The passing white birds, the blowing petals, the sky is not bright, the spring in March, the rainy season in March, although the water drops have not yet fallen, but who knows when they will drip?

Under this oppressive tone, the school gate opened and closed, and the lonely boy seemed to be expelled from this world.

"The result is not..."

As far as Liu Sheng could think of, there was only one person who harbored such hatred for him.

But no, Uesugi is completely normal, without the slightest problem.

In that case, who is it?

"At least he's okay."

Thinking of this, my gloomy mood became much better.

After leaving school, Yagyu, who received a new suspension, walked towards home.

"Sorry, boy."

"What are you talking about, I am the one who did this."

It's am I going to explain to my father about youkai and wraiths?

Thinking of this, Liu Sheng felt a headache again.

How to explain this?

But since it is TPC, maybe they have already known about these supernatural existences.

The flow of time is directly proportional to the number of steps taken, and Liu Sheng, who returned home in half an hour, sat on the sofa.

The curtains were all drawn, Obic hated the light.

"We could very well be wrong."

He paced back and forth in the living room, attacking people does not necessarily need the so-called 'hate'

"Maybe the other party just wants to try to see how much power he has."

Just like those knife-testing massacres back then, they didn't even want to see how sharp the knife was, but just wanted the pleasure of depriving life.

"This kind of guy is the most disgusting, because there is no law of action."

Without clues, there is no way to follow.

One person and one demon are in trouble.

The wall clock adorning the walls ticked away, and the colors of dusk entered through the curtains.

In the end, he could only take one step at a time. Liu Sheng called and reported the situation to TPC. Whether there will be a response, I don't know.

In short, night is the time for the other party to act. Before that, maybe we can meet tonight.

When the clock reaches 19:00, the sunset has also disappeared.

Liu Sheng stared wide-eyed, watching Obic swing his short stick, and out of nowhere, he transformed into a stall cart.

It's so mysterious.


He touched his empty belly, really hungry.

"Where do the ingredients come from?"

"In the pot."

Obic replied as a matter of course, there are many places that this pot can lead to.

10 minutes later, in the same place every day, Yokai Yatai opens for business.

There are quite a few people attracted here, the girl is eating dinner here while playing the music on her mobile phone.

Everyone was chatting, talking about what happened today.

"Speaking of which, he didn't know when he was injured today. When I touched his left hand, he reacted like a frightened hamster."

The girl looked worried.

"and many more."

"What did you say?"


The two people who behaved completely wrong made her stunned.

"is it here?"

Obik pointed to one of the spots on his right arm where he had hit the light yesterday.

"I'm not sure, but the right hand is right...why are you asking such a thing?"



It is necessary to check.

"Boss, boss, are you listening to me? Boss?"

170 Chapter Three Under the Surface

"Is it really okay for us to do this?"

"Otherwise? Knock on the door swaggeringly, and after meeting his parents, he smiled and said, 'I'm sorry, your child is possessed by a resentful spirit. I'm a monster or an onmyoji. In short, I'm here to slay demons.' ?"


Well, he had a point.

During the time when the yatai was open, Mizuno Mirai...that is, the girl was not stupid, of course she could sense that something was wrong with the boss and Yagyu.

On the sidelines, in the end I just knew the name 'Watanabe Toru'.

But that's enough, after all, the other party said before that they were childhood sweethearts who grew up together.

Since they are still so close now, they should also be people who live nearby.

"So you modern people."

Obic complained again, if the neighbors were so harmonious in the past, why bother to look for each family slowly?

Maybe the number of childhood sweethearts who grew up together will increase to a dozen or so.

He twisted his wrist and looked at the window on the second floor.

This time is black, are you not at home?

"Okay, you wait for me here."

"...Then what the hell am I doing here?"

"Come and see my show."

There was no concealment in this answer, full of the idea of ​​showing off.

'You're still a naughty boy, Obic. '

Yagyu complained in his heart, and then, Obic showed the athletic ability that humans do not possess.

He jumped up and landed on the eaves of the second floor without making any sound.

He quietly approached the window, his eyes scanning the interior.

'unusual. '

Even though it was in such darkness, the young man inside was not lying obediently on the bed.

The other party was sitting in front of the desk, covering his head with his left hand, and writing something with his right hand.

'Resentful spirits are afraid of light. '

So it makes sense to not turn on the lights at night when you are in control of your body.

But without lights, it is also convenient for monsters to move.

The windows didn't even need to be opened, the Shadow Mage and the pitch black were completely integrated, entering the room regardless of each other.

They approached silently, and at the next moment, just like before, the scattered shadows quickly wrapped around each other.

Before the boy named 'Watanabe Toru' could react, his whole body was enveloped inside.

Shadows are pervasive, and this unlit darkness increases its abilities.

Search, search, the Shadow Mage is essentially another Obic, and the two share the same knowledge, so they quickly discovered the anomaly.

'This is......'

There is no existence of resentful spirits inside, so what is going on with this energy?What is this energy that is close to the wraith?

The next moment, energy expands from within.

"Be honest with me!"

Aubic realized that the situation was not good, and he didn't care to hide it, he smashed the window and jumped into the room.

At this time, a more ferocious force pierced through the Shadow Mage's body than last night.

Still in the form of a black figure, Watanabe, who had lost his original appearance, held the nearby bow with his right hand. This straight instrument was like a dagger, pulling on the strings.

The short tone echoes in the room, there is no beauty of thinking, it is just noise, but it has the power to take away the spirit.

He doesn't need to play either, just the sound is enough.

The enhanced physical ability allowed him to pull and thrust so quickly that the thing seemed to sever the strings.

Withdrawing and sweeping, the Shadow Mage's body was torn open, towards the opened rift, Obic waved his magic wand, and the purple-red light shot out directly, directly hitting the target's chest.

However, the attack that could tear apart the outer shell yesterday became meaningless today, and Watanabe sprinted towards the window forcibly resisting the attack.

The bow he was holding in his right hand was thrown viciously as a projectile.

As long as the strength is sufficient, stones are also weapons for killing people, especially the bow.

Obic immediately dodged to the side, only hearing the sound of shattering, and the remaining glass was also turned into pieces.

The black monster seized the opportunity to jump out of the window, draw an arc and then land, disappearing on the opposite side of the distant wall.

"Compared to yesterday, it's a world of difference."

Obike lay on the window, trying to find it with his eyes. Unlike him, the Shadow Mage rushed out quickly and followed the opponent's landing position to find it.

The sound of glass being broken was not small, so the sound of hurried footsteps approached.

The moment the door was pushed open, the parents, whose faces were full of worry, went limp and fell to the ground.

"Young man, come up!"

Obic waved his hand at Yagyu who came out of the window, and two minutes later, the two met in Watanabe's room.

"So... now what?"

Liu Sheng thought for a while, but didn't say the words 'you let him run' out of his mouth.

He is more concerned about the situation at this time.

"Looking for clues in this room, I made a mistake. There is no resentful spirit. Watanabe Toru's situation is a bit strange. I think it is different from what we heard before."

Obic recalled what Mizuno said, saying that the two were friends who also worked hard towards music.

The issue is......


He picked up the violin that had just been used, and with just a light touch on the strings, it broke with a snap.

"It seems that Toru Watanabe really hates the violin."

The previous action was not so much used as it was like sawing with a saw.

"By the way, why are you sure you have a diary?"

Yagyu, who was rummaging on the desk, asked curiously.

"People who have secrets in their hearts that no one can tell them usually keep a diary."

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