There's no particular reason, it's just that women are troublesome, or it's more fun to go crazy with friends.

"What a belated idea..."

Haven't you ever felt the rush of puberty?

Well, it's better not to say this sentence, saying it is like some kind of harassment.

"What about now? Do you really want to try to be adopted?"

She is not the kind of unattractive rich woman, isn't it comfortable to be the husband of a family?

"Not very interested."

Nangong's eyes became a little far-sighted. He had already discovered something and was thinking about something.

That is... what is love and fascination?

At this time, he does not have a human body, and naturally there are no 'hormones'

The end result is - well, pretty, but what does that have to do with me?

There is no longer a hormonal attraction.

"It's so cold, life is incomplete without an unforgettable first love."

"Then do you have it?"


Kyoko fell silent all of a sudden, not knowing what she thought of.

Nangong also looked forward again. The so-called flowers have various flower languages, remembering that cherry blossoms are hope and love.

Apart from them, there are of course different people who enjoy cherry blossoms here.

Laughing lovers, family members together, and noisy friends may symbolize the hope of tomorrow.

Kumamoto Castle in the distance is well maintained as a cultural heritage, towering above this land.

People were coming and going on the street, the ball was rolling, and then it was picked up and picked up by the running children.

Unknowingly, someone tapped on the shoulder.


"What are you looking at?"

Turning her head, it was a curious dancer. She observed from the same angle from behind, but didn't find anything interesting.

"See... people?"

"Compared to that, let's find something to do!"

"What are you going to do?"

"Um... acrobatics or something?"


Is it simple?

Very simple.

After half a minute, relying solely on physical ability without any practice, Nangong tossed the five cups up and down as if they were eggs, forming an oval shape.

It's kind of weird, but it's kind of a talent show.

One curtain call, another one.

He took out the silver harmonica that he carried with him almost all the time, but hadn't had much chance to play it recently.

The melodious music is transmitted, and the place it reaches is only a small part of it.

The music continued all the time, making Nangong lament in his heart that the score he had learned was finally useful.

Finally, today's cherry blossom viewing ended in the tune.

Take the same subway back to downtown Kumamoto, and get off at a different place.

While saying goodbye to Uniyi, Nangong felt that his future life might become a little troublesome, after all, the eyes of the criminal police uncle were still probing.

After another period of time, I said goodbye to Kyoko and the others.

"Don't forget you have to go to work tomorrow."

"I see."

Nodding his head, the car door closed and returned to its position.

"Working in a coffee shop full of girls."

Suddenly, Wu's voice came to his ears.

"It's still three sisters."

For some reason, Lian Ye was speaking in a strange tone.

"You are all mistaken, I belong to the one who is squeezed."

Nangong emphasized this matter, most of the time he was used to have fun in the store.

By the way, it also needs to be used as a shield to block some weird male customers, and also has to bear the harassment of weird female customers.

It's not easy for him either!

"It looks quite intimate."

"only friends."

"Even 15-year-old girls don't believe in pure friendship between men and women in this era."

Wu vowed to say the incredible words, which made Nangong sigh again that the times had changed.

Why do students now have so many incredible things in their minds?

However, unlike him, Ryo felt that his sister, as always, couldn't speak well.

'Didn't you include yourself in your words? '

dance, female.

Nangong, male.

There can be no pure friendship between a man and a woman.

So is your motive impure or his impure motive?


Liang looked at Nangong who had no special reaction.

'Could it be that I'm too dirty? '

No, no, no matter who it is, they will definitely come to the same conclusion as me!

The tram was moving steadily, and Nangong answered all kinds of questions that were thrown out.

For example, what do you usually do, and will you be harassed at work?

If you want to ask if you have been harassed, of course you have.

"There was a guy named Zamsha who used to harass me for a certain period of time."

He hasn't appeared much recently, and I don't know how he is rushing towards the lightning.

At this moment, under the beating flames of the earth, someone's lingering female voice came:

"Don't run away! Charge towards the magma!"

"Mephilas! You madman!"

However, the complaints cannot be transmitted to the ground, and Jianhao's cultivation is still continuing.

Abnormal people are doing abnormal things, while normal people, such as the Baichuan family, are walking towards their coffee shop.

"Maybe you can make some extra money playing the harmonica?"

You can sell character designs, sell character designs!

"Eh? Is this your first reaction?"

Almost got it.

"Old capitalist."

Earn as much as you can.

"What are you talking about, is there such a gentle capitalist like me?"

"Let go!"

Kyoko's face was gently pulled, and the words she spoke became blurred.

In the friendly squabble, the three walked to the door of the coffee shop.

It's just that in front of the door, there is a bouquet of bright red roses.


Kyoko complained silently, then picked it up.

Besides the rose, there is also a card inside.

Opened it up and froze.

170 Nine Chapters of Past Love

"You're a little weird today."

"What? Why do you say that? Where is the evidence, show me the evidence."


No, it's all like this, do we still need evidence?

At 3:23 a.m. on March 9, Nangong was working in the coffee shop as usual, but the store manager behaved a little bit wrong today.

For example, he would show a pensive expression from time to time, or this: he pointed to the cup in Kyoko's hand.

"You've been wiping for 6 minutes."

Usually only 3 minutes.

"I really like to be clean today, can't I?"

How can this be called evidence?

"You're not wearing overalls."

"Travel lightly today."

"And Geddy told me that it was Ryoko who gave it breakfast today."

"You can speak like a dog, Nangong."

"No, I was joking just now, did you forget that Ryoko happened to be serving Geddy's breakfast when I came this morning?"


In other words, today's Kyoko was wrong again, and she didn't even remember such a small thing.

"The most important thing is that you didn't hurt me much today."

"Ah this..."

This time there is really no way to refute, but put it another way.

"Why do I feel that you are accusing me of treating you badly?"

"So what's the matter with you?"

Nangong was not confused by the topic change at all, Kyoko's special reaction today was really strange.

There's one more thing that's even weirder.

"Why don't you tell him? My dear sister?"

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