The existence known as the 'Shadow Mage' moved forward quickly, blending with the shadows on the ground and then advancing.

When the monster fell, it was like stepping on a trap, and the exploded shadow quickly wrapped upwards, locking the enemy into it like a black cloth.

Protrude, press, protrude, press, a group of black balls crazily deformed, and the monsters making a fuss inside kept deforming the Shadow Mage, but pure strength could not let him escape.

'What's next? '

The boss thought in his heart, the light he released when he rescued Liu Sheng earlier hit the monster, and then he saw what was inside.

A brief hesitation led to a change in the result. In the dark night, the sound of violin playing came out.

"This is...hey! Young man!"

On one side, Liu Sheng's body softened, and he barely supported himself with his right hand.

The feeling of weakness reverberated in his brain, and the next moment, although it was a bit late, the boss also noticed that the sound of music passing into his ears had taken away something.

As a result, his spiritual power was weakened, and the shadow mage exploded on that side.

The dark cloth that was torn into countless pieces merged into the shadow of the earth, and the two red spots were fierce because of the night.

The next moment, the monster quickly jumped up and disappeared into the distance.


After a moment of silence, the boss knelt down and helped Liu Sheng, who had become a little more normal due to the disappearance of the music.

"Young man, are you alright?"

"I'm... okay."

The boy shook his head and became more sober, and an inexplicable sense of fatigue filled his body.

"It seems that your spirit has been sucked away by that monster."

"Is that also a monster? Shouldn't it be?"

The third voice sounded, and a black slime-like thing plastically rose from the ground. After all, a shadow is still a shadow after being torn apart.

"Wow...a monster."

Liu Sheng trembled.

"That's right, it's a monster, but it's still uncertain whether that thing was a monster just now."

The Shadow Mage denied his judgment.

"If you want to say it, it's more like a wraith? But what's wrong, maybe it's closer to the wraith?"

After a creature dies, if it harbors strong hatred, plus some strange factors, such as spiritual veins, the birth of an evil mage, it will become a so-called 'wraith'

They may not have many memories of their lives, in short, they hate the existence of all living beings.

The boss touched his chin, but he didn't feel any surprise.

"Even our era has so many resentful spirits, so it's not surprising that there are so many in this era."

Look at people nowadays, they only care about themselves, and everything is in line with their own interests. People who have no spiritual strength become vengeful spirits after death, and disaster-stricken people bow down to people who have no spiritual strength. Isn’t this very reasonable?

"Wait, stop for a second. What are you guys talking about? I'm at a loss right now. I don't know what's going on. Can you explain it to me first?"

Yagyu's brain is a mess, after the baptism of "being attacked by something inexplicable" and "the boss is not normal", now there is a supernatural "ghost"

What about science?

"Since this is the case, let's start with self-introduction."

The boss grinned, wishing someone knew who he was and remembered him.

"My name is Obic, and I'm a monster."


Monsters manipulating monsters?

I thought you were an onmyoji or something.

A few minutes later, the two sat on the sofa in the living room. It was night, but there was no light.

Because Obic said that he hates light, and although electric lights can't do harm, hating is hating.

"That's what happened. Someone came to me and told me that no matter how the times change, there are things that won't change. Let me witness it alone, so I came to this city."


I didn't understand it at all. In short, monsters exist and souls exist.


What is the story of ordinary people seeing the back of the world and being rescued by monsters?

It's too domineering, too protagonist, right?

However, the monster is a bald uncle.


Well, this is not the protagonist, even if it is the protagonist, it must be the protagonist of a funny comic.

"So, have you messed with anyone lately?"

Obik's question pulled Yagyu back from thinking.

"That guy didn't plan to keep his hand at all, he just planned to kill you."

If he hadn't arrived in time, a young man in this world would have died.

He moved his gaze to the opponent's broken arm, very suspicious.

"No, it was because of other things. At that time, a child fell from the window on the third floor, and I subconsciously rushed up to catch it, and it became like this."

Fractures are another matter. I fell down and nearly broke my teeth.


Let's talk about whether you have offended anyone.

Liu Yu recalled the past.


He has done excessive things to an ordinary person, which will cause serious harm, and it will be difficult to make up for it no matter what you do.

It is only natural to be retaliated against for this.

"It seems that you have the bottom of your heart?"

Of course Obik could see what the other party's silence meant.

"The human body and soul are compatible. Even if there are two souls, it is because of some special circumstances that the source is split into two."

The existence of monsters is popularizing the corresponding knowledge to human beings.

"As for the wraith... You must have heard the story of the ghost's upper body being seized when you were young, right? That's true. If you leave it alone, the original owner of the body will be swallowed up instead."

"To put it simply, the person who continues will die, and the vengeful spirit that has been wiped out will continue to look for the next target."

The shadow mage explained the situation at this time in common words.

-------------------------------------------Dividing line

It is very difficult to muster up courage, especially with the object of guilt.

It was already the end of the third get out of class, but he remained motionless.

"Young man, why don't you just say a few words? You should hurry up."

"It's not you, of course you say it's easy!"

"The more you procrastinate, the more irreversible it becomes."


Liu Sheng lowered his head, talking to the things in the desk drawer.

During the day when the sun was rising, Obic couldn't move, so the Shadow Mage moved, hiding in the shadows.

Taking a deep breath, standing up, Liu Sheng walked towards the students on the other side, and the shadow mage sneaked into the shadow under his feet.

Get closer and make a sound.

"Uesugi, can you come with me?"

He wanted to make an expression, but the nerves in his face didn't respond as if they were dead.

Yu Uesugi, a classmate who was once bullied by him.

At this moment, upon hearing his words, the other party raised his head.

That look still reveals disgust as always, this feeling is not very good.

"I'm sorry I refused, you'd better stay away from me."

You should know what your situation is, right?

What will happen again and how big will it be?

'It seems that the situation is very complicated. '

While the shadow mage was paying attention to the situation of the two, he also noticed the eyes of other students looking over.

There was also the situation when class was over before, the boy who he thought was good seemed unpopular.

"Actually, I like you, come with me!"

"Has your brain been run over by a car?"

"Just for a while, 5 minutes... no, 3 minutes."

"leave me alone!"

Emphasized every word, after this, Yagyu couldn't talk to Uesugi no matter what he said, and soon, the fourth class began.

In this class, nothing was heard.

'Well, I don't think I have much choice. '

Another class passed, the get out of class ended, the teacher left, the classmates relaxed, and Liu Sheng stood up.

The attention was focused on him, so he stepped forward.

"Uesugi, come with me."

"I refuse... wait, what are you trying to do!"

Almost forcibly pulling the opponent up from the seat, Yagyu carried Uesugi on his shoulders before the opponent could react.

Teeth, fists, the other party is completely different from before when they can't fight back, and they can't fight back when they scold, and the pain comes.

He endured it and rushed out of the classroom.

"Go find the teacher!"

The students also moved.

One person is carrying another person running in the corridor, which of course attracts the attention of other students.

'Well, I'm done. '

Liu Sheng thought this in his heart, and then rushed to the toilet.

"Get out!"

Under this shock, the people looked at each other and ran out quickly.

Yagyu closed the door, locked it, and then broke into the unoccupied private room.

Because his left hand was broken, he couldn't be gentle, so he could only put Uesugi on the closed toilet in a slightly rough way.

"What do you want to do!"

"Sorry, it's over soon."

"What the hell are you talking about—?!"

That is, a mass of dark monsters.

In an instant, Uesugi lost consciousness.

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