Kyoko suddenly paused, hesitated for a while before continuing:

"It's like being afraid of someone getting hurt."

Although it is not good to say such a thing as a rescued person, it is indeed the truth.


Nangong fell silent, because the facts were exactly as the other party said.

Even if the desire only appears when people are fighting to the limit, as long as they think of someone who will be injured during this time, the body will act involuntarily.

This feeling is unbearable, so I rush to it every time.

Looking at it from another angle, as Kyoko said, she was afraid that they would get hurt because of this, so she pampered them.

"Who made Ultraman so convenient?"

Intervening in the conversation between the two, what Shinichiro said was his, or most people's opinion.

"Don't ask for anything in return, but desperately protect, even if people say they want to express their gratitude, they can't do it. Once people get used to relying on something, it's hard to get rid of it."

Because 'convenient' is really convenient.

"They are both heroes and tools to fight monsters."

Picking up the coffee in his hand and drinking it, Shinichiro shrugged. By the way, what is the so-called 'convenience'?

"It's too convenient, so even if I understand this in my heart, I won't change it, and I can't change it."

This is an idea that comes from a combination of various factors.

'Won't change, can't change. '

Nangong thought about the meaning of this sentence, and then found that it was true.

If a monster appeared somewhere, he would probably still rush straight there, blocking the winning team before it showed up.

Because someone is going to die, and he doesn't want to see who dies.

"As long as they are there, you can rest assured. This sentence seems to be trust, but in fact, isn't it a kind of irony?"

After Kyoko finished speaking, she looked at the TV again, not knowing when the previous news would end.

"The most ridiculous thing is that we know it shouldn't be the case but we still rely on them as a matter of course."

She put the washed and dried cup aside.

"Pamper, spoil..."

Nangong fell silent after recounting in a low voice. In the current situation, even he understands the reason.

Monster disasters are so frequent, and Ultraman has saved mankind and the earth many times, it is only natural that it will evolve into the current situation.

But it's impossible for him to just walk away and not let go.

Especially the 'darkness' that Camila said

'Why is there no memory left? '

Thinking of this, Nangong sighed helplessly.

Now, he is Empat, and Empat is him, because the original Empat left nothing but light and body.

He doesn't even know who Camila is, but somehow knows the name, and somehow feels that Camilla and the other two, Durham and Hitler, shouldn't appear 'outside'.

What does this 'outside' refer to?

The earth also hides secrets that cannot be ignored.

"So, Kyoko, since we still have so many common points of view, would you do me the honor of going to dinner with me tonight?"

At this moment, Shinichiro's speech drew Nangong's attention back.

'This person really can bring everything back here. '

He continued to launch attacks within two days, and he still had to show his strength for this effort.

The problem is that...

"It's okay to be a friend with a common topic, but it's unnecessary to go further."

Kyoko's straightforward refusal did not frustrate the other party.

"I want to know more about you now. Can I go further and talk about it after I understand you?"

"But I don't want you to know, and I know enough about you by the way."

"Do you still understand me after all these years? It's so happy."

"Do you think I'm praising you..."

Shinichiro gave full play to the principle that chasing girls is to rely on stalking, in short, if there is a follower, he will climb up with all his strength.


Show your teeth, grin, growl, don't you see that she is rejecting you!

I'm so bored!

Nangong stopped the Shiba Inu who wanted to pounce on him. Unlike him, Gedi's likes and dislikes were so straightforward.

Hate is hate, give you a bite.

"Geddie, forget it."

You are still young and don't know what love is.

'Although I don't think he understands either. '

Nangong stared at the stalking Shinichiro on the other side, obviously already successful in his career, but still living in the past.

It seems that the current scene will continue for a long time.

The day went by without any disturbances, but the sun was setting, and until evening, Nangong encountered a rather difficult matter.

Go left, so go left.

Go right, so go right.

"Am I a cow?"

He felt that he was like a bull being deliberately provoked in the field, and the matador Unii in front was walking there.

"Then ask! Where did you end up going yesterday?"

Suddenly the person disappeared, and Maya said that the person left through the back door.

The key is not here, the key is to compare the time when the opponent disappeared and the time when Ultraman appeared.

It's such a coincidence that people don't think it's a coincidence.

"I suddenly...I suddenly want to go to the bathroom."

Nangong used an excuse that is common all over the world.

"But the toilets are in the bar."

Uniqlo has used it to see through, and the effect is outstanding.

"Probably because the effect of that cocktail was too strong. I don't know what happened yesterday. When I woke up, I was already at home."

Nangong began to change his words, as the saying goes, one lie needs to be covered up with countless lies.

"You said in your last sentence that you wanted to go to the bathroom."

Uniq discovered the inconsistency of the other party.

"That's the only thing I remember."

This is very reasonable!


The index finger and middle finger of Uniform's right hand were erected, making a V-shape.

Lift it up slowly, point to your own eyes, and then switch to point to Nangong.

'I'm watching you. '

She expressed her thoughts with action language, then fixed her eyes on the target, and walked out slowly.

"There is---"

As soon as he turned his head, there was a crisp 'bang' sound.

"it hurts!"

Forgetting to pay attention to the road ahead, Yui covered her forehead, it was an ordinary street lamp, which collided with her.

"It's a street lamp."

"It's too late!"

"Feel sorry."


It's all your fault!

Uniform covered his forehead, bypassed the street lights and left here.

"Reckless fool."

Some people commented that since UNIQ is here, of course Kyoko is also there.

"Aren't you going back?"

Nangong asked the girl who was standing still at the door of the store.

"There's a nasty guy in there, and he doesn't want to go back yet."

Just by hearing this sentence, you can tell that Kyoko's attitude towards that 'ex-boyfriend' is really not very good.

Not only her, but from the previous conversation with Ryoko, the two sisters didn't seem to have a good impression of their sister's ex-boyfriend.

"Aren't you standing here because you are worried?"

Kyoko asked back, after all, she was not the only one standing in front of the shop.

"In a sense, yes."

In fact, what Nangong was worried about was that Shinichiro was bitten by Gedi who couldn't hold back, so he stood here.

It wasn't Kyoko who needed to worry.

"Would you like to hear a story?"

Suddenly, Kyoko made a strange statement.

"Once upon a time, there was a girl."

Before Nangong could answer, she began to talk on her own.

"She had a boy she liked. One day, the boy said that he would definitely come back and marry the girl when he became famous in the future, so he left."

The words are interrupted here, one second, two seconds, three seconds.


Nangong turned his head, with big question marks written in his eyes.

Kyoko was a little puzzled, so she finally remembered that there was still a word she didn't say.

"Oh, it's over, it's over."


this one?this one?No way?

Will do.



"Did it ever tell you that you're a poor storyteller?"

"There is now."

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