"Not just this time, thank you last time too."

This sentence made the other party feel a little surprised.

At first he thought he was the only one who remembered that incident.

"You remember."

Hearing Nangong's words, Fujiwara's smile was a bit bitter.

"Because very few people are actually on my side."

That's why it's so impressive.

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere became dull again.

Nangong hesitated for a while, and finally asked the question:

"what is the problem?"

Why did it become what it is today?

Is it really like what Kyoko said, as long as she is separated from the righteous way, she becomes a heretic that can be attacked at will?

"Because I think that even if Ultraman is a human companion, his danger has not changed in any way, and it is even more dangerous."

Fujiwara stared at the blue sky.

"Actually, I have been saved by Ultraman, but also hurt by Ultraman."

It was because Nangong had helped her, so she told what had happened before.

"You all must still remember the situation when the aliens invaded the earth?"

Of course it is impossible to forget.

"At that time, Empat and the enemy were fighting in the city. The shaking of the ground made the underground parking lot unsafe. My friends and I ran out of the underground parking lot. At that time, the city was full of fire, and there was no know where to go."

The flame burned the eyes, the high temperature mixed with the black smoke, the mental pressure, the physical injury, and now I still have a feeling that my lungs are howling.

"I don't know how long I ran, but I suddenly felt a gust of wind."

Fujiwara touched his right arm subconsciously.

"At that time, the huge figure of Empat appeared in my eyes, and after that, I didn't know anything."

She turned to look at the silent Nangong.

"When I woke up again, I was in the hospital. Although it was over, my right hand seemed to be bumped into something and broke, and so did my friend, except her left leg, and... "

Lifting up the sleeves, what was displayed in front of the two of them was a scar that might not disappear naturally in a lifetime.

The burn marks were so obvious from the forearm to the upper arm.

"Looks like I touched the charred fragments while I was unconscious. Now that I think about it, I was just lucky. Where would I have been hit on the head? What if I had fallen into the fire?"

Must be dead.

"So... do you hate Ultraman because of what happened to you?"

Kyoko asked tentatively, and immediately after, the other party nodded and then shook his head.

"It was like this at the beginning. The emotions of the rest of my life turned into a sense of disgust. Then there was the incident about the Kiriarods. Even if they were abandoned, they were still fighting on their own. After that, they again and again Protecting humans once made me trust them again, but that's another story."

What Fujiwara is emphasizing now is the 'dangerousness' of Ultraman

"Have you heard just now, the man said, 'If Ultraman leaves the earth, what will humans do'?"

That's what she had to say.

"This is just a microcosm. Many people have the illusion that as long as there is Ultraman in the human race, they will be safe and worry-free. I think that is wrong. Although they have won so far, this is the reality, and there is no guarantee that they will always be successful." Can win."

How dangerous is the idea of ​​giving everything to Altman.

What's more dangerous is that more than a few people think so.

Nangong looked at Xingzi subconsciously, because he remembered that a long time ago, the other party said that if he took the protection of Ultraman for granted, then the world would really be over.

The world has always been connected, and one thing affects another.

Even if Tiga and Empat never thought of interfering with the world, the world is still inevitably affected by them, and all human beings have different ideas because of them.

"Won't the timers on Tiga and Empat's chests flash in times of crisis?"

Fujiwara's tone was slightly sad.

"I think the timer is there to make us realize that Ultraman is also fighting like hell."

"The timer is to let us realize that Ultraman is also fighting desperately..."

Kyoko's eyes changed, and this woman who was suspicious of Ultraman actually seemed to know them better than anyone else.

"People don't realize this. Anyway, they put their expectations on them more arbitrarily. If we don't protect ourselves, why should others lend a helping hand?"

Fujiwara shook his head and stood up from the bench.

"If there is no Ultraman, we humans will have no way to protect ourselves. This idea is wrong, and I hope to correct it."

That's why it's going everywhere.

But what is that price?

"Thank you for listening to me. I should go too."

Before that, Nangong stopped the other party.

"and many more."

Two minutes later, he put away the phone that was so empty of contacts that it didn't look like a normal person at all, and there was a new person in it.

"Let me advise you first, don't get yourself involved."

The back figure has gradually gone away, Kyoko tried to remind the nosy idiot beside her.

"Do you know how she is doing now? In order not to affect her parents and move out alone, her original job was also lost because someone often called the company to harass her, and her life was messed up. You don't want to become like this?"

What she said was Fujiwara's current situation.

Because she goes against the 'mainstream' of the world

"Can you do anything as long as it's right?"

Nangong's question is a bit naive to Kyoko. In a sense, she was killed when she just came out of society. Now the youth who has become an Ultraman is not as experienced as a girl who has suffered since childhood.

"Isn't it like this from the past? You can do anything under the banner of justice. The Crusades, witch hunts, and the so-called development after Columbus discovered the New World. Human beings always repeat the same mistakes."

As long as you put it in the name of justice, you can do anything, yes, that's it.

"What's more, she has already left the circle, and of course she will be ostracized. If it is small, it is like a small group in school. If it is large, the country itself is also a group. It is also a group that entrusts everything to Ultraman. Now this group Mainstream, she's the result of that."

No one will listen to what she has to say.

"When you want to attack a person, she can't even breathe, she can even drink water as a black spot, and everything she does can be based on wind and shadow. It's a pity that the world is like this, and you don't want to be like that?"


"Okay, how much time has been wasted here, don't forget that Kyoko is still waiting for us to go back in the shop."

Kyoko turned around and left first.

Nangong stared at the direction where Fujiwara disappeared for the last time.

Sometimes, so-called 'justice' bares its fangs.

-------------------------------------------Dividing line

Turn the key and walk into the apartment. This small room has been tidy and clean due to the care of the owner. Even so, it is still hard to think that this is the place where the 'Graduate of Dongdae' lives.

After taking out the phone, Fujiwara lost almost everything, so why persist?

Probably because she firmly believes that she is right, without Ultraman, human beings have absolutely no way to protect themselves?

That is simply a denial of human history, and an insult to the TPC who have fought with Ultraman so far.

And, it's not all bad.

Just today, at least one person is on her side.

Unlocking the lock screen, unsurprisingly, a flood of spam messages filled with offensive words.

Scum, trash, stinky bitch, lowly woman who sold her body, everything imaginable or unimaginable, are all condensed in these short sentences.

Not only that, but videos have appeared on the Internet.

Who took it?

The man I saw before was so high-spirited.

He is 'judging' the unrepentant 'witch'

He is 'rebuking' the 'fool' who was bewitched by the 'witch'

Fujiwara is not an emotionless machine, and of course she feels bad about it.

The curtains block the sunlight from the outside. This is the second apartment she has changed. She has been secretly photographed by someone outside the window before.

No matter where, there is a strong sense of insecurity.

When the wind blows, so do the words:

"Don't you want revenge on those who deny you?"

The other-dimensional demon is smiling.

Chapter 160 Accident

Ridicule and name-calling are unpleasant and unusual, but people have become accustomed to them.

Because she 'is' that kind of person.

Sensational, shameless, opportunistic, vicious, people think she is a bad person, everyone thinks she is a bad person, then of course she is a bad person.

The so-called bad guy should die. The bad guy fell into the stinky ditch like a beaten dog.

Once the rumors spread, they couldn't be suppressed. Just after reading some texts, they decided that the other party was a villain, so they stepped on it.

What a damn thing it is to be called a 'villain' character, but does anyone really understand?

There is no need to understand, everyone says so, then this is the truth.

Since she is a 'substantial' villain, it is only natural that she be tried.

"That's the kind of thinking that gives people an opportunity."

The demons from another dimension laugh at the so-called human beings, and similar things happen all the time in the Internet world.

Full of contempt chain from top to bottom, as long as someone makes a 'reveal', it will ignite a raging 'fire of justice'

How many people in the company really investigate whether it is fact or falsehood?

When this flame is burning, who will believe the so-called truth?

No one likes to admit that they were wrong, even if others are hurt by it.

The world of the Internet is like a microcosm of reality, darker and dirtier, as long as you sit in front of a computer, you can speak loudly.

Everyone is equal, and how many people can do it when they say it nicely?

One after another circles are formed in the Internet world, everyone despises each other, looks down on each other, and attacks each other.

Because I don't want to be looked down upon by others, so I desperately look down on others.

"Is this the world you protect? Humans really don't change no matter where they are."

The Yabo people are already a little tired of watching it, but if it can hit Ultraman's heart, it will be more interesting than anything else.

There are many ways to extinguish the light, not just 'death' can work.

"Next is the much-anticipated Witch Trial."

The Yabo people who blended into the crowd laughed at everything around them. It was the darkness in the human heart that called the monsters.

At the same time, inside the coffee shop, Nangong was standing beside the table, with a notebook on top, and in front of the notebook was the truth that he hadn't seen for a long time.

"I just said that I haven't seen you for a long time, so please ask me to do such a thing..."

"Please, this is important."

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