The soaring Gazots immediately changed direction, avoiding the incomparably gorgeous 'Arrow of Light' in the night sky in different directions

The number is three, and they are broken separately.

The left hand shoots light bullets continuously, and the continuous shooting splits the opponent's combination.

From the corner of Dijia's eyes, he could see the enemy who was still planning to attack the passenger plane. In other words, he could not hesitate to make a quick decision.

Dash in a straight line and target one of the gazots.

Up, down, left, right, he moved in different directions without slowing down, dodging energy balls one after another.

When the distance drew closer, Gazot, who suddenly changed direction, accelerated to open the distance again.

It was at this moment that Tiga's originally smooth flight trajectory changed, and a 90° change of direction exploded an expanding Mach ring.

Gazot, the target, couldn't react to the speed that was so much faster than before.

He pulls back with his right hand until he reaches the left side of his face.

Thunder entangled and cut off suddenly.

The lightning hand knife exploded, slicing Gazot's back open.

Tiga quickly grabbed the seriously injured enemy and used it as a shield, and two energy balls hit the front.

Throwing the 'shield' away, his next target was Gazot, who was sprinting towards the airliner.

It's just that there is another gazot between him and the other party.

The left hand and the right hand are brought together and gathered at the waist.

Throwing, exploding, the enemies who were about to evade failed to notice that this was a different skill, and the extremely cold gas released by the freezing light blocked it within a hundred meters.

Gazot, who was affected, became stiff and covered in a layer of frost.

Over such it, Tiga accelerated to the limit.

One front, one back, like two lines chasing each other.

It's just that no matter how different actions the front makes, they can't get rid of the chasers behind.

The speed difference between the two sides is too large, to the extent that even flying skills cannot be reversed.

With the weight applied, Tiga locked the last Gazot from behind, turned around and threw it, and the enemy was out of balance during the rotation.

The rays of light that came from a distance split and entwined, wrapping around this Gazot like a spider's thread.

Looking at different positions, not only the one in front, but also the other three enemies, who were taken back by the dark cloud and pulled into the cloud again.

"Man of Light, we have already got the answer."

In the second communication, the lightning man said so, and they had already got the answer.

What is the answer?

The clouds began to rise towards the higher sky, not only this place, but the clouds formed by lightning people all over the world began to rise.

They move away from their original position, so the things in the original position are revealed like this.

"That is---"

Freed from restraint, the previously swallowed airliner left from the inside.

The TPC soldiers on the reconnaissance mission were stunned. Can the passenger plane hover in place and then move forward?

This is simply not an action that an airliner can do.

No, more importantly, the airliner was not destroyed.

What is this—

"You, prefer humans."

The lightning man in the cloud said so, and they made a test.

As expected, when Gazot tried to harm the humans, Tija made his move.

Although it didn't hurt Gazot's life, it didn't let Gazot succeed.

So how will it develop after that?

Once a conflict arises, will he forcibly stop both parties?

To prevent conflict without any resolution, in the end, nothing will be resolved.

There is no reconciliation between humans and lightning people.

"We will leave this earth to find a new world, but you have to remember."

The voice came into the ears clearly, this time it was not a child's raving, but a serious answer.

"Such a reckless development like this will eventually attract corresponding revenge. If you want your child to grow up, you must give up your arms. You can't protect human beings forever."


Dijia raised his head and stared at the clouds that were gradually becoming distant.

Human beings cannot stay forever in Ultraman's cradle.

"Is the information true?"

The branch chiefs of each branch of the TPC are confirming this matter, and the facts are just like the information they have received.

What the satellites orbiting outside the earth have captured is life forms like jellyfish converging into light.

They, the Lightning Man, have left the atmosphere and are heading for a farther universe.

On this night, someone looked up, so everyone looked up.

"Look! What's that!"

At an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, a group left.

Their lights shone across the sky, forming a beautiful galaxy.

The earth seems to be wrapped by it, and in every corner, as long as you raise your head, you can see the ocean of light.

Under this gorgeous scene, who is fighting.

"This guy!"

The α-fighter climbed and sprinted, and the blue lightning quickly drew in behind.

The moment he passed above the enemy, Thunder couldn't continue to chase.

No matter what, this enemy can't turn his head back 180°


Xincheng subconsciously called out to his comrades-in-arms, and then suddenly reacted.

"Tsk, the communication can't be used."

This is what they found after they came here. Let alone contacting the headquarters, there was no way to even communicate between the α fighter and the β fighter.

"These stinky lightning men..."

The interference and influence of the electromagnetic waves and the habits of the Lightning Man, the combination of the two made it straightforward for Xincheng to link Qiao Bailiai with the Lightning Man.

And is this really the case?

Taking advantage of the moment when the α-plane was attracting the attention of the enemy, the β-plane flew forward, and the frozen beams equipped on its wings launched together with the missiles it carried.

In the blink of an eye, Qiaobelie's body was engulfed by the explosion, and his body frozen by the ultra-low temperature was hit by the powerful missile of the explosion.

The shattered ice cubes melted due to the high temperature, but the moment the smoke cleared, the hole was dug out of its chest, and its murderous habits were aroused.

The α-fighter passed by above, the lower part of the fuselage opened, and the stored bomb bombs dropped down, exploding on the enemy's head.

In the bright light, the β fighter continued to attack. During the time when the frozen light was reloading, the ordinary light gun fired fiercely, and then flipped away.

The monster held here by the two fighter jets raised its head, its two horns aimed at each other, and the blue lightning was still produced in the center.

It's just that the lightning this time seemed to hit something else.

Hit the invisible wall and set off a red explosion.

In an instant, a large number of red light spots fell.

The electromagnetic waves all over the earth had a unique reaction with the lightning of Jobeliai, burning and bursting like oil meeting fire.

"what is this!"

Xincheng pulled the joystick, and the sky seemed to be raining lightly. The body system sensed the danger and issued a warning.

The α-fighter relied on its smaller size and maneuverability to move through it, trying to dodge.

But the β fighter didn't have such good luck. I saw that the wing was blown apart by touch, and in the dark smoke, it fell down unbalanced.

The red light spot didn't just target them, when it fell and touched the ground, the high temperature also spread to everything around it.

The forest that happened to exist was ignited, and the β fighter was making an emergency landing into the flames.


Noticing the situation over there, Xincheng tried to call, but there was still no response.


Dash, shoot, melt-ray firing.

Pulling the joystick, the Alpha Fighter did not avoid the attack.

Like what I saw before, the red explosion set off from a position less than 5 meters away from the fighter plane.


The wing was directly engulfed. Just now, the communication initiated by Xincheng released an electromagnetic wave, and this electromagnetic wave was detonated by the lightning of Chobelia.

Pulling, unable to climb.

The Alpha fighter that was falling in a straight line was an easy target for Qiao Bailiai.

The lightning between the corners gathered again, and at the same moment, the ground made of mud set off waves due to the impact.


It was the gray-black giant who stomped on Jobelie's head. Karl arrived in this deep mountain.

He didn't go to catch the falling Alpha fighter, because he knew that he was fundamentally different from the other two Ultramans.

Touching at such a speed would mean that he would smash the opponent into pieces.

'After all, it is a pirated product. '

Thinking like this in my heart.

'But even pirated goods, there are things that can be done! '

Raising his hands, he slashed them down suddenly, and the two rotating light wheels directly cut off Qiaobelie's double horns.

The next moment, he was thrown backwards.

One got up from the dirt, and the other landed lightly using his flying ability.

Throwing both hands forward, the sharpness of the two light wheels has been fully demonstrated before.

The moment he sensed the danger, Chobelie used the carapace on his back to defend, and the ring of light was exhausted in the scattering of sparks and particles.

However, the halo is just a 'dagger' to Karl

What he wants to use now is the 'machine gun'

Left hand forward, as launch port.

Negative energy is mobilized, start shooting.

A red and black 'arrow-like' light appeared at the front of the fingertips that were close together, and then there was a crazy burst of shooting.

"Good guy..."

Xincheng stared blankly at the new Ultraman. The fact that there was a human Ultraman in the American branch had already spread throughout TPC.

Now it seems that that Ultraman is really different from the Ultraman he knows.

The sound of continuous explosions echoed in his ears, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of shots had already hit Qiaobelie's body.

Karl has already understood that he does not need to imitate Tiga and Empat's fighting style, he can use strong negative energy to achieve more special tactics.

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