"Six days ago, Hidego Mashima was still one of you. He was a staunch Empat supporter. For this reason, he was even able to take up the blade to attack a girl who was subjected to cyber violence. Not only that, but after he committed the crime When... hehe."

People who were watching the live broadcast of the court session suddenly found that the picture in front of them had changed, and it became a string of words that were applauded on the Internet.

"Who was the one who applauded him at the beginning? Who is the one who wants him to apologize with death now?"

The world is changing really fast, isn't it?

"At this time, I was pressing on Empat in the court. You think I am a scum that should go to hell, but I was pressing on Miss Fujiwara who just had different ideas, and even hoped that she When you die, you will become the messengers of justice again?"

Kudo's words were no longer questioning, he was actually scolding at all the people watching the live broadcast.

"In just six days, me, my wife, my parents were being harassed 24 hours a day and my son was being called a disgrace to humanity when he came home from school and it was right matter?"

Is there any difference between these two?

"It is also the violence of the majority against the minority. Empat, who cannot speak in court, and Fujiwara, who is forbidden to speak out on the Internet, have no companions in court or online."

At this moment, their situation is the same.

"Then, Fujiwara suffered such a thing because she deserved to be out of the mainstream, and Empat encountered such a thing because he deserved to be unable to speak. Do you think it's correct for me to say this?"


"Of course not!"

Kudo directly gave a negative answer.

"Empat is on the right side, so those who deny him are wrong, Fujiwara is on the wrong side, so those who attack her are right, it's really a simple and easy theory of good and evil, and there is no room for dissent, otherwise it is enemy."

This is the status quo of the contemporary network, how easy it is not to be responsible, and the zero cost is bold and heroic!

"For this reason, harassment, exposure of personal information, and even actual attacks can be done. Don't you feel ashamed?"


Have you ever felt ashamed?

Yes and no.

Villains never feel evil, they enjoy it.

This is the Internet, and you must not show your timidity, so even if you feel the shock in your heart, you must not give in to it.

Obviously, there is no cost when attacking and hurting others, and there is no cost for apologizing, so why can't you say an apology?

'The farce on the Internet was presented to Empat in its entirety. '

Someone made such an opinion with a little irony.

'Maybe he just noticed to be present at this session. '

No, it wasn't even a court session, which had been anomalous from the start, and now proved even more so.

"In reality, as long as you say something wrong, you will have conflicts, which will lead to conflicts and injuries. This is not the case on the Internet. Most people don't need to be responsible for what they say, so they act recklessly."

This is the root cause of disputes and injuries.

"Isn't the liberating feeling of throwing away morals happy? The pleasure of attacking others at will is addictive, isn't it? Is it comfortable to belittle others' sense of superiority? You don't need to worry about others, so you don't care if someone gets hurt because of it. This feeling of self-importance Is it hard to give up?"

Kudo hadn't finished his words. He had seen and understood a lot during the six days of online violence.

"So put a hat on others, so put a label on others, as long as you do this, you can happily trample others under your feet, which is really wonderful!"

The applause sounded, and the scene of the trial was returned.

Empat standing there still does not reveal the slightest emotion. Is this the kind of human being you are guarding?

"It is said that I am afraid that Ultraman will leave human beings disappointed. Who is it that will really disappoint Ultraman?"

Bitter words came out of Kudo's mouth, and he patted his formal clothes casually.

"This is the end of my speech. I would like to thank everyone from all over the country and the world who are paying attention to this matter to listen carefully."

As if showing off his power, he casually walked back to the plaintiff's seat.

"Ahem, then announce the result now."

The judge's remarks once again proved the irregularity of the hearing.

"The plaintiff's evidence is not sufficient, so the defendant Empat was acquitted. By the way, the plaintiff's actions are extremely irregular. Don't do it again next time."

"Keep it in mind."

Kudo had a serious expression on his face.

The matter was over, and the result of the trial was that Empat was not guilty. The taciturn ultimate man left the court and disappeared into the sky silently under the eyes of everyone.

What is he thinking now?

In other words, the masses, the ideas of the masses, won.

But why are you unhappy?

Because he was scolded by someone pointing his nose, and he scolded him in his heart.

What they do to a person is actually the same thing that happened to Empat in court, is that true?

Don't think about it, just rush up when you see a road, and don't think about whether the street signs next to you are real or not.

It's just a momentary pleasure, so some people get hurt because of it.

At 11:30 noon, Kudo, who returned to the law firm, closed the door, and then...


The appearance of returning from victory disappeared without a trace in an instant, and this man in his prime sat on the ground with his legs limp. He really did something extraordinary.

"Sorry, thank you for your hard work."

The right hand stretched out was not silver.

The young man I thought was a young man again.

"It's a shame you made such an exaggerated thing."

Kudo smiled wryly.

Putting Empat and Fujiwara in the same position, doing the same thing, making him a mirror, allowing people to see themselves on this mirror, is what Empat can do.

Such a simple truth, why do you have to express it so clearly before you understand it?

Probably because people only see what they want to see.

160 Chapter [-] The Pursuit of God

Is the matter settled?

"Network Ecological Security Management Law"

This was the result obtained in that irregular trial. When Empat appeared in the court as the defendant, TPC was naturally alarmed.

After the update, Lawyer Kudo fully revealed his thoughts and goals, and thus, a drama involving the court, TPC, Ultraman, and lawyers began.

Regarding the chaos on the Internet, TPC has already had the idea of ​​rectifying it.

This time the opportunity was seized, and the draft was issued while the iron was hot.

People who have been hurt by cyber violence in the past cannot be compensated, but at least no more people will be involved in the future.

'The human spirit has not yet evolved to the point where morality can restrain everything, so laws are needed, and the Internet has no laws, so people who cannot restrain themselves with morality show their ugly side. '

The footsteps were mixed together, and there were doctors and nurses busy in the hospital corridor, and patients waiting in line.

Merely a young man visiting with a bouquet is not noticeable to all.

'Evil thoughts in the heart are like a seed, if you water it with water, it will take root and sprout. '

Nangong swept across the wards one after another, thinking about some things.

Since then, the harassment of Fujiwara, which has never stopped before, has stopped here.

Has anyone claimed responsibility for this?

Has anyone ever said a word 'sorry'?

Of course not, it is difficult to admit your mistakes and even more difficult to apologize.

At least......

He knocked on the door of the ward, and after a few seconds, he heard a response.

"Please come in."

Pulling the door, the moment their eyes crossed, they noticed the eyes mixed with different emotions.

After Fujiwara was admitted to the hospital, this was the first time Nangong came to visit her.

The wound on the opponent's abdomen was only treated urgently at that time, and Nangong stopped before further healing.

Because his damn fast head suddenly realized that the other party's 'assassination and hospitalization' was something that could be used, and in the end it really did play a role as Lawyer Kudo's 'weapon'.

"Why are you standing there alone?"

With some teasing words in his ears, Nangong put aside all his previous thoughts.

"Sorry, I'll be dumbfounded if I post it."

He walked into the ward and put the bouquet into a vase.

In addition, there are still a lot of fruits left in the fruit basket.

"You come to visit, and you don't know if other people have the same treatment as me."

Obviously there was something in the words, but Nangong's movements were not affected in the slightest.

The two are not fools, the monster who attacked, the young man who appeared suddenly, and the power to knock each other away with a single blow.

Combined with the subsequent court session... Isn't the answer obvious?

"That's hardly a good thing."

After Nangong finished the work in hand, he pulled the chair and sat down.


Fujiwara smiled bitterly, she still remembered the feeling of suffocation, the pain of her neck being crushed, and the fear of bleeding inside her body.

I believe that no one is willing to go through these things.

"But I still want to thank you, thank you for pulling me out of that hell."

Hell, there's nothing wrong with describing it that way, it's even worse than that.

At least one of the sinners who go to hell because of the trial is suffering, not all the family members will be hurt.

"It was originally because of me, this matter——"

Before he could finish speaking, he was blocked back, and the woman's slender palm was pressed against her mouth.

"You don't need to shoulder responsibilities that don't belong to you."

Be selfish to yourself... there's no way to say that.

Such words are like denying the other party's efforts all the time.

"You are human, you have emotions, you can communicate, and just knowing this makes me very happy."

The only difference is ability.

"Even if others don't really ask for help, will you show up?"

Slowly moving his hand away, Fujiwara asked this question.

It was the same when Kirielod happened, no one really asked Ultraman for help, no one said 'help us' to Ultraman

Even so, Tiga showed up, standing up as a 'villain who should be defeated'.

"I have no way to guarantee that I can save anyone, so I have to not give up what I can save."

Nangong replied seriously, compared with saving people, hiding one's identity is meaningless, how can one care about such trivial matters?


Fujiwara was silent for a while, looking out the window.

The way of living like the protagonist of the comics was longing for when I was young, but I realized how tiring it was when I grew up.

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