When the Dark Lord's dream came to an end, his breath awakened countless demons and monsters.


I couldn't think about it carefully, because Huranos didn't plan to greet the giant in front of him or do anything else.

Just a small size is enough to set off a gust of wind, so what about the original posture?

With a wave of wings, that is the power that even giants can shake.


For Empat, this is also the first encounter.

The wind seemed to be a heavy hammer, hitting him fiercely.

Stand still, but slide back anyway.

The sudden hammer of the wind didn't just affect him.

Whose screams can be heard in the ear instantly, if even he who weighs tens of thousands of tons can't bear the wind, what about ordinary people?

Above the air duct, the glass shattered instantly, turning into a sharp blade capable of killing people.

People without cover rise up with the wind and roll up towards the sky. Maybe in the next second, maybe in another second, their fragile bodies will hit something and break, or they will be in close contact with the earth, and they will be bonded forever 'Together.

The crystal on the forehead flashed with brilliance, and the powerful thought power was only amplified here again, and the invisible power accurately grasped every human being who was blown.

Tens, hundreds, thousands, act precisely when it won't hurt them.

At this time, Camilla laughed again:

"A warrior with scruples won't win against any enemy."

Accompanied by her words, the wind ignited the power for the gunpowder, and a deafening sound rang out.

With a muffled grunt, Empat seemed to be hit by a huge mountain, and Huranos, who didn't know how fast it was, bombarded himself as a cannonball on the enemy.

After being repelled for tens of meters, their feet stepped on the ground and fell, while the road shattered, people screamed. Inside the high-rise buildings were ordinary people living, and in front of their eyes was a body of steel that was crazily approaching.

If this body hits a residential building, what kind of tragedy will it cause?

Even the strength could not be removed well, Empat suppressed the pain and stood still forcibly.

Raising its head suddenly, the flying vampire monster relied on its strong body, waving wings, and this dark field to fight.

It didn't wait for the prey to move, and the wings flapped again brought a force that was not too much compared to the typhoon.

Energy is tangible, but wind is intangible.

To contend with it, one can only rely on the same invisible force.

Using Otto's mind power, a crazy turbulent flow spread out in the sky.

Before Empat took off, Huranos waved those wings again.

The cunning Warcraft has already found the enemy's weakness in just two fights, it only needs to do so.

The hammer of the storm slammed into the city, and the power of the mind offset it.

Empat threw out the light arrow in his palm with his right hand, and Huranos swung his wings with all his strength, generating a wind hammer and moving away at the same time.

The battlefield is in the city, and the enemy flaps its wings regardless of consumption, and every time it can generate aftermath that will cause serious damage to the city.

The giant as the guardian stopped him again and again with his thoughts, and the two formed a stalemate.

"Once a soldier has a weakness, he will be caught and used. You are so stupid to guard those insignificant fleas, as stupid as 3000 million years ago."

The building guarded at the rear, Camilla stood there at some point.

Her voice was unaffected in the slightest, and passed into her ears.

Empat ignored the words, his thoughts collided with the wind, and he cut out his hands continuously.

The light arrows in the palm turned into submachine guns and fired continuously, frantically attacking the dodging enemies in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of purple light arrows pierced the darkness, up, down, left, and right. Even so, even hundreds of shots failed to hit the agile monster.

Huranos swings its body freely in the air, it does not take the initiative to attack, as long as it creates wind here, it can contain the enemy, so why not do it?

Sideways, swinging head, shifting, it moves freely in the light.

At this time, the city seemed to have become the center of a storm.

People staying at home huddled in corners, and people on the streets sought cover.

The eyes couldn't see at all, even if there was cover, the gust of wind blew on the face like a knife blade.

The movement in Empat's hand still didn't stop, consuming his strength meaninglessly.


Huranos let out a cry, as if to show off.

"Are you just consuming your own strength needlessly and giving up on yourself?"

Camilla heard the voice, and the timer on Empat's chest turned red, on and off.

Even if the palm light arrow consumes very little, it can't hold up to throwing hundreds or thousands of rounds.

The hammer of the storm and the shield of thought power collided for dozens of times, and the deafening bang reverberated in the sky.

Huranos moves and dodges with the wind, extremely graceful.

Empat's hands are tireless and pointless, stupid as hell.

Did you give up?

Or simply give up on yourself?

Camila just instinctively realized that something was wrong. When an excellent fighter behaved like a fool, anyone would suspect fraud.

So, where is the fraud?

The darkness is pierced, and the rainbow light at night is so dazzling.


Very complacent and proud, last second he was showing off his power, but this second, the right wing of the blood-sucking monster Huranos was hit and pierced, and the rainbow bombarded his body, burning it.

Camilla turned her head suddenly, it was a blow that was hundreds of kilometers away, not even close.

The Yagdis floats in the sky, and the victory team is a team that protects human beings. How could it not know that there are monsters appearing.

It's just that they can't get close, the city is surrounded by storms at this time, even the Feiyan EX-J can't break into it, and it will be blown away just outside.

The winning team could only detect the point where the wind was forming, but that alone was enough.

The Magus cannon crossed the distance, and under precise calculations, it hit Huuranos perfectly.

At this moment, Empat's right hand swung forward and clenched, and the thousands of palm light arrows that were avoided by the enemy were either approaching or far away, and they were all pulled back under the control of thought power.

Huranos' eyes only had time to see the flashing purple light before his body was pierced by a sharp arrow of light.

Ten, hundred, thousand, the wind stops and the light is released.

Even the Yagedis, hundreds of kilometers away, could see the brilliance of that night.

The elegant purple light slowly expanded, forming a scene like a supernova explosion. After a few seconds, it completely expanded and exploded.

The light spots sprinkled, and the black mist disappeared.

The dark realm disappeared due to the death of its master, and the stars and bright moon in the sky once again illuminated the blue-eyed giant.

"Human beings are not burdensome, nor are they insignificant."

Nangong said that he believed that the situation here would definitely be detected by the victory team, so he decided to trust them and create opportunities for both sides.

As it turned out, the winning team echoed his thoughts.

"Then let us wait and see."

Camila dispersed like dust. She was able to get out of the seal only by relying on the dark domain constructed by Huranos. After the domain disappears, it will naturally dissipate together.

After a few seconds of silence, Nangong was thinking about what the other party said.

The matter of the giant of darkness has not been resolved, so what does she mean by what she said?

Prelude is over?

Empat jumped up and left towards the distance.

Inside the Yagdis, the team members clapping and celebrating suddenly saw the giant outside.

He nodded towards this side, and finally climbed away, his back was covered by clouds and mist.

Tonight, the vampire monster that can awaken the dark realm is defeated, which symbolizes the end of the prelude.

The great darkness dormant on the earth has shown signs of awakening.

And there is never just one crisis.

The great darkness of the universe is gradually approaching the earth, and he sent his pioneers.


Even the self has been infected by darkness, hating the living and the light, the most hated is the existence of human beings.


Why would Ultraman stand up to protect them when they are weak?

Why can his clan do everything they can to be destroyed?

It's not human's fault, and it's not Ultraman's fault, even so, I still hate it.

Resentment, despair, pain, hatred, beings swallowed by negative energy can't see anything else.

"Ultraman... What an unpleasant existence."

The existence that manipulates all of this tells the disgust in his heart. For him, human beings are irrelevant, only Ultraman must be completely eliminated.

Chapter 180 Three Unchangeable Things

Special report, the return of missing persons, what is the connection between the bat monster that appeared and this incident?

The media's actions were as fast as ever, and the battle that took place last night was completed today.

It's just that it's different from the past, there are no images and video materials about monsters in the news, after all, no one can shoot in that kind of windy situation.

The only thing that can be recorded is the last 'purple supernova'

"People are flying."

Yes, the influencers on the TV news are only ordinary people who have been blown away.

Hyranus unleashes a storm, reminiscent of the mighty forces of nature.

And these ordinary people who were flying randomly in the sky suddenly changed direction and fell towards the ground behind the bunker.

That was Empat's Ultraman power. Last night, Ultraman and the monster, who hadn't appeared for a long time, had another battle.

"At first I thought I was going to die, but suddenly there was a very gentle force wrapping me up, how do I describe it? It's like rolling up the quilt when lying in bed, you know what I'm talking about ?”

"In the past, I really felt that Ultraman could not be trusted. Now if I can go back to the past, I will definitely slap myself a few times."

"I feel very relieved. They seem to be everywhere, and they will solve the problem as soon as a monster appears."

"Of course Ultraman is the best. Do you need to ask such a thing at this time?"

"TPC is very important, but I think Ultraman is more important."

The above are interviews with reporters and citizens. Different words have similar evaluations. Altman's reputation has already been overwhelmingly favorable.

The voice of questioning gradually subsided, but it was just like Fujiwara's initial clue, worshiping and relying too much on Ultraman.

"Excessive resistance is wrong, and extreme worship is also problematic. No wonder the way of natural balance was advocated thousands of years ago. It turns out that the saints knew that it would be difficult to do such a thing even after thousands of years."

While wiping her coffee cup, Kyoko expressed her opinion on the situation revealed in the news.

"But there is no way, after all, Ultraman loves humans too much."


At the same time when he heard this sentence, Nangong was stunned. Is this true from the perspective of a bystander?

"Think about it, as soon as the monsters appear, they will also appear, especially Empat, most of the time he has already fought the monsters before the victory team dispatched."

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