Ryoko held the collected cup in her hand, with a soft smile on her face.

She usually came to help in the afternoon, and she was already here this morning.

"It's long-winded, people always have one or two things that they don't want others to know, and they don't want to show off."

Kyoko dissatisfiedly refuted her sister's statement, seeing this, Nangong nodded.

"I know, I won't ask."

Even family members have things that they won't tell the whole story, and as a pure friend, he just shut up after hearing this sentence.


For some reason, Ryoko made a sound of disappointment instead.

"you shut up."

This is Kyoko who is unhappy with her younger sister's flirting.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Ryoko pinched the invisible zipper with her index finger and thumb, and then pulled it in front of her mouth, indicating that she would not continue talking nonsense.

When the three were arguing, the clock had reached 9:29 before they knew it.

And the people who had already made an appointment, or unilaterally made an appointment, arrived at the scene. The narrow street was indeed a passageway for cars. At this time, a white sports car stopped at the door of the coffee shop.

As for why you know it is a sports car, it is probably because the chassis is lower.

'coming. '

With helplessness in her heart, Kyoko sighed, and after a brief pause outside the door, the wind chime sounded a reminder.

Walking in from there was a young man in a shirt and trousers.

Carefully groomed hairstyle, holding a bouquet of roses and a left wrist with a famous watch.

A bit of embarrassment was written on that handsome face. The reason why he sent out cards and bouquets yesterday was to give both parties time to prepare.

However, even so, it will still feel a little awkward when face to face again.

My usual sophistication in the workplace has disappeared without a trace, but I can still sort out my mood.

Inhale slightly, and smile with another emotion than embarrassment.

"Long time no see, Kyoko."

"I will welcome you more if you don't take anything, Shinichiro."

There is no place to put roses at home, and in the end I can only watch it lose its color and wither and throw it away.

Pleasing with plant life, humans are cruel creatures in every sense of the word.

"I see, then next time I won't take anything."

The young man called 'Shinichiro' nodded, and naturally decided 'next time'

At the same moment, Nangong noticed the glances directed at him.

Probably because in this store, he is the only one who dresses the most like a clerk.

'A previous acquaintance? '

It seems something is wrong again.

Nangong recalled the suitors he had met while working here, and Kyoko's attitude was not so soft.

Or is it more tolerant because of acquaintances?

"Liangzi, Nangong, I'll leave it to you here."

"Go early and return early."


Kyoko walked out from the bar, and the reason for wearing casual clothes was already obvious.

Nangong who was sitting in front of the bar, and she who came out from the inside, their eyes briefly crossed each other.

Soon, there was only a figure from behind at the gate.

While the wind chimes were shaking, Kyoko walked out of the store, and Shinichiro, who was "ladies first", was no longer obstructed this time, and he looked at Nangong without any concealment.

The eyes of the two collided together, and they could feel the inquiry.

The sound of the wind chime continued, and finally, both of them left the shop.

Ten seconds later, the white sports car flew away.


"What? Jealous? Did you realize that Kyoko was not happy to be close to herself alone?"

Nangong heard Ryoko's teasing, what she said was a strange thought that a man would always have, that a close female friend is not only close to herself, and then she will feel unhappy.

However, Nangong didn't think so, he thought about another thing.

"Kyoko doesn't seem to be that willing to go out with him."

Everyone just drank together at Kumamoto Castle yesterday, well, to be precise, he was the only one drinking.

But in short, the difference between yesterday's performance and today's performance can be found immediately.

"I can tell?"

"Of course I can."


The so-called relationship enhancement has always been two-way, and understanding each other is naturally two-way.

"It's natural to be reluctant. After all, Shinichiro was the first person Kyoko fell in love with, and also her first and only boyfriend."


At this time, the expression on Nangong's face was very wonderful, it was weird at first, then gradually calmed down, then frowned, and found that something was wrong, and finally returned to calm because of accepting this matter.

What did you say about 'first love' yesterday?

Just today... Sometimes coincidences can be scary.

"It's hard to imagine who she ever fell in love with."

Nangong tried to imagine it in his brain, but couldn't imagine it.

Because his first reaction was Kyoko in formal attire inviting another beauty to dance.

"Correct me, it's not falling in love, it's liking. There is still a gap between love and liking."

Ryoko walked into the bar while wagging her fingers.

"Yes, is it?"

It's complicated.

"Who hasn't been young? Kyoko wasn't the same from the beginning."

Of course Kyoko is not, Ryoko said silently in her heart.

"In short, let her handle this matter by herself. It has been such a long time, and she is not the little girl she was at the beginning."

"Little, little girl..."

Nangong felt that this was the most shocking thing he had heard while working in this shop for so long.

It turns out that Kyoko also had a 'little girl' side in the past.

"Are you interested?"

Ryoko quickly cast a seductive wink.

Nangong had to admit that he was indeed tempted:

"If you say you're not interested, you'd be lying."

Of course this kind of curiosity exists, but there are some things, even if you don't understand them, it's not a big deal.

"If Kyoko doesn't plan to say, I'm not qualified to ask."

He gave his answer, and then, Ryoko blinked, with a little helplessness on his face.

"Let me tell you, sometimes a girl's side is just a thin layer of ice that shatters as soon as you touch it. The problem is that you don't even touch it. Instead, you politely ask if you can touch it outside. It's too lacking." Motivated."

Although there is a saying of a modest gentleman, isn't there also a saying of a stalker?

"Why do I feel that there seems to be other meanings in your words?"

Why does it seem like I'm going to attack Kyoko?

Doesn't this feel like an imperial appointment?

"I've researched and decided that you will be the new boyfriend."

Ryoko raised his eyebrows, and pointed forward with his right hand forcefully, appreciating the young man with a strange expression on his face.

"What will happen if I tell Kyoko these words?"

"Ah! Old man, you don't talk about Wude, you betrayed me, a 20-year-old young man!"

Nangong shrugged, as if he had fooled the matter.

"But I'm serious."

As it turned out, there was no way to fool the past.

With Liangzi's observation skills in the past few years, Nangong is the closest man to Kyoko.

As for whether it fits or not, how do you know if you don't try it?

’ So it was hard work in the middle. '

I have to worry about both the ones above and the ones below, and I want to cry for myself.

Just then the wind chimes jingled.



The two spoke at the same time, even though Kyoko was not there, the coffee shop was still open as usual.

The person they valued was sitting in the passenger seat of the car, watching the scenery outside the window.

The flow of traffic never stops, and in today's world, once the 'sleep time' is over, the flow of traffic will not stop.

After all, the population has increased, the economic level has also risen, and more people can afford cars, but the roads have not expanded.

"Like it? Lamborghini Gallardo, supercar, V10—"

"Well, I don't know cars."

Before Shinichiro could continue, Kyoko interrupted him. Although she had a driver's license, she didn't buy a car because she couldn't use it.

Not only that, but for her, the actual deposit is more important than anything else.

"The other women who got on the bus couldn't understand but they still agreed. You are so different."

"Then thank you for your compliment, so do you want to say that even though you have seen so many women, you still only like me?"

"No, I didn't mean that..."

Shinichiro smiled wryly, even though it was like this, he felt relieved.

Because Kyoko is just Kyoko, it's still the same as before, nothing has changed.


Suddenly, Kyoko sighed.

She really wanted to control herself, but it was not so easy to do.

What flashed through my mind was a guy who seemed frigid.

"Nangong Lan, that young man who works in my shop, stay away from him."

"Why are you saying this all of a sudden?"

"I don't know if you remember, but I remember when you were in the second year of high school, you broke the nose of a boy in Class E, because he didn't know that I had a lover, and he still pestered me after confessing to me."

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