"That's really an honor..."

It turns out that I was the first to listen to your story.

At this moment, the sound of the wind chimes was crisp and pleasant.

"Okay, go back."

"See you tomorrow then."

"It would be nice if we didn't see each other."

The conversation between Kyoko and Shinichiro ended, and the man came out.

Looking at Nangong and Xingzi over here.

Since the younger sister of my sweetheart is here, of course I should greet her gracefully.

He waved his hand, but got a cold response.

"I'm going back."

Kyoko ignored Shinichiro and walked into the shop.

"Well, it seems that the road is long and long."

Shinichiro didn't insult the civilized man's attire, and spoke the ancient Chinese that just happened to be useful.

"I think it's just polar opposites."

"Then we'll wait and see."


It's really strange to hear this sentence twice in less than 24 hours.

Nangong shook his head helplessly, and went back towards home with peace of mind.

Half an hour later, the gas stove in the Nishinomiya kitchen was burning with a black pot bottom above it.

Grease splashes, blocked by the apron.

The spatula in the right hand moves quickly, and the sounds of the range hood and exhaust fan are mixed together.

"Of course I wish I could never see each other again in this life."

Wu confidently gave the answer.

"Yes, has it reached such an intense level?"

Half a minute ago, Nangong asked such a question - if a pair of lovers break up, what will happen to them afterwards?

Half a minute later, I got this answer—I wish I could never see each other again.

"Because no one wants to see their own wound dangling in front of their eyes, and those who don't regard it as a wound will say otherwise."

Wu gave a theory and asked Nangong to call him an expert.

"Wait, how do you know that?"

Could it be... puppy love!

"I also read comics about love."

After all, she's a girl, right?

"On the contrary, romance comics drawn by male authors are relatively normal."

Wu frowned tightly, not quite understanding why this happened.

"It is impossible for a female author to know who will be with whom until she sees the end, and it is full of various strange settings, backgrounds, and misunderstandings."

In short, it's very messy. For them, it seems that it is normal for the heroine to have sex with another man and then express that she only has someone in her heart.

It's so weird.

"Nangong, which do you think is more serious, physical cheating or mental cheating?"


This, this touches the blind spot of my thinking.

If you want to talk about a mental state similar to 'derailment', it's probably only the last time when I was playing PS4 with Ryo, I was thinking about whether to play NS together later.

'Wait, if this counts as mental cheating, then physical cheating is...'

Turning on NS immediately without even closing the PS4 game, the TV channels are all robbed, this is the essence of physical infidelity.

Nangong's mind was full of fantastic ideas.

"It smells weird!"

Suddenly, Ye in the living room shouted.



In a hurry, the two almost messed up the dinner because of strange topics and running trains.

180 Chapter Four

Waking up from a long slumber, the time has come.

Since ancient times, it has been the old enemy. It hates the giants who help the little creatures, so it started to act.

Thousands of meters underground, a monster that has been sleeping for 3000 million years like an ancient fossil opened its red eyes.

There is still a sense of fatigue in the body, and the stored energy has disappeared since it has been dormant.

Therefore, the monster dives down, into the deeper underground, and needs to devour the 'blood' of the earth

No one knows, and no one is aware of the existence of the earth in advance. It accumulates strength and is ready to break out of the ground.

Absorbed, even the flow of time has been completely forgotten.

Unknowingly, today's land is April when spring comes completely, and everything rejuvenates.

What is the season in April?

Speaking of April, the tick-tock drops of water fall one after another. For most people, this is an extremely annoying weather.

The rainy season makes the walls damp, making it difficult to breathe and travel.

Of course, what makes students feel the most difficult is this matter:

"Physical education class has become a math class."

Uniq stood in the corridor, watching the dripping rain, the corridor was empty, not many people would want to stand where they might be splashed by water droplets.

"I hate math class."

She was sure of it, and she emphasized it.

"That's because you don't understand."

Of course Kyoko knew why this friend hated it. It was indeed boring for ordinary people to chant scriptures in front of monks.

For UNIQ, the math teacher is a monk who doesn't know what it is.

"Ah, so annoying."

Why take any math class?Can these things be used in the future?Depending on the subject and major, it may not be useful at all.

"By the way, what happened to Miss Kyoko?"

It's better not to talk about such headaches as mathematics. If you are annoying now, it will be bad if you fall asleep later in class.

The parent meeting is a troublesome event, the teacher will publicly punish the students at that time, but you can't be caught.

"What else? Isn't it just like that?"

Kyoko stared at the rain outside the corridor, she wanted to try to do something, the question is what can be done?

Just seeing that man, just getting a little closer, made me feel uncomfortable all over.

Hearing this, Uniform understood that the situation at this time was basically the same as in the past.

"It's really difficult to continue the frontier."

Sure enough, after breaking up, it is impossible to be together again.

"That's his own fault."

It was rare for Xingzi to be annoyed in his tone, no one was hard-hearted from the beginning.

'It seems that things in the past are worse than I thought? '

It's really complicated, but unfortunately, I have never been in love.

Although Uniq was curious, he still decided not to ask. Sure enough, when getting along with people, we still need to consider each other's feelings.

If Kyoko wanted to say something, she must have said it before.

'It's itchy. '

Where is itching?

Do you still need to ask?heart itching.

'I feel like ants are crawling on my heart...'

It's itchy, it's itchy, curiosity is itching.

At this moment, the class bell rang to attract the attention of both of them.

"At least you don't have to worry about falling asleep in this class."

Hearing this, Kyoko looked at Uniform.

"Haven't you considered listening carefully to the class?"


Finished high school math half a year ago because math class was so boring.


So why does this person do so well in math without listening to it?

Considering her grades and previous complaints, this is probably the disease-free ** of the rich who don't understand the suffering of the poor.

No one was in the corridor anymore, and the rain continued. The occasional wind made the thin curtain shake, and finally hit the glass.

Not only the glass of the office building, but also the outside of the coffee shop can no longer be seen clearly between the impact of water droplets.

Nangong, who was working, suddenly began to think about one thing, and he didn't know what kind of spectacular scene it was to watch the rain in those dozens of stories of high-rise buildings.

Place the last glass on the tray and bring them back to the bar.

"you are annoying."

I heard such a sentence.

Kyoko was really merciless, and Shinichiro felt a little embarrassed and unhappy at the same time.

'I treat you so sincerely, why don't you understand and respond to me? '

Such thoughts arise naturally.


"A bit."

"Then why don't you give up?"

"Because I like you, I must make you like me again."

"Ah... this is it."

Kyoko sighed heavily, she was no longer the same as before.

"Haven't you ever thought that your feelings are just a burden to others?"

Unilateral claims of liking and unilateral efforts.

"I'll turn the burden around."

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