Liu Sheng remained silent. Seeing him like this, the boss sighed again.

"Times have changed, do you only know your neighbors now?"

Are they not as close to each other as they used to be?

"Actually, even neighbors can't be regarded as acquaintances..."

Liu Sheng thought about it, the neighbor only remembered the surname, and only said a word or two when handing in the circulation board.

After all, there is no intersection, they can only be regarded as a familiar face.


The boss shook his head helplessly, at this moment, someone rushed out from the corner.

The girl with glasses can be said to be quite good at sports, and in her hand is a stack of thick paper.


How many songs is this?

"There are 24 songs in total. Although the previous submissions have disappeared, I am not willing to burn them."

In any case, it is also the result of my own hard work, and of course I am not willing to give up.

"Then play it and listen."

The boss took the score, and the girl opened the music stored in the external memory card of the mobile phone.

It may be cheerful, melodious, or intense, but there is no sadness. Pass it out, and unknowingly attract someone's attention.

'Aren't they all very nice? '

When the second song that Liu Sheng heard ended, he thought silently in his heart.

From the perspective of non-professionals, the impression is pleasant.

"Huh? When did this restaurant open here?"

Suddenly I heard someone say this, it was a tired office worker who had just got off work.

"It's still playing nice music, what, you have a pretty good business mind."

As he spoke, he approached.

A new guest arrived, so Yagyu stood up, his stomach already full.

"Boss, I'll have a bowl too."

"I'm busy!"

However, what he got was a fierce reaction. In an instant, all three pairs of eyes focused on the boss.


Is this... is this the attitude of doing business?

"Boss, business is important, business is important, you can play the song first."

"Yes, yes."

The new guest looked puzzled at the boss who had been persuaded by the young teenager.

'What's the situation? This is it. '

Then again...

"I haven't heard this piece before, it's so strange, boss, whose work is this?"


Before the girl could react, the boss sold her out without any psychological pressure.


The man still doesn't understand.

"The song she wrote has not been released yet."

Now, I completely understand.

"Really? Can you compose your own music at such a young age?"

"Yeah, not so much..."

All the submissions fell into the sea, and there was no response.

"No, no, I think that after I bought a guitar to attract girls, I couldn't even understand the score."

The man sighed.


Playing the guitar is super fashionable, so it can attract the attention of girls, what a realistic motivation.

"Although I put the guitar in the corner to eat ashes, it doesn't prevent me from thinking that those who can make tunes are amazing."

If we want to talk about the same culture all over the world, it must be 'music'.

No matter which nation or civilization, there are different types of music styles that are blooming with a hundred flowers.

It was really shocking.

"By the way, boss, where's my noodles? I'm so hungry that I'm going to kill someone."

Who to kill?Kill me, isn't it that I kill myself if I starve to death?

"I get it, I get it, shut up and stop shouting."

For the sake of you praising this little girl, I'll make you a copy.

A few minutes later, fragrant soba noodles were placed on the table.

"good to eat!"

The result is still shouting.

Music, guests, aroma, food, is it because the store opened earlier today?

Notice that there are more commuters here.

Unknowingly, the number of guests increased under the boss's displeased expression.

But the girl didn't leave. If you want to ask why, someone is saying something like this——'This song is very nice, but whose composition is it? '


Yagyu stared at the girl whose face was full of joy, and understood that kind of thinking.

'I want to be recognized for my actions'

This couldn't be more normal.

The usually wide streets became lively.

"Boss, is there no wine?"

"Unfortunately, no."

In a sense, the business of this yatai is truly opened today.

Someone is watching here without anyone noticing.

Time is such a thing, it always passes slowly when you pay attention to it deliberately, and it passes quickly when you don't care about it.

With the tearing off of the calendar, another day passed.

The sun in the sky sinks after going through a daily unchanging process, and is ready to continue to shine on the earth on the other side of the earth.

Returning home, Yagyu walked around the corner, and there was the boss who had put down a large stack of plastic chairs, with a folding table next to him.

He put on an unhappy face, but he was actually quite well prepared.

"Boss, a bowl of soba noodles."

"I'm coming."

Today, there is not much change. Yagyu arrived here first after school, probably because the school is farther away and the girl is later.

Cell phones, sheet music, notebooks, pens, and music playing.

Gradually, people returning home from get off work also arrived here, and some even brought their friends here.

Because before that, he never thought that someone could cook noodles so deliciously, not only delicious, but also cheap. For office workers, it is a little bit of savings.

"Take the folding tables and sit aside! The front seats must be reserved!"

"why is it like this!"

The boss gave the highest instructions, so that there is enough space for him to put forward some suggestions for revision while listening to these slightly jerky tunes.


He explained the reason, and the girl nodded while recording.

On the side, Liu Sheng didn't have any special thoughts, just eating dinner while watching the two communicate. When there is pleasant music, these incomprehensible words are not so unbearable.

Just think of it as listening to a rap.

That's the beginning, and then, the continuation.

For the next three days, the streets were very lively, but there were only small shops serving dinner, no alcohol.

Because the boss understands that once there is alcohol, the chances of causing a drunken madness and affecting others will greatly increase.

The time is 21:00 in the evening, and the short business is over. The girl happily hugs her notebook, and she has gained a lot every day.



"I'm going back too."

Saying goodbye to each other, Yagyu walked towards the house that was less than 100 meters away.

Passing the corner, the light of the street lamp hits the body.

The next moment, severe pain came, unable to speak, unable to breathe, someone almost crushed his neck with the palm of his hand.

In front, is...something wrapped in black.

The two red dots are at the position of the eyes, and each other is like a burning black flame.

Mouth opened, but no sound came out.

A kick out has no effect.

Consciousness became confused due to the pain, and in an instant, purple flashes pierced the night, and hit the black monster's arm locked on Liu Yu's arm.

Chapter 170 Two Possible Objects

The exploding sparks pierced through the pitch-black 'outer', and the pain caused the monster's palm to loosen. When Liu Yu fell down, the blackness wrapped around his arm again.

'Just now is...'

Before you get surprised, there's one more thing to do.

"Shadow Mage!"

He immediately yelled, and the shadow under Ben's feet moved forward quickly, wrapping Liu Sheng, who was unable to exert his strength, and pulling him back.

Gasping and coughing were mixed together, the boy raised his head subconsciously, and in sight was the boss holding a short stick.

What the hell does this happen?

What was it that attacked me just now, and what did the boss do?

In an instant, he witnessed what the other party did.

I saw the boss's right hand spinning, and the front end of the short stick was a purple-red light, forming a spiral with the user's movements.

He flicked forward, and the same beam of light shot out as before.

The monotonous straight-line attack didn't work, so the monster jumped to the left and dodged first.

However, he has two enemies.

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