An explosion appeared on the giant's body, and the blow that was about to detonate the apartment was blocked by the body.

He clenched his left fist tightly and hit Galan hard in the abdomen with a full blow.

While Empat repelled the opponent, he quickly flipped forward and landed, and circled behind the enemy.

Bind the enemy directly from the rear, and use the anti-gravity ability while jumping up.

With heavy enemies, he left the city.

The left hand was pulled horizontally to lock the neck, and the right hand was strong, holding the sharp corners, and the explosions continued to hurt the palms.

The fleeing people were attracted by the black shadow covering the ground, raised their heads, and the two behemoths disappeared from the sky.

Soon, Empat swung towards the uninhabited wilderness and threw the green super beast out.

At a height of hundreds of meters, Galan, who could not fly, fell head-on, kicking up countless dust.

It got up from the ground and wanted to fight back.

Just before that, the dust in the wilderness was blown away by the sweeping wind, and the kick that almost broke the bones erupted in Galan's face.

Empat landed on his legs and slid forward a short distance before spinning and kicking.

Enemies staggered from the previous flying kick take another hard blow.

The combo kick he is good at is displayed, the hook kick and the spin kick explode, and the purple light curtain is pulled out. It is not so much a heavy blow as a heavy slash. Cut off the sharp corners of the opponent's head directly and smash them to pieces.

Galan backed up due to the impact, and two purple palm light arrows exploded in its abdomen.

Elbows, punches, knees, and swords, one retreats and the other advances. At this time, the super beast is like a sandbag bearing the giant's anger, and is not even allowed to fall down.

A series of air blasts sounded, and Galan's hand fins were pulled back, and his face was hit by the phalanx of the back of his hand again.

It is not a simple super beast, but a monster transformed by humans.

On the other end of the phone before, Nangong, who realized that something was wrong, heard those words.

'Can a man turn into a monster in order to inflict violence on another human being? '

Angry about this incident, he was irrationally venting his anger on this enemy.

The yellow eyeball was directly shattered, and the other remaining eyeball moved to stare at the blue-eyed giant.

'It's really angry enough, Empat. '

The Yabo people watch everything through the eyes of the super beast, and anger is right. If he is not angry, what is the point of him doing these things?

People always reveal their weaknesses in their emotions and desires. How do you feel about such human beings?

The next moment, the other eyeball was completely shattered, and Galan, who fell backwards, twitched on the ground.

Empat clenched his fists, spread them left and right, and soon met in front of them.

The Zapelio light is about to be emitted, and there are people who can use knives on others and try to kill others.


The front of the timer, with your fingertips facing each other.

The black light curtain hit Galan's body, and the huge body was peeled off layer by layer, and the last thing left was the unconscious and fallen man.

-------------------------------------------Dividing line

Yuki Kudo also understands why so many people worship Ultraman. Think about the scene ten minutes ago, the strange green monster was taken away before it could cause any damage.

It is worthy of being the guardian of human beings, and the reaction is fast.

Sighing Empat's strength again, he picked up the key and prepared to leave the office.

At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Blinking subconsciously, isn't that the young man who came to consult half an hour ago?

What's wrong this time?

"Mr. Kudo, I want to hire you as my lawyer."


Why?Who is the defendant?

"I'm going to sue Ultraman Empat."

One word at a time, Nangong spoke clearly.

160 Chapter [-] Mirror

Kudo Yuki also felt that what happened in the past few days was still magical except for magic. Now, he was about to go to that battlefield and do something that he would probably only do once in his life.

No matter what, this can be regarded as the pinnacle of life.

He absolutely didn't want to do such a crazy and crazy thing to file a lawsuit against Altman Empat, at least that was the first reaction.

But if it's the other party's request...

Take out the phone, unlock the screen, completely as expected, there is no doubt that it is abusive, don't even think about it.

"Internet violence is still really scary."

After actually experiencing it, I can better understand what the girl went through.

The taxi stopped, and Kudo got off before the court.

As soon as he appeared, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Why don't you drive over by yourself?

Do you need to ask?

After the human flesh, even the license plate number is exposed. After the license plate number is exposed, the vehicle can be returned to the factory for maintenance. Apart from the appearance smashed by a hammer, there is also a colorfully dyed interior.

He had to sigh that those people's mobility was really strong.

It also agrees with a fact.

"Mr. Kudo, what do you think of the accusation that you are just an opportunist following the critics?"

"I heard that even Director Sawai of TPC will come to the scene this time. Do you have the confidence to win?"

"How about why you filed such a lawsuit? Could it be that you can contact Altman?"

"Such a scene is unusual, may I ask if there is any inside story?"

There are all kinds of people, each asking their own questions, and the voices are sandwiched together, so I don't know what they are talking about.

There is such an idiot who wants to sue the patron saint of mankind. He is either stupid or bad. The news spreads all over the city in an instant, and from the city to the whole country.

In the beginning, everyone was holding the attitude of watching a joke, until someone popularized something on the Internet.

First of all, there must be a plaintiff and a defendant in order to hold a trial. How can a trial be held without the defendant?

Courts are not amusement parks, since this case does exist, it means 'empat exists'

Afterwards, Director Sawai of TPC actually wanted to intervene in this case?

what the hell!

"I'm sorry, the court is about to start, please let me go."

Kudo squeezed in while talking, and the guards who maintained order also helped to open the way.

Soon, he was guided into the interior of the courthouse, where the licensed reporters were getting ready.

Their keen sense of smell can smell something unusual, at least there is no live broadcast of the camera in normal trials.

When the door opened, the judge, the jury, their eyes were focused on the lawyer who walked in with his head held high.

He is both a lawyer and a plaintiff, so what about the defendant?

When this plaintiff entered the court to sue, anyone in his right mind would think he was crazy.

But when the accused came along, it started to turn into other people thinking they were crazy.

After that, there is a series of preparatory work.

The people in the plaintiff's seat are here, but what about the people in the dock?

Director Sawai waited quietly as a member of the jury. Finally, the voice outside the door could be heard even inside.

Ten seconds, 20 seconds, about 185 in height, with cyan eyes, but not a huge existence walked into the scene.

He descended from the sky, landed lightly, and walked to the place where he should exist as the defendant.

The camera locked on him tightly, how nonsense is this?

Empat, who has never had any communication with humans, arrived in the courtroom as the 'defendant'.

"What the hell..."

Like falling into a dream, if you want to ask the audience how it feels, there is no doubt that this is the idea.

They are still doubting that it is fake, even if he fell from the sky, they still doubt its authenticity.

Announcing the opening of the court, a series of preparatory work, reading, and following the scriptures.

The plaintiff itself is the agent ad litem, what about the defendant?

Empat standing there alone seemed to have become a sculpture, his blue eyes couldn't see any emotion, and he didn't make any sound.

The accusation brought by the plaintiff against the defendant is the crime of abetting, that is, the instigating person does not commit the crime himself, but instigates others to carry out his criminal intent.

To show the evidence, it was a case that did not cause too much trouble, which happened five days ago.

The victim, Misaki Fujiwara, and the perpetrator, Hidego Mashima.

On March 3, the perpetrator broke into the victim's apartment with a knife and stabbed the victim's abdomen with a sharp knife, causing severe injuries. The victim was rushed to the hospital and the perpetrator was arrested on the spot .

Prior to this, the perpetrator had made radical remarks on the Internet many times, saying that he was inspired, and it was Ultraman who told him to kill Misaki Fujiwara who was targeting Ultraman.

Crazy remarks on the Internet are actually presented in court as so-called evidence?

"Has the defendant ever done such a thing?"

Kudo asked sharply, but no one in the court felt that such a thing was out of line.

Empat, who didn't speak, shook his head, as if he was denying it.

"Then how do you explain the evidence? If it wasn't for you, why would Hidego Mashima do such a bad thing? Not only that, but many people on the Internet agree with his statement."

Kudo's tone was not so much a question, but rather a trial of a prisoner.

"Everyone knows how powerful you are, but little is known about you. We have every reason to suspect that you have the ability to brainwash others."

This is no longer a trial, this is an abnormal event.

It is obvious that many people have been angered by this abnormal picture.

Empat, who could not speak at all, could only shake his head and was unable to express himself, seemed indeed alone.

"What nonsense, let someone stand there without even a litigator, are you talking nonsense?"

"Besides, why should Empat be responsible for a crazy practice?"

"He obviously didn't do anything, but he was accused of it?"

There are more than a few people who pay attention to this matter.

In just a few seconds, thousands of people have expressed their opinions.

They twisted into a powerful force, attacking Kudo who initiated the prosecution, and at the same time attacking Hidego Mashima who was regarded as evidence.

In a prison somewhere, the prison guard turned his head and glanced at the assailant who was locked up. This is quite an ironic scene.

What's even more unreasonable is that the participants in the court scene listened and recorded as if they had no emotion, as if this violence against one person alone was normal.

"Of course, I know these things have nothing to do with you, Mr. Empat."

When the subject changed, what Kudo said was completely inconsistent with the situation at this time.

"Let's take a look at the discourse on the web at this time."

There was some sarcasm in his voice.

"Hey, Kudo Koya is going to die, the scum who deserves to go to hell, not only me, but my family members' information was also posted on the Internet, just 20 seconds ago, Mashima Hidego was the same, everyone, so united screen."

Can things change so much in such a short period of time?

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