"Well, let's go together again next year."

"I'm going to be in high school next year."

Wu turned over and took a deep breath.

"But it's alright! We have an appointment!"


Nangong nodded, at this moment, Liang coughed twice to attract everyone's attention.

"Have you guys forgotten the March Cherry Blossom Festival? In Kumamoto, it's late March."

"Speaking of which, there is still such a thing."

it is good!Come on!

'Cherry blossoms......'

When hearing this term, Nangong felt a little strange.

To be honest, let alone cherry blossoms, he has never even seen peach blossoms. He is a character who has no contact with such romantic things.

I didn't expect that there would be a day to enjoy flowers...

'Suddenly feel a little look forward to it. '

If you go with someone you care about, even an ordinary park will shine brightly.

160 Chapter Nine Encounters

Yagyu Shuichi, the main messenger of school violence, has no friends since he was exposed... No, he has no friends since he doesn't know when.

We are just friends who want to gain superiority from others and break up after being caught.

Several months passed, and the reporters who would have been hiding somewhere to watch quietly, hoping that he would do something, disappeared.

Because no matter how long I waited, I didn't get the news of 'the son of TPC's top management refused to mend his ways and made mistakes again'.

Compared with such headlines, the so-called "Prodigal Son Turns Back Without Money" is of no use at all, and has no reporting value at all.

The road at night was illuminated by street lamps, and the corner of Liu Sheng's mouth just moved, and he couldn't help showing a painful expression.

The fractured left hand was fixed with a splint, and the wound at the corner of the mouth was also covered with gauze.

The only thing he's happy about now is that at least he can't use his non-dominant right hand.

'It hurts... No wonder the physics teacher always said that Altman is not scientific at all. "

While catching the falling object with both hands, the weight made him lean forward on the spot, and then he was fractured and knocked.

As we all know, the effect of force and force is relative, why does Ultraman have no problem catching the falling fighter?

This is really a puzzling thing.

While thinking about messy things, move forward.

In a quiet residential area, Yagyu's line of sight happened to meet two people walking out of the corner.

One supported the other, the one on the right looked uncomfortable, seemed to be an ordinary office worker who drank too much for entertainment, and the one on the left was probably the companion who took him home.

Such an ordinary thought was abandoned after two seconds, because he saw the hand reaching into the clothes.


It looked like he was supporting, but in fact the clinging movement was just a cover. The drunk man kept talking nonsense, but he didn't notice the wallet being held.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

The questioning voice startled the man who was trying to steal, but when he noticed that the one who stopped him was only a kid in school uniform with a broken hand, he became disdainful.

"Shut up your extra mouth, or I don't mind shutting it up for you."

He spoke viciously, seeming to ignore the witnesses.


Liu Sheng silently walked by, as if intending to leave honestly.

His movements were watched all the time, and the thief's movements also stopped, and he would not continue to steal until the witnesses left.

'...Since you are disdainful, don't keep staring at me like this. '

It's really embarrassing.

Close observation, but can't see the appearance, because the spring season has not completely warmed up, so wearing a mask is a very normal behavior.

Liu Sheng could only pass by, and turned into the corner of the street.

He turned around after delaying for a few seconds, rushed out from the corner again, and smashed hard with the handbag containing the books.

Unexpectedly, the boy would be so nervous. The thief staggered forward, and the office worker who was being supported fell down with a bang, and the shock woke him up from his dream.

The consciousness of the office worker is still unclear, shaking his head.

"Screw you!"

The thief was enraged by Yagyu's actions and the situation, and stood up from the ground.

He rushed angrily, and his fist collided with the lifted handbag.

The unresponsive fast forward kick hit Yagyu's abdomen accurately, and the boy staggered and fell to the ground with severe pain.

"I'll fold the other hand for you too——?!"

Before he could react, the thief's expression changed.

Standing up from behind the young man was a black sticky shadow. The eyes of the shadow's head were opened, and there were two holes inside, and a larger hole was split above the hole.

In an instant, the eyes were curved and split again, like a smiling face.

"What the hell!"

Frightened, he instinctively turned around and fled.

"Young man, are you alright?"

At this moment, a voice of concern came into his ears.

Liu Sheng turned his head, the pain made him unable to speak for a while.

The one who ran over was an uncle in a white chef uniform.

"What, what, what's wrong? Where am I?"

The man with a splitting headache looked around in confusion at this moment, seeing him like that, on the contrary, the uncle who rushed over was furious.

"Look at you, if this boy didn't help you, don't talk about your wallet, that thief could even pull out your underwear!"


The office worker was stunned for a moment, then suddenly checked the inside of his clothes, and there was nothing inside.

The legs kicked subconsciously, and the wallet that fell on the ground was kicked a short distance away at some point.

He hurried forward to grab the wallet, he didn't know if he wanted to evade his responsibility, or he just didn't have a clear mind, so he ran away with the things while crawling.

"Hey! Hey!"

Soon, the other party disappeared into the darkness.

"It's so heartless."

The uncle said unhappily, and then Liu Sheng, who was lifted up by him, moved, which attracted his attention.

"Are you OK?"

"Hiss... I almost couldn't catch my breath."

If you want to ask what it feels like, just one word, pain, overwhelming, isn't this thief in great health?

Why use this way to make money?

"Come on, boy."

Lifting Liu Sheng up, the uncle led him to the stall on the other side.

'Eh? '

Was there such a small stall over there just now?

Was it because I was so focused that I didn't notice it?

Liu Sheng, who didn't understand what was going on, was placed on a small chair in front of the stall. Inside the stall, there were still cold pots and many put away bowls and pasta.

'If this situation is correct...'


No, isn't this kind of stall already divided into designated areas for the construction of city appearance?

That is... an irregular type?

Yagyu glanced at the uncle who walked inside... he should be called the boss now.

The traces of the years were still on his face, so he thought of the traditional people he had heard when chatting with his father before.

Unwilling to accept the so-called planning, thinking that the roof should be able to be fired anywhere at will, which makes TPC quite a headache.

Is it the same for the one in front of me?

"Come on, boy, I like you very much. Today I will cook soba noodles for you for free. Do you want to eat more or less?"

The boss was so enthusiastic that Yagyu didn't know how to refuse.

"Uh...then, how about a small bowl?"

If it's not tasty, it's over if you can't finish it.


' Wow, even the response is ancient. '

Liu Sheng complained in his heart, and his right hand subconsciously wanted to touch the abdomen that was kicked before.


The back of his hand brushed against something, he immediately lowered his head, but there was nothing there.

"What's wrong? Are you not used to sitting on chairs?"

"No, that's not... eh?"

I touched my abdomen. It was obviously aching before, but now it seems to be completely healed. What's going on?

Looking at Liu Sheng who was completely confused, the boss secretly laughed in his heart.

"Young man, you are very brave."

His words drew Liu Sheng's attention back.

"No, it's nothing..."

"Compared to that guy just now, it really annoys me!"

Anyway, leave a thank you!

"Calm down, calm down!"

Why are you more excited than me?


Not from his father, but from other people. For Yagyu who has no friends now, this is a very new and nostalgic experience.

Why do you miss it?

Probably because a long time ago, before going astray, I had one or two real friends who cared about me.

"No, no, a young man like you should be praised well. People in the past were not so cold."

The boss shook his head resentfully, dissatisfied with the difference between the present and the past.


Fascinated by this sentence, Liu Sheng asked subconsciously.

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