a nurse in a hospital, graduated from Tokyo University, Japan, had two boyfriends, they have broken up, served as the president of the student council in the university, and studied in high school ——"

"and many more."

What Kyoko said was too detailed, even unusually detailed information.

Misaki Fujiwara, this is not the name of a big star.

'Why do you know so much? '

The expression clearly reveals this meaning, and Kyoko complains in her heart that the other party's expression is easy to guess.

"Because she became famous, in a bad sense, at the beginning, she was someone who held different opinions on the existence of Ultraman on the Internet. Of course, it was not just Ultraman. Sometimes, she also questioned the other party."

The girl told about things that happened in the past.

"Until now, she is doing the same thing. You should know what will happen against the public's thinking, so suddenly on a certain day, her information is posted on the Internet, not only private calls, even The family members' information was also completely exposed."

"this is not---"

"That's right, online violence, abuse, attacks, contempt, digging up the past as black spots, spreading rumors, she has experienced everything you can think of, why?"

Xingzi asked Nangong back, he knew it in his heart, but he hesitated and didn't answer.

"Because she is an anomaly, holding an opposing opinion when everyone has the same opinion will only make enemies everywhere. I think most of the opinions she confides are correct, but... people, they are still confused Some are better."


Nangong silently looked towards the square.

"So you don't mind... Hey, wait, hey!"

The young man walked towards the square.

150 Nine Chapters in the Name of 'Justice'

"Think about it again, everyone. If the atmosphere in Kirielod was fanatical and abnormal, why is it not the case today? Put all your future in—"

"Okay, okay, you don't need to say anything."

The words were interrupted, and walking from the front was a man with a few earrings, dressed quite ordinaryly.

"Speaking so many nonsense, isn't it actually to increase your popularity? I remember that you once wanted to develop in the direction of critics, but you were dismissed, right? Now what? You plan to rely on Ott Did Mann's affairs reach the sky in one step?"

"One thing belongs to one thing, and the present has nothing to do with the past."

Fujiwara frowned and refuted the other party, but...

"How can what you have done have nothing to do with it? You are obviously a hero protecting the earth, but you are sullied by your boring desires. If he knows that you still have a suspicious attitude towards him at this time, how sad it would be? Don't you have a shred of empathy?"

The man spoke with a heartbroken attitude.

"Pretending to be neutral here, but actually turning over and over again isn't that a few sets of things? Do you really think that I and everyone present are idiots?"

What he said involved Fujiwara and the crowd present.

People talked a lot, and there was no mercy in their words.

"That's right, this kind of thing is really too low."

"If you have the time to do these things, you might as well go to work."

"Isn't it just grandstanding? Anyway, whether it's good or bad, to be famous you need popularity."

"Shame on her for involving her own family."


"This kind of person should—"

Before he could finish his words, the young people who squeezed into the crowd were not hindered at all, and easily slammed into a path.

He went to the front and kept going.

"Like this, a lot of people are attacking a girl here, will Ultraman feel happy?"

Nangong was not happy in his heart, would someone be labeled a heretic if he had a different idea?What's the point?

"Could it be that Ultraman risked his life to protect humans just to make humans do such things?"

"Huh? What do you know, kid?"

Inexplicably, he came out of the crowd, which made the man who was still questioning him feel dissatisfied.

"Seeing that this woman is good-looking, so you can't walk?"

Compared with arguing, the first thing to do is to label people.

"So what do you know? Are you friends with Ultraman? Have you talked to him? Did he tell you to let you do such a thing? Or do you think attacking a girl here is against Ultraman? Best response?"

Ignoring that language trap, Nangong was just saying what he wanted to say.

This is the most fundamental problem. No one has communicated with Ultraman, and who can confirm that this is Ultraman's idea?

"Think about it differently. If you were Ultraman, while you were fighting desperately, someone was questioning you and denying you. Do you think you would be happy? What if they were injured and left?"

The man still picks out nice words to say.

"So you can attack others who disagree?"

"Then what if Ultraman leaves the earth because of this? What about us humans? Are you here to protect the earth?"

What does it mean?

Human beings are protected by Ultraman, is it good to be a good baby lying in your arms?

So for this reason, get rid of all the people who would irritate Ultraman?

"What are you driving—"

Nangong felt angry for a long time, not because of the viciousness of the enemy, but because of this idea of ​​'leaving everything to others'.

Suddenly, the arm was pulled by someone.

Scratching his head, it was Fujiwara shaking his head.

Unlike Nangong who just came here, she understands her own situation better, so she also discovered that there are many cameras shooting at this time, and those people with mobile phones are expecting what she will do .


Just like that, he was dragged away, and the ones who were left behind were those who showed their might, and the titles of the connected videos had already been taken.

After 10 minutes, the weekend park is full of people walking and resting. Everyone has their own things to focus on, so they don't pay attention to who is who.

It was neither good nor bad, and two bottles of mineral water were handed over.

'I told you to leave it alone. '

In Xingzi's eyes, Nangong could see such emotions.

Even so, she didn't avoid it at all.

"Thank you."

Fujiwara smiled while taking the mineral water, and then looked at Nangong on the side.

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