The tool used by Babar to prove the darkness of the human heart and destroy it has become the power to protect mankind.

No matter who it is, there will always be dark thoughts. It is stupid and ignorant to only see the dark side but ignore the light.

"The store manager, Mocha."

The wind chimes, footsteps and single clicks came at the same time, and Nangong straightened up.

Hit the workers, attack!

-------------------------------------------Dividing line

What happened yesterday was like a dream.

After school, Liu Sheng, who was unable to participate in volunteer activities due to a broken bone, was resting at home. He thought about it carefully, the stall that appeared out of nowhere at night, didn't it feel like a ghost story?

The boss is a monster, but in fact he lied to people for something.

"It's delicious..."

Recalling the taste of soba noodles last night, my stomach protested unconsciously.

My father is still busy with TPC work, there is only one person in the family, and it is difficult to cook because of a bone fracture, so he has been dragging on.

Or order takeout.

"It's delicious..."

The taste is also very fragrant.

Liu Sheng sniffed, as if he could smell the smell.

"Yes, it's this stock...huh?"

It's not as if, it really smells!

Open the window and look into the distance from the second floor, it seems that the corner of the street is the light of the stall.

Chapter 170 The Versatile Boss

"I'm here today too."

Under the stall, the 'shadow' who was staying there stuck his head out, and he said those words in a somewhat helpless tone.

So, the boss knocked on the pot unhappily, making a crisp sound.

"Isn't it possible? I think it's my freedom to set up a stall anywhere!"

If you find a good place, of course you have to stay!

"Yes, yes, that's what you said."

Shadow has been with the other party for many years, of course he knows what the other party thinks.

This kind of style of clinging to a place as soon as you find it, unwilling to let go, and unwilling to walk again is really old-fashioned.

"Indeed, as that girl said, you should change your name to Master Ayan."

Before I knew it, I was already quite old.

"Okay, don't talk too much."

After saying this, the boss raised his head again.

"Isn't this the young man from yesterday? Do you want some soba noodles today?"

Hearing this sentence, although Liu Yu who was approaching was very puzzled that the other party lowered his head just now and seemed to be talking to himself, but the instinct of hunger overcame everything.

"Is there a big bowl? Please give me a big bowl."

"Of course there is."

Get out of the pot, start cooking, steaming hot.

Liu Sheng watched those movements, neither fast nor slow, just ordinary, nothing special.

"Boss, how on earth do you cook it so delicious? This is the best soba I've ever had."

In all fairness, I have eaten noodles in other stores before, it is far inferior to this one, the gap is too far.

"If it is not here, but if it is registered, if you go to the downtown area, you will definitely make more money than now."

After all, the night market street composed of yatai has become a cultural heritage in a sense, not only locals but also tourists come here.

Of course, it's hard to say how much is for the sake of popularity and how much is genuine.

"With the skill of the boss, he will surely overwhelm the crowd."

After all, this place is really delicious, and there is no way to fill up the stomach with snacks. Isn't it just for a 'delicious'?

To Liu Sheng's persuasion, the boss shook his head casually.

"Forget it, I'm not interested in this kind of stuff, just treat me as a... um..."

The bald head is more conspicuous under the lamp.

"Street vendors out of interest."


One punch can instantly kill the enemy... Ahem, it's just a joke.

Chatting, talking about topics, not knowing each other's names, but they were indeed talking about something in a soft atmosphere.

Soon, a large bowl of soba noodles was placed on the table.


I also put a lot of meat, really just to make money and lose money.

'We must pay today. '

Otherwise, I feel bad about it.

Pick up the chopsticks and taste with the tip of the tongue, so under the background of hunger...


what is this!The taste reverberates in the brain!

"Hahaha! That's good! Eat more and eat more!"

The loud and happy voice spread in the streets and alleys. Someone followed the voice and approached, and then smelled the seductive smell.

It was almost the same position as yesterday, even the guests sitting there were the same, with their left hand hanging on their chest due to injury.

"Oh, isn't this the little girl from yesterday? How is it?"

The girl moved closer, attracting the boss's attention.

"No problem! We apologized to each other!"

She gave a thumbs up, as if she was a different person compared to yesterday.

"I want a bowl too, but in a smaller size."

The girl sat directly on the chair, then touched her pocket.

"By the way, I've actually revised the previous song today, can you please listen to it for me?"

"Of course it's fine!"

The boss waved his hand, he thought there was no background music.

"Because it is played externally by the mobile phone, the sound quality will definitely be damaged. Please don't mind this."

After saying this, the girl pressed the play button.

'Well... I wouldn't be able to tell if it was damaged. '

Yagyu's understanding of music was limited to his school lessons.

Soon, the melodiousness firmly grasped the ears.

1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, plus 38 seconds.

After the three-minute and 38-second song was played, Yagyu blinked.

"What, how is it?"

The girl who was still energetic before now showed her lack of self-confidence.

"I think it's great. Although I don't know much about music, I think it sounds good."

Yagyu could only use straightforward and simple words to encourage each other, but for a girl who is not confident, just a "nice" straightforward compliment is enough to encourage her.


At this time, the boss who closed his eyes and meditated suddenly opened his eyes.

"Little girl, in fact, in your song..."

What he said was words that Yagyu couldn't understand at all, but those who understood opened their eyes wide.

"Etc., etc!"

The girl took out different things from her pocket again, it was a rolled up notebook and a pen.

"Boss, say it again!"

Turn it on, hold the pen, and start recording.


In the next short period of time, Yagyu looked left and right, sucking soba noodles in his mouth.

Of the three present, he was the only one who couldn't do it.

No, he saw a fact.

That is, the boss is helping the girl whose name is not known to revise her song, and put forward corresponding suggestions that can be adopted.

In other words...

'An expert is actually by my side? '

He began to believe that the other party was "Master Ayan" who ran out to experience life.

The moment the chopsticks were put down, the exchange here had just ended.

"thank you boss!"

"It's nothing, it's just a small thing.

If you live a long life, you will learn a lot of things because of your interest.

Before you know it, you will master more things. This is the benefit of longevity.

"Then, can I come again next time?"

"No problem at all."

The two reached a consensus, which also made Liu Sheng realize one thing again.

He is redundant.

'I shouldn't be in the stall, I should be at the bottom of the stall. '

It's really only me who can't do it.

"Then I'll get it right away, and I'll be back soon!"

"Wait, go get it right away—"

The girl ran away like the wind blowing, go get it right away?

"Is it very close?"

Liu Sheng said in a low voice, if he wasn't very close, he wouldn't have gone to get it right away, would he?

"It's close, it's over there, look, you can see it from here."

The boss pointed to a house in the distance, about 120 meters away in a straight line.

Near, quite close, basically within a residential area.


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