For example, at this moment, he sprints and jumps up.

The left hand was still used as a machine gun, aiming at the monster that was suppressed in place by the firepower, and slashed forward with the right hand.

When it landed, the light wheel dissipated.

Qiaobelie's body stiffened, and finally fell forward, his head fell forward and was severed.

This time, no acceleration is applied.

Karl stepped forward into the burning forest, and the flames meant nothing to him.

Reaching out, lifting, inside the beta fighter, the three of them were waiting for rescue.

The forest fire is also meaningless to this fighter, but now when he looks up, the red eyes make people unconsciously frightened.

"Scared, scared me to death..."

Horii caressed his chest, this Ultraman looked too scary.

"Can I trouble you to put out the fire with freezing light?"

The smooth words came out of Carl's mouth, so that everyone in the winning team was frightened for the second time.


Afterwards, the blue light is cold enough to stop a spreading forest fire even with reduced output.

Unknowingly, the Milky Way in the sky has completely disappeared, the Lightning Clan has completely left the earth, and Qiao Bailiai has also been defeated. If this is the case, does it mean that a crisis has been alleviated?

The lightning emitted can have a special reaction with electromagnetic waves and cause strong damage. If such a monster enters a human city, what will happen?

Probably within a few minutes, the city covered by electromagnetic waves will be completely engulfed by the red explosion.

The incident of the lightning man caused by electromagnetic waves has thus come to an end.

-------------------------------------------Dividing line

The moon sinks and the sun rises, and the night is followed by day. Unfortunately, the incidents caused by electromagnetic waves have not come to an end.

"The impact is really big enough."

It's rare that Shili didn't bring his laptop, after all, it doesn't help much.

The anomaly of electromagnetic interference is still going on, sometimes normal, sometimes abnormal.

For people, the most intuitive impact is... WIFI is no longer available, and mobile phones cannot make calls.

Of course, this is an event too serious to ignore.

160 seven chapters of human beings, nature, monsters

There are many consequences caused by the inability to use electromagnetic waves, not only for ordinary people, but also for TPC, this is also an extremely troublesome situation.

The most intuitive is that the positioning system no longer works.

The so-called GPS positioning is accomplished by satellites floating in the universe.

In order to receive its results, it is necessary to use electromagnetic waves of communication.

The things that were taken for granted disappeared, so everyone is now starting to be confused.

The human body is very weak, so various tools are created to assist in development.

Today, this tool is disabled.

"Once you get used to something convenient, it's hard to let go of it. Before that, who knew it would turn into such a troublesome situation?"

Horei's tone was full of exclamation. Everyone in the victory team stayed in the combat command room at this time, and they were not allowed to attack casually.

What happens if you strike out without a navigation system?

There is no doubt that there is a great probability of getting lost, and human eyes are not sharp enough to distinguish the location.

The troublesome place at this time is that electromagnetic waves cannot be used.

"It's still electromagnetic waves."

Hori held his hair helplessly. The situation at this time was like a bat releasing ultrasonic waves to explore the way. As a result, the ultrasonic waves were absorbed and did not feed back. As a result, with a 'bang', the bat hit the wall.

Even if the satellites in the universe can take pictures, they can't communicate with the earth. So, what should we do?

The answer is actually quite simple.

"These Lightning people will leave us with such a big trouble after leaving!"

Xincheng couldn't help complaining aloud, he never had a good impression of Lightning Man.

Although the other party has left now, the cannibalism and destruction before will not disappear.

"New Town!"

Hearing his words, Lina made a dissatisfied voice.

It is precisely because of the influence of human electromagnetic waves that the lightning man becomes violent, which leads to the appearance of Gazot.

"What do you want to say?"

Are you still planning to favor monsters that have already wreaked havoc?

Humans made an impact, so humans deserve to die?

As a soldier of TPC, Xincheng has never planned to be soft-hearted.

"Wait, both of you calm down."

Dagu hurriedly stood between the two of them, preventing further escalation of the conflict.

"I don't think this matter should have anything to do with the Lightning Man."

What he recalled was the previous conversation with the other party, and the reckless development would eventually lead to corresponding revenge.

The other party knew something, but didn't say it.

The so-called incur corresponding retaliation, in the end is...

While all the branches on the earth are at a standstill, someone has arrived at the Caro base on the surface of the moon.

This base, together with the Delta space station, and the more diffused satellites due to the appearance of the invaders, constitute the monitoring network of TPC in the universe.

The information obtained by the monitoring network will be transmitted to the earth, but this time, the information was cut off midway.

"The electromagnetic waves on the earth have failed?"

The fact that the earth cannot be contacted has already been communicated to every corner of the moon base, and the transport ship sent to the earth brought back Director Yoshioka of the Security Bureau.

"That's right, as long as it passes through the atmosphere, all electromagnetic waves will be swallowed up and disappear. At first we thought that the abnormality of electromagnetic waves had something to do with the Lightning Man, but your intelligence told us that's not the case."

He patted the folding fan in his hand. Just a day ago, a monster from the universe had been discovered on this side of the universe, and it was swallowed together with the electromagnetic waves carrying the information, which led to the information gap between the earth and the universe. not equal.

"Since the Lightning Man has left, it means that the anomalous electromagnetic wave this time is actually related to the monsters coming from the universe. Compared with the earth at this time, your space force is the most effective force to solve the situation."

Director Yoshioka's words really lifted the spirits of Hayate as the captain, and the task came.

"Leave it to us!"

He stood at attention, with a sharp light in his eyes.

Regarding this attitude, Director Yoshioka nodded in satisfaction.

The next battle will depend on the space troops.

So, from top to bottom, pass down layer by layer.

The Carlo airships stand ready and await the arrival of their pilots.

An hour later, the people who left the meeting room went to the hangar, and soon, the mighty troops carried their equipment and marched from the moon to the blue planet.

In the command room of the base, the communication is formed.

"No problem at all."

The sound of the gust of wind was clearly transmitted, and as expected, the monster that entered the atmosphere to devour electromagnetic waves could not affect the electromagnetic waves in the universe.

At this time, the Delta space station, the moon base and orbiting artificial satellites constitute a communication network.

Maintaining communication, the cosmic forces advanced rapidly.

"A cosmic monster that devours electromagnetic waves."

Director Yoshioka shook his head while talking.

The development of science and technology and the use of electromagnetic waves have affected the Lightning Man, who fell into a rage and began to fight back.

Afterwards, the arrival of the invaders made human beings have to take defensive measures, and more monitoring satellites released more electromagnetic waves, which caused the Lightning Man to be more affected.

And now, there are cosmic monsters attracted by this strong electromagnetic wave.

'It's sad. '

In order to protect oneself and master power, power has attracted new disputes. If you give up power because of this, weakness will become the cause of destruction, and the contradiction is incomparable.

In the process of conflict, human beings have no way to confirm whether the path they choose is the correct one, and they can only develop in this spiral.

To continue to exist even if it is full of contradictions, this is human... no, it is the instinct of all living things.

'We're going to change someday, but before that, we have to exist until that day. '

If it is destroyed, how can we talk about innovation?

Tetsuji Yoshioka, Soichiro Sawai, the hawks and the doves have been friends for 20 years. If the ideas conflict, it is impossible to form such a deep friendship.

They are people who are fighting for the future of mankind, but there are differences in the way they choose.

Time is flowing every minute and every second. During the boring automatic navigation, the team members are resting on the seats that are actually not comfortable.

The distance between the moon and the earth is 38.4 kilometers. Although it is about to set off, the special Carlo spaceship is not equipped with a Magus power system, so it will take several hours to reach the earth.

During this time, drivers need to be well rested to be able to concentrate when needed.

This time, the battle to annihilate the space monsters was handed over to the cosmic forces, but at the same time, the situation on the earth felt strangely funny.

Computers connected to network cables can log in to the network, and wired telephones that have long been eliminated can also be dialed.

The problem is that mobile phones used on the principle of electromagnetic waves are useless, so...

"What era is this?"

Inside the coffee shop, Kyoko couldn't help complaining. At this time, on the outside street, TPC vehicles were driving forward and playing recordings from the speakers.

The general content is to ask the public to wait patiently, and now TPC is doing its best to resolve the incident.

The announcement cannot be transmitted from the official website to the whole world. Instead, it has to be driven out like this and broadcast throughout the city with a loudspeaker...

"Am I living in 1985?"

We live in an era when computer screens are small and heavy, and mobile phones are as big as bricks.

"And you! Isn't the desktop computer able to connect to the Internet? You're actually fishing here?"

Kyoko scolded her younger sister, who was the anchor, who was laughing with Geddy on the first floor instead of working hard.

Hearing this, Ryoko retorted solemnly:

"I am not the one who fishes, but the viewers who can't use their mobile phones to watch the fish. As the saying goes, an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye, so I am not fishing."

"That seems to make sense."

As if fully accepting the words, Kyoko put her arms around her shoulders and nodded.

'Does it make sense...'

Nangong, who was watching the whole process, could only express his doubts about this. In the end, he was convinced that this should be a dialogue between the two sisters joking with each other.

"Speaking of which..."

At this moment, Ryoko hugged Gedi with both hands, and the happy Shiba Inu sticks out its tongue and wheezes.

"I always feel that you are getting smaller. It shouldn't be an illusion, right?"

The moment Nangong heard these words, his heart skipped a beat.


"Actually, I think so too."

Kyoko, who had raised Geddy for several months and was almost a real master compared to someone else, thought so too.

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