"Then, do we have any witnesses in Kumamoto City?"


'Looks like there's something to do tonight. '

If you want to ask Nangong Xiang if he believes that there are vampires in the world, of course he does.

People who have been to parallel worlds now feel that anything is possible.

He focused his gaze on the screen again, browsing the summarized information.

"The person whose blood was sucked leaves with the vampire."

"It's the same as developing dependents."

The truth tells the sense of déjà vu of this situation.

"Maybe the vampire is planning to slowly replace all humans. Today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, everyone will be a vampire before they know it. The time has come to raise humans in captivity!"

The plan he said was really vulgar, but in a sense, it seemed that vampires who couldn't move in the sun could only develop in this way.

After a few seconds, Miri scratched her cheek.

"Uh...I'm joking, don't look serious."

It felt awkward all of a sudden.

"Not necessarily impossible."

Nangong replied, whether the vampire is real or not, you just need to confirm it.

What came to his mind was Masaki, the almighty TPC informant.

Of course, work time is still work time, even when you have an idea of ​​what to do next.

Reception, delivery, recycling, time flows, and it's afternoon.

"The two of them are chatting!"

Secretly, secretly, appeared to help Liangzi pull Nangong and whispered aside.

"I don't care."

However, he has always been nothing.


I am afraid that this person passed away as an eminent monk in his previous life, and his six senses are pure in this life.

"You don't have to be so anxious, do you? Trust Kyoko."

Now it turned into Nangong comforting Liangzi.

"That's what I said..."


"That's true."

Since it is a family matter, how can you not worry about it?

"Huh? You can also read minds?"

"How can I not understand human nature?"

"Hateful! Obscene! Shameless! You actually ran into other people's hearts without authorization!"


You come with me too.

Sure enough, it's not a family, so don't enter a family.

'Will Kyoko become like this in the future? '

Nangong tried to imagine that scene, and the girl's appearance came to mind, and she said with contempt in her eyes:

'Are you out of your mind? '


Hmm, can't imagine it, it's horrible.

Before you know it, a day passes.

If you want to ask what is the most miraculous thing Nangong saw today, then of course it is Shinichiro.

He was actually able to spend a whole day here and talk to Kyoko who obviously didn't want to talk too much.

Is this the power of love?


The color of the sun sprinkled on the ground, Nangong outside the coffee shop held up his hands, pulled down the rolling door, and finally locked it.


Geddy whimpered pitifully on one side.

Two full days!Two full days!

Not being able to get love and rewards from the hostess, this is simply abuse!

Who is that man!It's all his fault!I will definitely bite him to death tomorrow!

"Calm down, she also has her difficulties, please be considerate."

Nangong kept half squatting, raised his chin with his left hand, and rubbed his head with his right hand, making Gedi let out a comfortable whimper.

"It's not good to bite people casually, come on."

He took out a new piece of beef jerky from his pocket, unpacked it, and handed it to Geddie.


Although there is no favor from the hostess, it is great to have the favor from the host!

"Really? That's fine."

Touched, got up, then turned around, and saw a person standing there.



The two looked at each other, it was Kyoko.

'Wow, this man is talking to the dog again. '

He even looks like he understands dog language.

Of course, since Gedi lived at home, Kyoko wants to take back the sentence that "treating pets as friends must mean that there are no friends in real life".

Because she found that she also unconsciously talked to pets.

"There's someone squatting on you at the corner over there, be careful."

Kyoko used the word 'squat', in other words, she was waiting for him on purpose.

"I see, thanks."

"See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

Saying goodbye to each other, Gedi performed Death Coil next to Kyoko's legs.

Even without the love of the first mistress, the love of the second mistress and the third mistress still has to work hard to win!


Obviously I was so lost before, but now I started again.

'It's really immoral. '

Nangong complained in his heart, then turned and left, it was time to get off work.

Half a minute, the moment he walked out of the corner, just as Kyoko said, someone was squatting on him.

"Nangong, do you have any plans for the future?"

Shinichiro made an invitation.


Nangong put away the mobile phone that just sent a message saying that he would be back late, about two people... or three people?

He also wanted to make things clear about the matters between the three of them.

"Come on, I invite you to the bar."

Five minutes later, the white supercar left the underground parking lot.

Sitting in this luxurious car, Nangong can only use buses, subways, and Shinkansen for comparison because he has never been in a car before.

In short, it must be more comfortable than those three.

"There's no Kyoko here, so let's say it openly and honestly."

Shinichiro's tone was full of seriousness.

"Do you like her? In my opinion, you should have no feelings for her."

Before Nangong could answer, he first expressed his speculation.

During this day, he was not only talking to Kyoko, but also paying attention to possible rivals in love.

As long as it's a man, it's uncomfortable to see someone you like talking to other men.

However, this Nangong Lan did not reveal that kind of emotion, what he revealed was straightforward indifference.

"Kyoko and I are just friends."

Nangong gave his own position, however, Shinichiro didn't think so.

"I can offer you a better job than a coffee shop, how about leaving here and resigning?"

It's like the plot of "I'll give you 100 million, leave her" in a TV series, Nangong complained in his heart.

"Me and her are really just friends."

"It's just what you think. When Kyoko introduced you to me, she said you were an employee, not a friend. Do you know what that means?"

"do not know."

"It means that she is afraid that you will suffer something bad because of me. This kind of thinking is very dangerous."

"Is this just your own speculation?"

"I trust my speculation."

Shinichiro answered in the affirmative without even thinking.

So, Nangong sighed.

"I know why Kyoko rejected you."

He has fully understood.


The other party's clear tone made Shinichiro very uncomfortable, as if he knew Kyoko better than himself.

"You should get to know her now before pursuing her. Now you are a person living in the past. Let me get off the bus. I won't resign."

Nangong gave his answer.

Chapter 180 Vampire

"It's here."

Nangong stared at the information presented on the phone, and thanks to the inductive arrangement of facts, he knew where the people disappeared.

The initial incident occurred five days ago, and to this day, if all sightings are counted as an example, there are now 57 cases of disappearances.

In Kumamoto, there were 6 cases, and the locations of the disappearances were different. Of course, they could not be the same. If more people disappeared, then the corresponding pattern would definitely be found.

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