Watanabe gave his answer, even if he confessed most of the things, there is still one thing to hide.

It is the ambition of a man to wait until he becomes famous before saying that sentence.

After getting the answer, Liu Sheng shrugged and said nothing more.

'It's incredible. '

He thought this way in his heart, after all, what he experienced during this period was really incredible.

Monsters who help humans, unknown beings who confuse people's hearts, and Ultraman who descended from the sky like a hero.


One thing came to mind naturally.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one in front of the yatai, Liu Sheng walked over.

Under the light, the soup in the pot was still boiling.

"Boss, I have a question you haven't answered me before."


The movement in Obik's hand continued while giving a response.

"What did you mean by because of me?"

Why do monsters help people?

"Is it important?"


"Well, I said before that too much light can hurt me."

Obic quickly scooped out the cooked noodles and put them into a bowl.

"But there is a kind of light that not only won't hurt me, but also makes me feel very comfortable."

That guy Kirino was sure of what he said when he found him, so they made a bet.

"The light in the human heart is not strong, but it is warm. It may not be strong, but it can compete with the sun. I just hope to see this kind of light again."


"No matter how the times change, there are things that will not change. There is a power stronger than darkness hidden in the human heart. Don't forget this."

Yagyu's index finger was on his chest, Obic nodded, it was different from the usual mischievous smile, and the vicissitudes brought by age flashed by.

"Okay! Who ordered the soba noodles just now!"

He walked out of the stage with two bowls of noodles and shouted.

"I me me!"

"Fart, I came first!"

"Don't grab, don't grab, there are still a lot in the pot!"

The street is also a lively scene tonight. Not only people who come here after get off work, but also nearby residents know that there is a new strange noodle stall here.

Probably it could be considered a coincidence, the neighbors who originally had a weak connection began to chat, and slowly tightened the connection.

Obic thought he might have found something meaningful to do.

At this moment, another new customer arrived at the noodle stall.

"It's you kid!"

Wearing old-fashioned glasses, Kirino was accompanied by a young man that Obik had never seen before, but he still smelled a strange smell, like the smell of the moon.

'Sure enough, weird people get mixed up with weird people. '

"Then boss, I am willing to bet and admit defeat."

Tongye pushed his glasses, and the bet between the two of them has come to an end.

Although unhappy, Obik admitted his defeat:

"Okay okay, I give up my plan."

The enigmatic conversation between the two made Nangong, who came with Kirino, feel puzzled. Of course, he could see that the boss in front of him was not human, but what did it matter?

As long as there is no malice, he is one of the mortal beings.

"Then two bowls of noodles."

After ordering, Tongye and Nangong walked to one side, took out the folding table and chairs and sat down.

"What was the bet you mentioned just now?"

"It's nothing, I had a precognitive dream a month ago."

That dream didn't end well.

"The old man who thought that his heart was getting colder and colder hoped to find his past hometown, stubbornly clinging to the past, and finally wanted to die in the battle, and took the initiative to bear the only subconscious counterattack of Di Jia."

Finally, the monsters who are afraid of light return to light.

"So you changed the future again?"

A strange feeling rose in Nangong's heart. He suddenly felt that "destiny" was meaningless, and he just had to follow the surging emotion in his heart.

"Is there anything that can't be changed?"

Tong Ye's smile brought helplessness again, he shook his head, not to talk about these things.

"In short, my bet with him is that if I can find the same beauty as in the past, I will give up that kind of action. It turns out that I won, thanks to the children there."

He turned his gaze to the three people at the table over there. The young people were talking about something, and there was no haze on their faces.

The conversation stops for a few seconds, then starts again.

"People change."

Of course, Nangong knew a boy named 'Yagyu Shuichi', who was once a bully and now he is completely reborn.

"Yes, people change."

Kirino also has a deep understanding, and he himself is the best proof.

What you experience, who you meet, people change slowly like this.

"Speak up."

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Nangong made a sound.

"The gun you used before..."

Earlier, this gun also played a key role in the mall.

"It came from Dagu."

Kirino smiled very happily, the other party was very innocent, and here he said, "Doing dangerous things requires self-defense"

So I really got such a special Haipa gun for the victory team, which has sufficient energy.

"Is it really good to take out military weapons like this?"

Nangong must complain about this, even he understands that this is something that should not be done.

"Of course it's not good, but Dagu was not punished afterwards, which means..."

"Someone on the winning team already knew who he was... Enough is enough."

Why is he like this too?

Nangong held his chin helplessly, both he and the other party exposed their identities without knowing what was going on and why.

But they also met people who were trustworthy.

"Okay, your faces!"

At this moment, accompanied by the sound, Obik put two bowls of soba noodles on the table.


"Thank you."



Blinking, Nangong realized that as the owner of the catering industry, the other party's attitude was really unfriendly.

"It seems that he was very unconvinced after losing the bet to me."

On the contrary, Kirino thought it was quite interesting.

'I just like the way you hate me and can't get rid of me' - I don't know why, seeing Kirino's performance, this sentence suddenly popped up in Nangong's mind.

"Were you like this before?"

Where did the serious and serious esper go?

Are you twins?

"People change."


Winning a point, and choking Ultraman like this made Kirino quite proud.

However, this little idea disappeared in the next second.

"good to eat."


Forget about the conversation for now, and concentrate on this supper.

Leisurely people are eating delicious food, while non-leisurely people are doing what they want to do.

In the TPC Far East Headquarters, there is only one person in the research room at this time, Masaki compares different data and materials.

First of all, the information revealed in Dagu's blood, he is still the same, human beings are still human beings, and have not changed into anything else.

In other words, even if the physical ability has increased, it is still within the scope of human beings, and it is really different from a guy who has turned into light.

Of course, between the former and the latter, Masaki is more willing to choose the latter's evolution.


"Before that, the heart will be dug out and the body will be dismembered."

Now that you know the face, you can of course find a lot of information.

The human being 'Nangong Lan' is already dead at the social level. The other party was able to invade the TPC database but did not modify the information. Why?

Perhaps it is to remind me that I am dead as a human being, and I can only live as an 'Ultraman' in the future.

As for another profile...


TPC's restoration of the stone statue has not been smooth, because there is no way to restore the lost fragments, and there is no corresponding material on the earth.

But Mars, on that planet, found a unique substance, although it cannot be said to be exactly the same, but it is quite close.

There is about 69.7% similarity. If large-scale mining is possible, it may be possible to combine the two stone statues with the new material discovered to form a new stone statue.

"Will it go so smoothly?"

The prediction is very good, but it is a pity that the human hand has not been able to reach Mars yet.

Not only that, even the existing giants don't know how they inherited the light. Is there still enough light inside the destroyed and restored stone statue?

"Super ancient civilization..."

Masaki murmured that noun in a low voice. After joining TPC, the data of TPC was also opened to him.

The existing human beings all flow with the blood of super ancient people, but the once prosperous civilization was destroyed for unknown reasons.

If we can unravel the truth of this civilization, we may be able to understand what kind of giants exist.

But where are they hiding now?

Human beings should have explored the earth except for the underground. Whether it is a deep mountain or a desert, whether it is an ocean or a glacier, why did such a prosperous civilization fail to leave anything behind?

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