
Hearing someone's voice, he turned his gaze away. It was Mizuno who was completely unaware of what happened, and only woke up at this moment.

"Eh? I'm..."

Subconsciously, Watanabe took a step back, which was a normal reaction when facing the object of guilt.

At this moment, Yagyu pressed Watanabe's back with his healed left hand.

"Go ahead, if you have the courage to jump off a building, don't you have the courage to apologize to her?"

With a push, the opponent staggered a few steps forward.


I always feel that it is easier to jump off the building.

"Hey, Mizuno!"

At this time, Liu Sheng's call sounded.

"Wait for you---"

Attention was drawn, so the eyes of Mizuno and Watanabe collided.

A few seconds later, a whistle came from the pot:

"call out----"

Obik was slumped on the sofa in Yagyu's house. Although it was cloudy and there was no real sun, it also made him half dead, half dead in the sense of exhaustion.

But it's a happy ending, right?


Just then, the phone rang.

Liu Yu took it out, and the previous smile instantly became stiff.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he finally connected it.

"Xiuyi, are you at home now?"

A dignified voice came from the phone.

"Uh...not here."

The boy's tone became very weak.

"I think we need to have a good chat about your suspension."

The majesty of the father came through the phone.


Bad ending.

Kirino's eyes flicked left and right, there was Mizuno hugging Watanabe and Watanabe who was at a loss because of this, and here was Yagyu who was grabbing his hair and racking his brains to sum up the situation.

"It's better not to allow dreams."

He said things that others did not understand.

The time is 8:48. For most people, there is nothing too special today. Everyone should go to work, go to school, and rest. Of course, there are no monsters.


"Nangong! Where have you wandered off! Do you know that you are late!"

"I...helped a lost child find his home."

Maybe this is the case?

Nangong, who had just arrived at the coffee shop at this time, tried to explain, and the previous phone call immediately made him start to act.

Kirino, whom I haven't seen for a long time, suddenly said that he needs help with something, and it's about monsters, so of course he will be there soon.

The fact is indeed the case. Regarding the matter of the Yabo people, he feels that it is not over.

'Things at that time have not yet found the answer. '

What Nangong thought of was the incident when TPC was hacked when the security system was upgraded. If the Yabo people were still in another dimension, how did she import the virus?

The only answer is that the Yapo people have helpers or infiltrated vanguards on Earth.

At present, it seems that it should be the leading soldier who sneaked in, and he has already defeated one.

"Time to work, my good employee."

Kyoko patted Nangong who was standing at the door, and took him away from the maze of thinking.

"I, I know."

The store manager laughed so hard!

Nangong acted quickly, that figure could be called running away.


Kyoko stroked her chin and sighed that she was still young and had great acting skills.

The wind chimes sounded from time to time, the store manager and clerks in action, the clerks chatting, and the news and programs on the TV. The coffee shop was as usual.

Birds who don't know where they are sang music, singing loudly, but it is not obvious.

But if it is in the forest, it is completely different. The American branch is surrounded by forests, and animals live inside, forming an ecological chain.

Birds chirped on the branches, and squirrels climbed up and down.

Inside the branch, Carl, who had completed today's training, stared at the...weapon that Jack showed him with strange eyes?

"Looks like a toy."

"Although it looks like a toy, it was a blow that penetrated Empat's shoulder."

In the storage room, this is the only thing left of the Assassin Ultra Beast Barabbas, the flying sword on its head.

The flying sword that was used in reverse pierced through Barabbas' head, and was finally recovered by the American branch.

Originally thrown away because it was nothing but sharp and impossible to use, except now...

Ten minutes later, Carl returned to his room and stroked his chin.

'The dagger is not unused. '

It's just that he still prefers the feeling of using light as a submachine gun. Why use a knife when he can kill with a gun?

'Okay, let's do our best tomorrow. '

Ignoring the chaos in his mind, he encouraged himself.

"I say."


"Don't you want to be the real Ultraman?"

Turning around suddenly, the woman who appeared there at some time showed a charming smile.

170 Chapter Six Change and Growth

On the street at night, the stage opened in the usual way, unlike the slow ones before, this time Yagyu no longer struggled due to the recovery of his left hand.

One on the left, one on the right, a man somewhat similar to him is also having dinner here.

It's embarrassing to say, but the father and son didn't have any achievements in cooking, and belonged to the type that can survive on noodles and rice noodles.

That's why I was attracted by Obik's soba noodles.

"It's amazing, is this the accumulation of the times?"

The father couldn't help sighing that some time had passed since the previous events, obic, monsters, and spacemen and monsters... Of course, it still felt unbelievable at first.

But later, the corresponding video data was obtained.

The roof apron of Saitek Group is naturally equipped with cameras, so the truth came out, and of course these things were not made public.

Regarding the issue of 'OBIC', TPC finally decided to let it go.

After all, he didn't show any malice, and he also said that he would not do evil.

The most important thing is...

'A monster of the night? '

In a sense, TPC feels sympathy for monsters, and there are also benevolent beings like Obic among them. Even so, they are still abandoned due to the change of the times.

Humans don't have such strong power, but they adapt to the environment. Monsters don't, so they still hide in the darkness.

Their decline has become a historical trend, so why bother?

Just then, someone's voice was heard.

"Boss, here are two bowls of soba noodles."

Because of familiarity, Liu Sheng turned his head away.

Mizuno and Watanabe, who hadn't seen each other since that incident, stood there together without any sense of distance.


Obic agreed and started cooking.

Five minutes later, the three sitting at the folding table were chatting.

"I gave up."

Watanabe said his decision with a wry smile. Unfortunately, both music and sports require corresponding talents. What he lacks is talent.

All he can do is to play step by step according to Mizuno's score.

And Mizuno did not object to this, the reason is actually very simple.

She meets Chris Maya, who plans to buy her song.

At that time, Mizuno made a very rude thing.

She handed Watanabe's song to the other party, and said that it doesn't matter if she doesn't pay, she wants to get the answer.

The answer is cruel and simple. It doesn’t work. Watanabe is mediocre in all aspects. If you plan to develop in music, it’s better to give up. At least it’s impossible for a composer.

"But I intend to develop in other directions."

When Watanabe said this, Mizuno subconsciously showed an unhappy expression.

"As I said before, I've always played people who are different from myself, so I want to try to work hard on the actor's side."

Once the mentality changes, the views on things also become different.

Now it seems that this kind of "acting" is not necessarily a kind of talent.

"It's better to start a band."

Mizuno couldn't help thinking about it, if possible, she still wanted to be with the other party.

Then there was a snap and an exclamation.

Watanabe flicked the girl's forehead.

"You are not a child anymore, you can't rely on me for everything."

Believing in the strength of your friends and being completely dependent on them are two different things.

"I know, I know."

Mizuno picked up the bowl and chopsticks, and quickly ate the soba noodles, which were as delicious as ever and never got tired of eating.

Liu Sheng glanced left and right.

"you have not......"


After all, these two don't look like lovers. Although he doesn't know what lovers should be like, they don't look like lovers anyway.

"Maybe later."

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