"Everyone helps each other and works hard together to build a village. After working during the day, we watch the moon and chat next to the lotus root pond at night. Even if the gate is open, no one will go in and steal anything."

This remark made Yagyu even more confused. Could there really be such a utopian period in this world?

"There were not so few stars back then, and there were not so many dazzling lights except candles and oil lamps."

Those so-called street lights made it hard for others to open their eyes.

"So I like you very much, and I haven't seen someone like you for a long time."


Liu Sheng didn't quite understand whether he should thank him for the compliment or what to do at this time.

A small bowl of soba noodles is placed on the counter.

The evening breeze blew slightly, and the tempting smell instantly poured into the tip of the nose.

Before he could start thinking, his hands began to move.

On the tip of the tongue, in the throat, the feeling of deliciousness emerges in the brain, and at this time the mouth is already full of noodles.

"Eat more, eat more to grow up healthily."

What the boss utters is a speech that elderly people quite like.

The time was 9:12, and during the normal time, Liu Sheng quickly finished a bowl of noodles.

The stomach didn't feel anything special, so...

"one more bowl."


The two of them shared a table and started chatting about ordinary things.

"My father is a very powerful person. He helped a lot of people in his position. He is a great existence to me, but he never asked me for anything."

Yagyu was talking about the past, in a sense, now he could only talk to a yatai boss he didn't know.

"I think it's because he knew his lifestyle was tiring and never asked me to be like him."

"But it's not that simple, is it?"

The boss has seen what the other party has done just now.

"There is often a saying that children will grow up by watching their parents' backs."

What kind of person is the parent, the child will probably be what kind of person.

"Probably so."

Liu Sheng showed a slightly bitter expression, then shook his head.

He has not forgotten what he did to attract his father's attention, and he will never forget it in the future.

"What about you, boss? Why did you set up a stall in such a place?"

Leaving this matter aside, Liu Sheng asked the boss instead.


The answer is actually very simple.

"Because a place that is too bright is not suitable for me, only a soft light will not hurt me."


For a while, Liu Sheng didn't know how to respond, at least he didn't understand the meaning at this time.

"Okay, okay, stop talking about these boring things, eat more, eat more to continue growing taller!"

"It's the second bowl..."

"But you still want to eat, don't you?"

"I think so..."

It is indeed delicious, but the problem is that eating too much at night is bad for your health, right?

Just when the two were talking to each other, someone's voice was heard.

Indistinct, inaudible, but audible.

where is itWhat are you talking about?

When Liu Sheng was puzzled, the boss touched his chin.

'These young men are really...'

A few minutes later, when even Liu Sheng had forgotten about this matter, a voice that sent chills down the spine came.

"Boss, have you heard who is..."

"Little girl over there, what's the matter with you?"


Turning his head to look in the direction where the boss was waving, the sobbing sound that sent chills down his spine came from the girl in the distance.

Attracted attention, the other party wiped his eyes with curiosity.

The fragrance of soup permeates this street, which makes people unconsciously attracted.

When the light from the stall shone on the girl's face, it was the red eye sockets under the glasses.

At this moment, Liu Sheng understood what it was that he heard before, it was the cry of the other party.


After hesitating for a while, he finally bit the bullet and spoke out.

"Are you OK?"

The right hand took out the tissue with great difficulty, but it was difficult to open it, so he had to hand it directly to the girl.

Is it because Yagyu broke his left hand?

The girl was not very wary of him.

"Thank you."

After saying such a sentence, he sat on another chair.

'......Ok? '

Another chair?

Liu Sheng was even more puzzled. Obviously, there should only be the one under his buttocks. When did the other chair appear?

' Am I wrong? '

It could only be explained in this way, he convinced himself in his heart.

"Let's warm up with a bowl of noodles. Although it's spring, the temperature has not yet reached the point where you can sway around at night."


Wiping away the tears from the corners of her eyes, the somewhat delicate girl brought back her glasses and changed back to that inconspicuous appearance.

She took a deep breath, being nice to everyone, and wanted to express the grievance in her heart.


It is good because it is a stranger.

"Is this like "Late Night Canteen"?"

"Uh...I don't think so."

Yagyu gave an uncertain response, and then turned his gaze to the boss, so he found that the other party's expression was full of doubts.

"what is that?"

The boss touched his bald head in doubt, not knowing what the young girl was talking about.

"Really? Don't you know!"

"do not know."

So, while Yagyu was unable to say "You are too familiar", the girl was popularizing that very popular TV series with her boss.

Chapter 170 The Daily Landscape

A bowl of noodles and a warm stall are indeed like scenes from a story.

Two guests, one boss, talking and listening, is a long time ago.

Just like TV dramas, movies, and animations, the children of neighbors met each other in childhood, and they simply became friends.

After growing up gradually, he became the so-called childhood sweetheart.

The two are not alienated, but because they have the same interests, they agreed to develop in the same direction.

Music, the world where you can express yourself with musical notes is so attractive, so the two people who encouraged each other grew up slowly, and before they knew it, they had reached the last year of high school.

Unlike girls, boys seem to be very talented.

Before they knew it, there seemed to be a long distance between the two.

Submissions from various channels and performances on the Internet, although they are moving forward slowly, they are indeed engraving footprints step by step.

The girl seemed unconfident because of the gap between the two, so she gave up the route on the Internet and concentrated on channel submissions.

And just a week ago, she rang the melody in her dream in the middle of the night, and recorded it when she woke up.

The excited girl quickly submitted it, so she got a response just three days ago.

At that time, she couldn't pay attention to the situation because her mind was so messed up. It wasn't until the reply came that she realized what an incredible person her submission was.

Chris Maya, a professional singer who has become very popular in recent years.

It is a response sent by me personally, which points out her shortcomings, points out her advantages and places that can be modified.

There was not much sense of distance in the reply, and the contact with this talented female singer naturally made the girl overjoyed.

The original lack of self-confidence was swept away, and she unconsciously...

"Show off too much."

The boss spoke his mind.

"Even if they are childhood sweethearts who grew up together, they are good friends... No, it's because they have been friends for so many years that they feel unhappy."

As an existence that has lived for a long time, he has seen the beginning and end of life, and the movement of the sun, moon and stars. Such a situation could not be more clear.

"If you are a stranger, you can laugh it off and forget it when you see it. On the contrary, people who are familiar with it are prone to jealousy and resignation, because they can more clearly feel the gap between before and after."

"Boss, what you said——"

Liu Sheng couldn't help but want to stop it, because it sounded more like incitement.

"Don't be ashamed. It's perfectly normal to have such emotions. I'm happy for my friend's success, but at the same time I feel resentful because of the gap that has been opened. People have been swinging between positive and negative ends since ancient times."

Speaking of this, this seemed a little strange to Liu Sheng before, but the boss with a loud voice showed a special look in his eyes even though he didn't understand it.

"Have you ever had such an idea? So it's not the fault of either of you. What matters is what to do next."

As the boss said, the girl naturally had dark thoughts.

But those are things that pass by in a flash and are quickly forgotten.

She picked up the bowl and quickly swallowed the remaining noodles with the soup.

"That's right. He never deliberately showed off to me before. It's true that I didn't do well. Thank you, boss, and thank you for the tissues."

Pushing the glasses that were shrouded in a hazy white mist due to the conflict between heat and cold, the girl left from the seat.

"how much is it?"

"No, no money."

"free of charge?"

"Don't look at me like this, in fact, I was once called Master Ayan."

In other words, it means rich.

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