Then she said that she used the position of the student council president to seek personal gain. Can a person with poor grades become the student council president?

Besides, it was the University of Tokyo. Even Nangong knew that the University of Tokyo in Japan was a famous school.

If there were such poor students, they would have been expelled long ago.

"It's just a mess."

Contradictory rhetoric one after another.

For a while, the father was a high-ranking official who got in through connections, and later information said that the father was an office worker.

There are obviously so many contradictions, why don't you notice them?

Probably because she was "qualified", people only see the truth they want.


Putting away the phone and sorting out his mood, Nangong merged into the city system connecting the world without anyone knowing, and headed for Tokyo.

Under the darkness of night, the same thing is still going on on the Internet today.

A person who is incited, starts to swear, and thinks he is righteous.

The taunters who light the fire in the rear and watch people act because of them.

and also......

"Unforgivable, this woman."

Someone is saying this, he hates the other party, why should he question the gods who protect the earth.

Such people should not exist in this world.

Dark malice, and a gradually formed existence.

"Don't want to try and do justice for your heroes?"

The wind mixed with the words.

Chapter 160 Don't Respond to Everyone

Kudo Yukiya, although he has the same surname as a Shinigami elementary school student, he is neither a detective nor an elementary school student, but a father with a child.

He owns a law firm and works as a lawyer.

The winning rate is neither low nor high, it is at the average level of the industry.

Compared with other lawyers, there are no advantages and no disadvantages.

Today, the guests ushered in can be said to be quite...young.

He seems to intend to file a lawsuit on the case of 'cyber violence', but is it that simple?

"I don't want to be too rude, but you might as well give up."

Kudo shook his head, he didn't want to take this job, rather, there was no way to take it.

"No lawyer would take on such a case. To put it simply, there must be a plaintiff and a defendant in a lawsuit. The plaintiff will be counted as you for the time being. Who is the defendant?"

As small as a single person, as large as a company or organization.

"In this incident, who is the person who committed cyber violence against a poor girl? It is a pity that the law will not accept such a vague defendant."

In a sense, this is the so-called 'law does not blame the public'

"A lot of people do it, so I do it too. From a fundamental point of view, this is a case without a murderer."

It doesn't matter who started it in the first place.

The important thing is the current result, thousands of words, thousands of people, who are you going to blame?

"The huge force formed by netizens to hurt a person, they are tightly twisted together, if someone holds an opposing opinion, then he will also be labeled as an enemy."

Kudo told the situation of this matter, he is a serious person, so he will explain more to the young people in front.

"Even if one person is punished, it will only provoke more confrontation. They will think that their companions have been treated unfairly, and then seek to vent their anger. In the end, it is still this girl who is injured."

Except for time, there is no channel for solving problems.

"The creators of cyber violence have formed a powerful force. There is currently no channel to restrain this force. Although it is very sad, the truths spoken are meaningless. To defeat a powerful force, only with stronger force, That power doesn't exist yet."

Kudo said everything he wanted to say, and he was still very satisfied with the guest's silence.

After all, there will always be people who don't understand the law, and you will interrupt in a hurry after you say a few words. After you explain to him, he will complain to you and scold the law.

For lawyers, this is the most helpless and annoying client.

"If you really want this to pass away, if you are that girl's friend, tell her not to do any more activities. Netizens have a short memory. After losing popularity, things will naturally disappear. Most people just follow suit."

That's the nature of the matter, most people just follow suit, they don't really care, they just follow and step on it.


Is it really okay to do nothing, wait quietly for the time to pass, and let people forget about it?

Nangong sat silently on the sofa, no one would reflect on, no one would change, and when someone was regarded as an enemy in the future, he would pounce on him again like a hound smelling fishy smell.

How convenient it is to mobilize righteous people who are filled with righteous indignation just by spreading rumors on the Internet.

Such a person continues to get away with it after causing injury after injury.

"Even if it is a law, there is no way to restrain everyone and judge everyone. It still has many imperfections and corners that cannot be touched."

The man who is a lawyer is trying to persuade the young people in front of him, and this is the reality.

"Then if I..."

Nangong swallowed half of the words in his heart, and closed his mouth.

"No, it's nothing, thank you, Mr. Kudo."

He stood up, turned and left towards the door.

Staring at the young figure, Kudo shook his head, the more he advances on the road of law, the more he discovers the importance and limitations of law.

Putting this matter aside for the time being, he still doesn't know how big a storm this encounter will cause in the near future.

Nangong left the law office and walked on this street again.

The sun was setting, and it had been two days since he collected the real situation. He had a job, and after receiving his salary for a long time, he came to the law firm for consultation after get off work.

Taking out the mobile phone and opening the online forum, things are developing just as Kyoko and Shi Li expected.

The so-called 'rumour refutation' did not play any role, and the truth was drowned in the voices of the public.

Because it is a newly registered account, it is easy to be labeled as a "whitewashing navy". Since he is a so-called "water army", of course he can abuse and attack at will.


Occasionally there are people who hold the same opinion as him, but it is meaningless, and they are also swallowed by more and wider voices.

What he did was meaningless, and so far, it looked like this.

'In this case......'

After dialing the phone, Nangong wanted to discuss something with Fujiwara.

Step by step forward, mixed in the crowd.

Surrounded by people passing by, adults off work, minors off get out of class, the shops on the street are always more popular during this time period.

People's voices are mixed together, but they can't cover up the "busy" prompt.

The wind blows, making the dry branches sway.

Calling again and again, what are you doing over there?

On the other end of the return line, Fujiwara hung up the call from someone who didn't know who it was. Once it was connected, there were insults and attacks, but compared with before, it was less spiritual and more lifeless, as if it was a recording.

One after another, just when she subconsciously wanted to hang up, she suddenly found that the caller ID was not an unfamiliar number.

There was a knock on the door, the phone was connected, and he got up and walked.

"Hi, I'm Fujiwara."

"I'm Nangong, remember me? The person I met in the square last time."

"I'm not so forgetful yet, am I?"

Asked back with a smile, Fujiwara walked to the door and opened the 'cat's eye'

It was a yellow eye that was tightly attached to the door mirror, and it moved quickly in the eye socket, as if you could see the scenery inside the apartment through the door mirror.


Short screams leaked out uncontrollably, and Fujiwara subconsciously retreated, staggering and falling to the ground.

"Fujiwara? Are you okay? Fujiwara?"

Some vague voices came from the phone that fell on the side. The excessive fright made her unable to concentrate at all. Human eyes don't have that color.

The doorknob moved suddenly, and then, a harsh sound came out.

The tightly locked door lock was broken by a huge force, and someone opened the door just like that.

The light of dusk shone on the man's body, and the coat and hood covered his whole body.

"Got you."

Someone came out from behind the tall existence.

Before Fujiwara could react, her feet left the ground.


Unable to make a sound, his throat was tightly stuck, and the huge force seemed to crush his neck.

The feet kept shaking, but they still couldn't touch the ground, and the subconsciously opened mouth made a weak sound.

There is fear in the eyes, of course, no one will not be afraid of death.

"How dare you accuse Ultraman, you bitch! I want you to apologize with death!"

The sharp blade stabbed straight at the abdomen exposed by the struggle, and the strength of the hand also increased instinctively.

Blood oozes from the smooth skin, the front end of the blade pierces, the neck seems to be broken, and there is pain.

In the next instant, the fist exploded in the attacker's face, and the tall body spun out, crashing into the apartment wall and embedded in it.

With a light body, before Fujiwara fell, someone caught her first.

She breathed instinctively, and the blade embedded in her abdomen was pulled out immediately.

The palm covers the wound, and the light heals.


At the same time as he heard that voice, Nangong raised his head, and what appeared in front of his eyes was no longer a human being.

The front end of the green head is a sharp cone, and the abdomen is symmetrically divided into six red spikes. The green body swells and tears the clothes to pieces.

"Die, die, die for me!"

Transformed into a super beast, only the most primitive desire to attack remained, and the last thing Fujiwara saw in his bloodshot eyes was an unattractive expression—gritting his teeth in anger.

On the street, people walk casually.

Chat with friends, drive a vehicle, go forward alone, and play with your mobile phone while walking.

The sudden loud noise made people instinctively excited.

What fell out of the wall was something green.

Immediately afterwards, this something became bigger and bigger, turning into a monster tens of meters high in just half a second.

It waved its fins, showing off its power, and the sharp horns of its head shone with green light.

Before that, the silver palm grabbed the sharp horn that was about to attack.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Someone shouted, and everyone fled.

The monster fish super beast Garan and Ultraman Empat appeared in the city, stepping on the streets without warning.

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