It is difficult to take care of yourself, let alone help others.

The scenery outside the window is very good, there is a breeze under the sun, and the cherry blossom petals that were blown away due to bad luck probably floated in the distance.

It's already March, and it's time for the cherry blossoms to bloom.

Spring is a new beginning.

"The protagonist in the boy manga is like the cherry blossom, which is fleeting. Maybe it's because when you grow up, you will lose the enthusiasm for who you work hard for, so you always choose young people as the protagonist."

How much of the so-called magnificent adventures account for life?

"I think being able to take care of your own affairs is already a great thing."

Nangong thought so from the bottom of his heart.

"My own career, caring family, friends I made, family and friends gradually formed a social network, everyone worked hard within their own scope, did not cause trouble for anyone, did not cause conflicts, slowly, The world is connected through communication.”

The most important thing is to do your job well and then consider other things.


Fujiwara smiled and turned his gaze back.

"It's time for me to start a new life after being discharged from the hospital."

What was the silent Empat thinking during the trial?

It's because you don't know that you think about it.

Reflecting oneself in the mirror makes people reflect.

In a sense, Ultraman is indeed a god.

God is perfect, and is the completed form that human beings pursue. Since Ultraman can arouse people's pursuit of goodness and let people examine themselves through them, how can he not be a god?

Fujiwara told Nangong about his plans for the future, and observed the other's expression.

At first glance, it has the same appearance as a human.

After that, what was revealed was a reaction similar to that of a human being.

Both God and man.

The world is always so wonderful.

Time has arrived in early March 2008.

The turbulent year of 2007 has finally passed even the winter, and it has completely become a past history.

TPC, an organization composed of governments from various countries, has taken a new step in essence to connect the world as one.

In these years, it has indeed made many actions that benefit all mankind.

The abandonment of old habits, the end of wars in the Middle East, and the economic development of Africa are all actions made under the same desire to 'bring humanity to the future'.

Therefore, when a draft is drawn up, it is natural that everyone is discussing it.

The 'Internet' is indeed a monster. After a careful understanding, it is only known how many people have been injured in these years.

That's why it is necessary to formulate laws that can completely restrain the virtual world.

However, it took more time and effort than expected.

Walking out of the communication room, Director Sawai let out a long breath after reaching the lounge.


Coincidentally, Dagu, who happened to be changing shifts, was only a step ahead.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Just by looking at that movement, you can tell how hard it is. Dagu immediately went to the side and took out a disposable paper cup, ready to fill some warm water.

Also because it is a break time, the director can speak freely:

"I'm also getting old. In the past, even if I had a three-hour meeting, I didn't think there was any problem."

Getting old is a scary thing, feeling like a machine that is slowly breaking down.

“That’s why it’s important to get everything done while you still can.”

There is no reason to leave everything to young people to solve.

Director Sawai changed the subject, and Dagu couldn't react to his energetic speech.

"That's amazing, Director."

He couldn't help sighing that anyone who knew the other party's experience would probably not be able to help but praise him as a 'legend'.

Walk up to the other person and put the water glass on the tea table.

"Compared with me, Ultraman is indeed more powerful."

Director Sawai picked up the warm water and shook his head.

"It's not to show off. A person in a high position like me actually has some things that he can't see. For example, this time the cyber violence, I can't get in touch with such things at all, because I don't know. does not exist."

A natural nonsense is - people only know what they know.

"But Ultraman is different, not as a patron saint, but as a person living on this planet who pays attention to the world. I think this kind of self-control that is not proud even if he has power is very powerful."

While speaking, he looked at Dagu.

This so-called youth who was 'rescued by Tiga from the chaotic time and space'.

Vaguely, he could guess something.

"Once a person has power, he will want to test it, and gradually develop his own special feelings in the process, which will arouse evil thoughts in his heart, but there are also good thoughts in his heart, and he can always uphold this kind of heart. Really amazing."

Director Sawai stared at Dagu, with kindness brought about by his age and gentleness in his eyes.

"Everyone has a dark side in their hearts, but I believe that human beings can turn this darkness into light with their own will."

As a young man who has fought Tiga so far, he gave his response. Unknowingly, he seems to have forgotten the things that should hide his identity.

Patting Dagu on the shoulder, Director Sawai drank the warm water in one gulp.

"It's time for me to continue to work with other high-level people to improve the draft, and I can't let this thing entrusted by Ultraman mess up."

He nodded with a smile and turned to leave.


Only then did Dagu suddenly react.

'No way? '

Before, I said something that seemed very remarkable because I followed my inner thoughts. Now that I think about it, I always feel that Director Sawai has something in his words.

Just as he was bewildered and troubled here, Masaki who was hiding behind the corner shook his head and left directly.

'Man can turn darkness into light by his own will. '

Perhaps, indeed, it may not be so.

Masaki's eyes were a little dazed, because apart from Tiga and Empat, there was a third Ultraman on this planet.

A fake Ultraman who moves faster than him.

At this very moment, this false Altman is training hard in the training ground.

"I have to become stronger!"

Not enough, just this is not enough, if you want to soar under the same sky as those two people, it is far from enough.

"Carl, where is your advantage? In every battle, you can't win without giving full play to your own advantages. What about your advantage?"

Jack watched his subordinates in the training ground, guiding them.

All people are like this, not just the so-called Altman.

People are all striving for different things.

And in a certain coffee shop in Kumamoto, the number of people staring at someone has increased.


The young man who returned from the hospital returned to his work, so the two people on the weekend, Unii and Kyoko, were being attacked by Kyoko with the eyes of "are you out of your mind?"

Ignoring this matter completely, the two of them stared at Nangong, the migrant worker who was honestly cleaning the table.

"Xingzi, where's your exercise?"

"It's already been done, don't worry about it."

"Yes Yes Yes......"

Kyoko responded helplessly, obviously the other party didn't want to move even on weekends, so she just sat in the room and wrote exercises, rested, turned on the phone to watch something, wrote exercises, hugged Ultraman's pillow, and wrote exercises.

Well, almost all of them are writing exercises, and they don't listen to any persuasion, and now they run down by themselves.

Still without warning.

'So puberty brats...'

It's completely unclear what they were thinking.

’ After all, I am a teenage girl whose adolescence was obliterated. '

Laughing at herself unambiguously in her heart, Kyoko nodded.

Unlike her who put this matter aside for a while, Nangong knew that there were two people staring at him without even turning his head.

'It was too obvious. '

The result is that there is no fool around, and a little bit of clues are directly pulled to him.

'I'm just a big brother who works hard...I'm sure you won't believe it. '

Now it seems that the day when all friends know their identities is not far away...

'So it's better to avoid such situations as much as possible. '

Well, I have been hiding for so long, how can I suddenly expose myself?

Ultraman also has the ambition of Ultraman.

"Hey, beater over there, you've been wiping the table for 5 minutes, are you going to wipe off all the wax?"

Kyoko's complaint made Nangong stop what he was doing.

He sorted out his mood, turned around and walked towards the bar naturally.

160 Chapter Four An Ordinary Day

There was great curiosity written in the big eyes, and Uniq, who didn't intend to hide it at all, made Nangong feel uncomfortable.

Kyoko's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was an intense inquiry inside.

Before walking back to the bar with the rag in hand, at this moment, Uniform suddenly leaned forward.

"Oops, I fell!"


Kyoko's eyes were no longer looking at children playing, her strange eyes only revealed the question of 'Are you sick?'.

At this time, on the shoulders of Nangong standing there were very rude hands.

Pinch, pinch, pinch.


That tasteful look makes people want to complain.

Uniform stretched his right hand and returned to the front of the bar.

"If you want to ask what it feels like..."

She recalled how she had felt before.

"Only when I got home and squeezed my dad's shoulder did I know."

"Then what's the point of what you just did?"

"Good question, I don't know either!"

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