In this way, half immersed and half alert, the small concert continued until it was about to end.

More than an hour of high-intensity singing seems nothing to a professional singer.

Finally, Maya bowed her head in thanks and ended the event amidst cheers.


Nothing, did the vampire go somewhere else?

"As expected of the singer I recommended, it's really great!"

Uniform behind wiped the corners of his eyes, looking moved.

"You pushed it?"

Nangong didn't quite understand this sentence.

"Maya has only debuted for 2 years, and of course it was not all smooth sailing at the beginning."

Uniform explained that after all, it is too difficult to succeed from the beginning.

Need an opportunity to ride the wind.

"In the beginning, she was just a singer who sang on the street. I saw her when it was raining one day. The appearance of playing the guitar in the rain attracted me."

There is a sense of loneliness and sadness, even the tune is so sad.

Later, after paying attention, I found out that it was indeed the case. She was in a period of struggling whether she should give up.

"After that, I've been paying attention to support, and before I knew it, I've--Hello?!"

It was only halfway through the conversation, but the young man in front of him stood up as if impatient.

Not only that, he didn't say anything, instead he rushed out backwards.

He didn't even have time to stop it. The other party rushed through the door that only bar staff could enter.

30 seconds ago, Maya was walking in the aisle with helplessness on her face, and the man beside her was talking endlessly:

"That's right, Maya. Although you are a singer, idol routines are not incapable. As long as you give people a feeling that you can touch but can't, fans will continue to send you money."

There was no emotion in the manager's words, but he was analyzing the situation from a utilitarian point of view.

She wasn't angry about it, because she couldn't force a person with such a job to talk about feelings.

Reality is different from animation, and the competition is fierce. Once you leave the team, you may never have a chance to come back.

One is talking, one is listening, and the other is watching.

The door of the lounge was opened, and what appeared inside was a somewhat strange scene.

"Are you tired? You actually fell asleep at this time."

The first thing I saw was the two companions sitting on the seats, their heads were tilted, and they seemed to be asleep.

'wrong! '

The first person I saw was naturally someone I was familiar with, and what I ignored in this short half a second was the extra person.

"and many more!"

Before Maya could stop her, the unimaginably fast man grabbed the manager by the neck and threw him flying with a flick.

'Run!Maya! '

The voice in my head said so, and my body moved naturally.

The next moment, someone leaped from above.

"Maya, my Maya!"

The man said so, his face was thin, and there was some kind of strange emotion in his eyes.

It seems to be appetite, and it seems to be lust. The last two emotions are neutralized with possessiveness as the main body.

He rushed forward, but the man failed to reach the position he wanted to reach.

He felt as if his neck hit a steel bar, it was an arm that was lying in front of him at some point.


In Maya's sight, the man's body flew up.

He locked his throat and fell, as if the ground was shaking. Before the person who was vibrating crazily in his head had time to react, the heavy blow hit his face directly.


Maybe others couldn't hear it, but Nangong heard it.

So he came, blocked, confirmed.

"Really a vampire."

The man with his mouth half open was stunned by the double blow, and two fangs appeared in front of him unabashedly.

Nangong stretched out his hand, ready to carry the captured vampire somewhere to question him.

The next moment, those eyes suddenly opened and moved upward like a machine.

'This is......'

At the same time when he noticed the strange fluctuation, Nangong raised his right arm, and the sweeping knife was easily blocked.

The fallen vampire violated the basics of the human body and bounced to the ceiling.

Unfortunately, not fast enough.

He had just touched the ceiling, before he could escape, the elbow hit and broke the most important spine supporting his body.

The softened body fell, and was carried by someone before falling to the ground.

After a few seconds of confrontation, Nangong, who fell lightly, turned to look at Maya.

"Are you human?"

Just a moment ago, I felt something strange.

"No, let's talk about it next time."

The most important thing now is to run away before Uniyi reacts, this vampire may not be a vampire.

Nangong took a step forward and ran towards the back door.

Chapter 180 Awakened by Darkness

On the top of the building that no one has reached is the vampire whose spine was broken and Nangong who brought him.

The energy released by the right hand split into several purple light ropes, firmly binding the unconscious target to the ground.

"That's fine."

After completing this preparation, he lifted the other person up and leaned against the wall.

At just a moment ago, he noticed the abnormal situation of the vampire.

After falling into a coma, he suddenly woke up and fought back. At that time, a wonderful mental wave came from the opponent's body.

Of course, when it comes to mental waves, that singer also...

'wrong. '

Now focus on the vampire incident.

That wave of spirit controlled the vampire from a more distant place. Nangong had seen information about 'parasitic' on the Internet before.

The situation at this time made him naturally think of such a situation.

How did it parasitize, and what was it that parasitized him?

Now, all he has to do is such a thing.

From the moment of contact with the surface, after a short two seconds, Nangong, who was squatting here before, disappeared, and the vampire with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes.

His own consciousness was completely suppressed, and the other person who took over his body could feel the call, the worship, and the darkness.

It's like coming to a layer of network, and this network is like a pyramid, there is only one existence at the top, and everyone else worships the existence at the top as a god.

Turning around suddenly, what he saw there were red eyes.

The next moment, the vampire tilted his head again and fainted.

The distance is meaningless, and after the coordinates are captured, it is a precise sprint search.

Another city far away, dusty ground, unattended discotheques, and countless spider webs.

Just after appearing here, there is endless darkness in front of my eyes.

The pitch black, which is different from the night, is full of unique fluctuations, but he has adapted to this darkness.

The shadow and the darkness were completely integrated, the movement of the person in front was so slow, the side kick first hit the abdomen, and then there was the sound of something heavy smashing into pieces.

Hearing the hurried footsteps, the vampires attacking from all directions obeyed the orders of the 'gods'.

Claws, fangs, all these means of attack hit the invisible wall, and Otto's thoughts spread and exploded in a spherical shape.

There was a roar in their ears, and the vampires felt as if they were hit by some heavy object covering their whole body, and then they were like bugs being shot, sticking to the ground and unable to get up.

Nangong took a step towards the innermost part of the ballroom.

At the back of the stage, a coffin with a cross was lying there quietly.

'It's kind of like a vampire. '


The man who came out from one side just wanted to clap his hands when he fell to the ground like the other vampires.

Nangong came here not to chat, but to liberate these controlled people.

There is no etiquette, the palm of the left hand seems to be ignited by a purple flame, leaving a trail while waving.

The energy bomb directly hit the coffin, making explosions, flames, and roars.

Below the coffin is a wider space, and a dark mist gushes out of it.

Not only under the earth, but also in the sky of the city was covered by thick fog.

The blackness that surged like a tide covered the stars, the moon, and everything in people's astonishing eyesight, preventing any light from entering.

In an instant, Nangong felt that the light energy in his body was firmly suppressed, and what the enemy formed was a dark field.

When the wings are flapped, the wind blows.

The ceiling was directly smashed into pieces. When he raised his head, he flicked his right hand. The man who was almost pierced by the falling sharp wood and turned into a real 'vampire' escaped due to the push of his thoughts.

There is no light here, only darkness. When you look up, there is no moon or star shining. The vampire monster that has recovered its original appearance makes a unique cry. It waves its claws, and even its wings shake like a cloak. Two scarlet eyes stare down. little people.

Consisting of a pitch-black spark prism, Nangong held it tightly and lifted it up. When it unfolded, the lightning flash released had an ominous feeling.



Hearing someone's ridicule, it was too familiar.

Completely transformed into a giant, Empat's sight was immediately attracted by the woman on the roof on that side.

The long black dress fluttered in the wind with the black hair, and the silver jewelry hung on the forehead.

"Camilla, why are you here?"

The dark giant who almost only appears in dreams, Nangong still doesn't know what purpose the other party has and what kind of past it is.

But the inherited light is warning her.

"Because the darkness has increased."

Camila explained the reason with a smile. The dark field created by the vampire monster Huranos strengthened the already gradually spreading darkness.


Nangong instinctively realized that there seemed to be a bigger conspiracy approaching.

"Don't you understand? This monster that summoned darkness is the proof that the prelude is over."

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