'I am touched by myself, I am happy and relaxed, irresponsible'

Precise evaluation is on you.


Before that, the speech was interrupted.

"Okay, that's enough. I didn't give you the negative energy just to see the so-called recognition and correction of human beings."

There was disgust in that new voice, and they weren't the only ones here.

The woman stood there at some point, but she was actually a different-dimensional demon named Yapo.

What she expects is the evil thoughts in human hearts, the super beasts created by human desires.

That's why I feel disgusted. It's almost finished, and it ended up like this?

'Humans are indeed disgusting existences. '

Obviously there is darkness in his heart that cannot be eliminated no matter what, but he still pretends to seek light.

He had already stepped into the darkness, but he was able to leave because of other people's words and his own awakening.

This half-baked creature is uglier than the Otts.

"You care about this girl, don't you!"

There was already anger in his tone, and with the actions of the Yabo people, the burst of thought power was forcibly blocked by the shadow mage gushing out.

In her other hand, a crescent-shaped ray of light Yanagi.

The speed was unbelievably fast, using the pot as a channel, Obic's right hand magic stick rushed forward, the two rays of light collided, resisted, and then pressed back.


Even if he tried his best, he couldn't resist, and the strength of Obic who forcibly reached the light was greatly weakened.

"Hahahahaha! Go to hell!"

The Yabo people increased their power output, and at this moment, gunshots rang out.

The beautiful face written with viciousness was thrown back, small explosions unfolded in her eyes.

On one side, there is an elevator that goes directly to the apron on the roof. Walking out of the inside is a man holding a Haipa gun, and he wears a pair of old-fashioned glasses.

170 Chapter Five Already Known

"You are---"

Obic's eyes widened. Of course he knew who the person who came here was.

That is a strange kind among human beings, a superpower with predictive ability, and also the person who arrived in his hometown, met him and suggested him to travel.

Shepherd Kirino, who reversed the future in the Kyrierod incident, may not be such an ordinary person.

The Victory Hypa gun in his hand fired for the second time, and if the light that could cause damage to even a cosmic person hits an ordinary person, it would burn through and burn the body in an instant.

But the woman who was hit in the head was unscathed, and she lowered her head again.

"Another one came to die."

Even if it is not ordinary, it is still within the scope of 'human'.

"I disagree with that."

Kirino put down the weapon in his hand, and at this moment, the Yabo people suddenly turned their heads.

He couldn't even resist, and the charm enough to make any man fall for him was meaningless. In the eyes of everyone, the strange woman with a severely injured face flew out, and the one who kept punching was not human.

The cyan pupils seemed to draw a trail, and he quickly disappeared from the top of the building, which was an illusion caused by the excessive speed.

At a height of more than [-] meters, no one in the city noticed this place.

Confronted with beings of the same height as human beings, on one side is Ultraman Enpat, who is known as the patron saint, and on the other side is the demon Yapo from another dimension.

The lightning-like light collided with the defensive left arm, and the energy diffused by the cancellation was like splashing water.

Close the distance, a heavy blow.

Empat's right fist hit the defense of the Yabo people, but unfortunately, the defense was useless. The difference in ability between the two was fully displayed at the moment when the Yabo people were directly out of balance and were knocked into the air.

Two palm light arrows were thrown out with the movement, two explosions exploded with the attack, followed by a simple flying kick.

The Yabo people were severely damaged, and even the trajectory of the flight was changed.

In his line of sight, the enemy chasing ahead suddenly disappeared, and before he had time to react, his sight wobbled again.

Climbing down and kicking with the tomahawk, Yabo's reaction couldn't keep up at all, and the gap between him and his opponent was terrifying.

But the next moment, purple energy gushed out from the body and was absorbed again.

The previous failure, this failure, was smashed to pieces before, and abused again this time, hatred turned into resentment, and resentment turned into strength.

In an instant, the invisible hammer of thought power blasted out.

At this moment, the roar resounded across the sky, and the people who were still busy in the city were stunned, not knowing where the sound came from.

The sickle on Yapo's right arm stabbed, sparks scattered, Empat rolled backwards, his left hand moved forward, and the light arrows in the palm of his hand and the crescent light teeth canceled each other out.

The particles mixed and scattered, and the two figures intertwined due to the collision.

"Do you want to kill me that much? Empat, don't you think that if I get rid of me, there will be no enemies? Don't be stupid, Yapo people alone can't summon super beasts, summon super beasts What is beast is the heart of man!"

Empat locked onto the enemy's body, kneeling and bombarding the abdomen, shaking the air with the impact.

"Deification of idols, fanatical worship, self-abandonment, and thus attacking others, the violence of the majority against the minority, can't you see that human beings who tear off their masks are inferior to monsters!"

What the Yabo people said was something that Nangong knew about and personally participated in.

"Be jealous of others, feel inferior because they are not as good as others, and then generate hatred, even if you don't express your love, you get angry because you don't get a response, and then it turns into an ugly possessive desire."

What the Yabo people were talking about was what Yagyu knew and what was happening.

Are you angry because you were hit?

The heavy blow exploded in Yapo's abdomen, and Empat swept his right fist, sending him flying.

"Even if the Yabo people die, the super beasts are immortal!"

Because a monster is born inside a human being... isn't it?

"so what?"


Empat closed his fists at his waist, and his right hand came out first, and the water-like blue light precisely hit the Yabo man's body.

The energy injected into its body locks the enemy's movements, and the restraining light deprives all movements and words.

"I heard Fujiwara say that you have looked for her, haven't you?"


What was said in the words was about Fujiwara. She had heard that voice, bewitching her to take revenge on those who were mean to her, attacked her, hurt her, and abused her.

She was unfairly hurt, and even then she refused.

"The light and darkness in my heart, I chose to guard this planet knowing everything."

The world is never black and white.

Empat clenched his left fist and slammed it out.

Greep's light directly hit the Yabo man's chest, and the spiral burst crazily sliced ​​through the enemy's flesh.

"Go to hell with your boring seduction."

Drilling into the body, cutting and releasing, the damage from the inside to the outside directly cut off the vitality, and the wind from the explosion shattered together with the wreckage.

"Are you worthy of talking about humans?"

The person who hurt Fujiwara showed the darkness in people's hearts.

Fujiwara's refusal shows the light in people's hearts.

If you are shaken by these boring words...

Empat's body gradually became transparent and disappeared from the sky.

At the same time, the news of the death of the clone was instantly obtained, and it had exactly the same appearance as the dead Yapo. The woman wandering the streets of New York, USA sneered.

"If you are shaken by these words, you won't be worthy of the name of Ultraman, heh, you really deserve to be Ultraman."

She wasn't angry, and even the previous roars were just pretending, all to interfere with the other party's belief.

It's just that it seems impossible to hit Ultraman's heart at present.

"It would be disappointing if it was so simple, how could it be possible to protect this planet to this day."

This earth is coveted by the invaders, what Tiga and Empat crossed is a sea of ​​swords and blood, and countless death situations.

It is because I have seen the darkness that I understand the meaning of light better. Even in this world without the M78 nebula, Ultraman is still Ultraman. It is too naive to want to hurt them through the heart.

If there is no way to defeat them by shaking their hearts, there is only one way left.

'Face to face, crush them. '

But not yet.

'If the real Ultraman cannot be shaken, what about the fake Ultraman? '

The tip of the tongue touched the lower lip, and the woman blended into the crowd and disappeared.

An incident is coming to an end, but there is still one thing that cannot be resolved.

On the roof of the Kumamoto Seitek Group, a black human figure is uneasy. In front of him is a giant with green eyes. Of course, his size is not a giant now.

Empat's palm was down, as if stroking the boy's head.

Soon, the light shrouded downwards, and the implanted seeds were thus dispersed.

The black dust scattered with the wind, and Watanabe stared at his hands in disbelief.

He raised his head, and Ultraman there nodded slightly.

"Thank you, thank you!"

This way the matter is considered to be completely over, and Liu Sheng can be regarded as relieved.

Then just after he breathed a sigh of relief, his expression immediately became distorted.

At this time, the splint and bandage of his left hand were already stained with gray, and what was hidden inside was the hand bone twisted into a strange shape.

Suddenly, the pain is relieved.

Yagyu opened his eyes wide, his left arm was held in his hand, it was Empat.

The twining radiance carried a touch of warmth, and the previous pain completely disappeared.

The bone was corrected, and the vitality was transmitted. Soon, Yagyu's left hand, which may have sequelae for the rest of his life, became intact.

"...Really, really amazing."

What kind of miracle doctor is this?

Empat nodded to the people present, and disappeared into the distant sky two seconds after jumping up.


Kirino shook his head and exhaled a sigh of relief.

As I said before, his precognitive dreams are completely out of control, and it is not surprising that it will activate any night.

So, at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night last night, he dreamed of the girl who was blown to pieces and the violin super beast that was stimulated and rushed out of the boy's body, playing music.

'Fortunately, the buildings of Saitek Group are conspicuous enough. '

This is also the problem with his predictive ability. No matter how clear the picture is, it is impossible for him to know where the places he has not been to are.

For him, this is the biggest difficulty in changing the future. Sometimes, he knows what will happen, but he still can't do anything.

It was precisely because of this sense of powerlessness that he did nothing in the first place.

But now it’s different, in order not to let yourself regret it, just try your best to do it.

Even if there are people who cannot be saved, they will be happy because they are saved.

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