'What do you think. '

Don't you act just to prevent more people from being victimized?

Putting away his mobile phone, Nangong looked around. This street is very ordinary and ordinary. The street lights are working normally at night, and the bar number on that side is shining.

And it is towards this bar that people are constantly chatting enthusiastically and walking into it.

They pushed open the door one by one and walked in. At that moment, Nangong could see someone guarding the inner door.

'It's suspicious. '

It's hard to ignore the rally-like situation.

So he went to the bar and walked in with the others.

Queuing one after another, the guests in front took out their mobile phones, not knowing what they were showing the gatekeepers.

When it was Nangong's turn, he was stopped as expected.

"Excuse me, what are you doing here?"

Hearing this question, the staff member scratched his hair, it turned out to be a new customer who didn't know anything.

"To put it simply, this place is reserved today, and only those who have received an invitation letter can enter. Welcome to come next time."

"I see, then I will come again next time."

Nangong nodded obediently, then left the bar, passing by many guests who came.

'many people. '

And the last time someone disappeared around here, this place is not a crowded place, and it is night.

'What would I do if I was a vampire and had to stay out of sight to eat? '

This is a good hunting ground tonight, so many people come home late after the banquet, and they can always find suitable prey.

Since there is no information on exactly where the target will appear, it is not bad to wait and see in the stupid way here.

So how do you get in?

Nangong casually walked into the alley where no one was paying attention. The place is not dirty, but is often cleaned by people, so there is no strange smell.

His body shattered into light particles, completely transparent.

A few seconds later, an unobtrusive young man walked out of the toilet of the bar.

Nangong glanced left and right, and quite a few people had found their seats and sat down, and the lights on the ceiling shone down.

So, he walked to the bar.

"Have a recommended cocktail."

I don't know anything. In short, you can't go to the bar to order milk in a cocktail bar.

How in the world is it possible for someone to go to a bar to drink milk?

The bartender who received the order started to make it. If you want to ask what kind of cocktails are there, there are many ways.

In Nangong's sight, the bartender was different from the violent shaking that was often seen on TV, but slowly took out different alcohols and used tools to superimpose them.

One, two, three.

Even Ultraman, there are many things that he doesn't understand.

Now he is amazed by the scene in front of him, the wine flowing down the wall of the cup is divided into layers. At this time, three colors and three kinds of wine are already amazing.

The inside of the goblet is the final six-color finish.

"The name of the wine is Rainbow."

The bartender put it in front of Nangong. The wine lived up to its name, so much so that he really wanted to take it back and treasure it.

Even if you put it on him, you won’t get any feeling, so it’s better to save the visual effect.

Right hand touched the cup, at this moment, heard the voice:

"Nangong, why are you here?"

Because it is too familiar, so I knew who it was the first time.

"If I remember correctly, you are still underage."

Sure enough, Yui quickly sat on the other side of him.

"Today is the day when minors can come in, isn't that why you came here?"


Although he didn't know what was going on, Nangong immediately nodded in agreement.

'What? '

What is this matter?

Totally confused.



Inexplicably, she fell silent, and at this moment, suspicion suddenly appeared in Uniform's eyes.

The other party behaved strangely.

"I'm really looking forward to Maya's next concert."

She said it suddenly.


Because he is not good at concealing his thoughts, subconscious reactions are easily seen.

'Isn't Chris Maya that famous female singer? '

Even Nangong who doesn't have much interest in this aspect knows some basic information about her, which also shows how popular the other party is.

By the way, the catchphrase he often sees is very...very title that he doesn't know how to evaluate.

For example, "beauty once in a hundred years", "young queen", "rushing towards the Budokan" and the like.

He really wanted to complain about the relationship between beautiful women and music?


At this time, Unii showed a shooting motion with his right hand, and then put it on his chin.

It's a deliberate gesture.

'I'm doubting you! '

Such thoughts are revealed in her actions.

' So why is she here and someone puts it in? '

Nangong really wanted to ask this question, but he couldn't.

You can't expose your shortcomings, for fear that others will not know that you are a layman.

He picked up his glass and took a deep gulp to hide his situation.

The taste of the wine was mixed together, for him, all he could taste was the taste.

At this moment, the extinguished lights helped him out.

"never mind."

Uniq looked at the only stage that was lit up in the darkness at this time, and it was shining brightly.

To be honest, the white mist made of dry ice does seem a bit out of place in the tavern.

Soon, someone appeared from the white mist.

"Everyone, thank you for coming today, and thank you for your support all the time."


Nangong held the cocktail that almost rushed out of his nose. If he read it correctly, it was Chris Maya, Chris Maya himself.

Why is she in such a bar when she is so hot now?

He didn't understand what was going on at all, but he didn't need to, because the music was already playing.

The singing voice came out from the throat and perfectly blended with the soundtrack.


The people around were also very quiet, unlike the crazy cheers he had imagined.

In the dark environment are slowly swinging light sticks.

'Why are you even shaking? '

On the side of Nangong, the bartender held two fluorescent sticks with gradient colors in his hands and shook them slowly.

So what's going on here?

He's the only one in the bar with nothing?

Suddenly, the waist was poked.

Turning his head, he saw a light blue fluorescent stick.

Swish swish swish, the second light stick held by Unii in the other hand slightly illuminated her face.


"you are welcome."

The girl can already be sure that the other party is a person who is completely inconsistent with the things here, so how did he come in?

'It's not difficult for Ultraman to sneak in. '

Why can he do it?

Because he is Ultraman!

Simple speculation.

Even in this imperfectly equipped and unprofessional bar, the popular singer proved herself with her strength.

Nangong is not a professional, but at least he can tell whether it sounds 'good' or 'not good'

The blue light stick in the left hand shakes with the other listeners. Unknowingly, one song ends and the other starts again. The love song of You Ning, the song of youth, the intense burning song, and the constant switching of different styles.

Different from Nangong's changed body after gaining strength, this is the result of hard work.

The throat that everyone has seems to have become a musical instrument, and it seems to be a machine, without fatigue, and it can be turned a thousand times.

'sharp. '

He knows why Chris Maya has become so popular, she has strength herself.

Music is of course good music, but there are things that I can't let go of now.

Nangong released the power of thoughts that ordinary people can't detect, and scanned everything around him.

It was as normal as it could be, nothing happened.

His eyes, which were unaffected even in the dark, scanned the interior of the bar, but he didn't see any vampires yet.

While he was on guard, someone was watching him.

Shocked, but not at all chaotic.

Maya showed her professionalism and looked at the young people at the bar who were not fully immersed in the music.

'he is......'

'Now he's just a listener. '


The conversation in the mind is over, breathing, treble, and pitch, presumably many people don't know that in this ordinary bar, the popular singer is actually singing for dozens of people here.

Nangong's Otto power spread across the wall, scanning everything in the bar.

The audience, and those in the lounge behind the bar, had no problem.

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