"Although the meat is still the same and the hair is the same smooth, I always feel half a size smaller than before."

This is the identification from the pro-owner.

Why does it get smaller?

The reason is actually very simple, because of the injury.

Unlike Nangong, when Gedi is injured, he will reduce the light particles used in mimicry and use more to heal his injuries.

The form of expression is the reduction in body size. By the way, when it changed back before, the type became Corgi.

Cardiopulmonary arrest came on the spot, but fortunately, it can be changed at will.

"Weigh it."

"What's the matter with the speech that seems to be about to sell?"

"Actually, I've felt Geddy's weight is quite wrong since before."

Kyoko recalled that feeling, every time she lifted Geddy up, she would have the illusion that she had become a wrestler, because it didn't feel heavy at all.

"Ah this..."

Nangong knows that this is the biggest problem for him and Gedi. For example, his height is 184 cm, but his weight... is 24 kg.

Well, 24 kilograms, 24 kilograms, the weight of a bucket of water, even Liang can hold him with a princess hug.

The only good news is that at least he is not 21 grams who can be blown away by the wind.

'Is this reasonable?Is this scientific? '

It's unreasonable, it's unscientific, but it's mysterious.


The moment he heard Kyoko's doubtful voice, Nangong realized that the other party had been placed on the weighing scale.

"Why have you never seen this before?"

Where did it come from?

"Because a girl definitely doesn't want to see a scale any more than a frog doesn't want to see a snake."

Liang Zi said in a serious manner, she was sure that the relationship between the two was like a natural enemy.

"That's pretty true."

Nangong's eyes focused on the reading on the scale, which was 7.8kg.




Three doubtful voices in a row, is Gedi so heavy?

Soon, it was actually the presence of the Giant of Light who understood the situation, and as long as the force was applied to the scale without leaving a trace, a false reading could be obtained.

'learnt. '

It turns out there is such a means.


Gedi jumped off the weighing scale and ran towards Nangong.

"I see."

Nangong took out a pack of jerky from his pocket, but his pocket was actually full of jerky.

After receiving the salary, I bought it for the pet, which is touching.

' Absolutely no idea that I think it's delicious. '

One person, one beast, put beef jerky in their mouths.

"Things are like masters."

Kyoko commented like this.

On this day, the store is full of lively atmosphere, after all, neither WIFI nor TV can be used today.

The guests have long been familiar with each other and chatted about similar topics.

For example, things about work, troubles in life, and recent pressure.

Of course, it will also be crooked to weird places.

"Nangong, do you want me to take care of you?"

The beautiful big sister said so, this big sister has almost reached the age where she can't get married.

"Hey! What are you talking to other people's employees over there!"

"Recently, my family has been constantly urging. I think Nangong is serious about his work. He looks at least 90 points. He is usually diligent and handsome. He has such a good relationship with Gedi. It's beautiful—"

"Didn't you just look at your face!"

Kyoko couldn't hold back at all.

"I don't have mind reading skills, so of course I can only start by looking at faces!"

The eldest sister, who was about to be unmarried, made complaints about it as a matter of course.

"Yes, yes, take this person away!"

"Then change me to work!"

The booing man obviously had an impure mind, which was why Kyoko was so happy to let Nangong work.

The so-called good target to attract firepower.

"No, what about my opinion?"

The weak voice was quickly drowned out, but Nangong thought carefully.

'Aren't I being adopted by someone now? '

Cool them off.

The wind chimes swayed, and the door was pushed open.

The moment he looked over, it was a young man with an even tattered body.

"I have suffered a great crime!"

Zamsha staggered in.

Mephilas, is that strong?

'Want to try it? '

she said so.

So try it and die, how did that guy get caught by Tysnoke and the others when he was so strong?

In other words, are Tysnook and the others stronger?

Then Dysnook was beaten into cosmic dust by this guy.


Zamsha's eyes became wrong.

"This guy's romantic debt even has men?"

Someone was discussing in a low voice, and the eyes were really 'enthusiastic'.

In this way, Nangong, who had suffered a great crime in a sense, finally ushered in the off-duty time.

"Huh? Why are you still here?"

Uniq looked at Nangong in shock.

"I'm just a big brother who works part-time."

Nangong responded without changing his face.

160 Eight Chapters of Abandoned Existence

Above the atmosphere, what color is the sky looking up from the earth at this time?

At least from Gale’s point of view, it’s just a black curtain decorated with blurry light spots, driving the Carlo airship close to the surveillance satellite floating in orbit.

After a long journey, the Space Force arrived where it needed to be.

There is one more person waiting here.

Floating above the atmosphere, the body is covered in light.

The sun, the moon, and the stars, but the body has not been supplemented by this, but it has a premonition that it can no longer stay away from this planet.

Karl can't be too far away from the negative energy materialization device, otherwise he won't even be able to maintain his body.

"Is that our Ultraman?"

Haifeng stared at the gray-black giant suspiciously. No matter where he looked at that image, he was definitely a villain.

It doesn't look like anything normal at all, and the beauty it should have has been completely destroyed.

"never mind."

Now it's time to focus on the task.

Why is it said that the space force is more suitable for this task?

At this moment, the interior of the Carlo flying boat received electromagnetic waves, and what was shown inside was a "surrounding network" for the earth composed of a large number of surveillance satellites.

The electromagnetic waves outside the atmosphere are not affected, so all the information obtained by the monitoring satellites is transmitted to the interior of the flying boat.

What exactly is the anomalous thing?

There is such a weird monster with a green body and aggressive needles behind it.

It is completely different from ordinary creatures. Are the three 'bulbs' on its face its eyes?

The radio wave monster Pican, a cosmic monster that feeds on electromagnetic waves, smelled the smell of food while wandering, and this smell was even more fragrant than the planets he had been to before.

So, attracted to the earth by electromagnetic waves, it started a journey of devouring the radio waves.

Unlike other planets, the earth's electromagnetic waves are not only exaggerated in intensity, but even the "regeneration" speed can be called endless.

Gazing at the monster swimming among the clouds, he smacked his lips unhappily.

"Still looking relaxed here..."

This place has been paralyzed for two days. Does this monster have no idea what it has done?

The satellite locks on, and the calculation begins. At this time, Pican is in the sky above the Atlantic Ocean, heading towards the Arctic Ocean.

"Okay, let's go!"

The cosmic troops started to move, noticing the moment they advanced, Karl also controlled his body to follow.

Like this, circling around the blue planet below, there is always a strange feeling.

I stretched out my palm to cover it, and found that the vast continent had completely disappeared.

White clouds float, forming a wonderful scene.

Green nature, blue sea, brown continent, and white 'tulle'

It's really beautiful.

The body tilted slightly, and descended with the Carlo flying boat.

Fingertips, arms, body, the high temperature when entering the atmosphere dyed the body red.

'A single machine breaks through the atmosphere, so I'm the protagonist? '

Karl was joking in his heart, the red in front of his eyes disappeared after a short time, and the scorching heat he felt before was also covered by the severe cold.

Clouds blocked the road ahead, and the next thing he had to do was.

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