Shinichiro said seriously, he really tried to do this.

"You can't do it, I just hate your own way of doing things."

Kyoko's words made the other party's eyes widen. The previous evaluation was completely different.

"The past was the past, are you still living in the past?"

Before the other party could speak, she saw what Shinichiro was thinking, and said what Nangong said not long ago.

"Nangong, come here."

Kyoko waved her hand.


Although he didn't know what was going on, Nangong still walked over.

"Come out with me after the rain stops, and Shinichiro will also be with you."


I don't think he will be very happy.

Turning his head to look at the other person, as expected, his eyes had turned into hostility.

It's not jealousy or anything like that, purely, just hostility.

It wasn't just him who noticed this, Kyoko was the same, so he couldn't help but lament how immature he was in the past, and at the same time lament that the other party hasn't changed in any way for so many years.

"Sorry, just be my shield for a while."

Hearing her soft voice, Nangong could only complain in his heart:

'I think it's too late for you to say that...'

Isn't this already a shield?

'Take it as repayment. '

In this regard, he has no opinion.

From becoming Ultraman to now, this store has given him too many things.

Care, friendship, these are important feelings.

Unlike him, however, Shinichiro's expression wasn't exactly good.

At least half a minute ago, he still felt that everything was moving in pace.

Now, there is only annoyance left.

The ticking sound outside the door gave people a headache. Inside the bar, Kyoko left and walked towards the second floor, probably to explain something to Ryoko.

There are only two people left here.

"You didn't do what you said you did."

Shinichiro said in a strange way, he was referring to what Nangong said before, just ordinary friends.

Do ordinary friends get so close, or even talk in their ears?

"Are you angry? Why?"

As if deliberately provoking, Nangong asked the other party.

"Because I love her!"

Same as back then!

"Because you love each other, you want to get a response, and because you are not loved, you get angry. Is true love such a small thing?"

Express your feelings unilaterally, don't consider other people's thoughts, and get angry when you are rejected.

"Always expecting, even forcing the other person to respond, this is not true love."

Although not the same as love, friendship is also a type of love.

Nangong believes that the feeling of 'love' should be two-way, more warm, instead of forcing one side and the other.

"Are you preaching to me from the victor's standpoint now?"

However, the agitated Shinichiro couldn't listen to such words. His flaws were the same as before, without any change.

The raindrops outside the window stopped due to the flow of time, and the stagnant water flowed on the ground. The three people who left the coffee shop were walking on the street.

"Do you still remember what we talked about before, that you hit the classmate who confessed to me? Now do you want to do the same thing to him?"

What Kyoko wanted to say at this time was that she was closer to Nangong, which made Shinichiro very unhappy.

"You still think I belong to you just like you did back then, and you still think I belong to you today. This attitude of going your own way also makes me feel very unhappy."

She continued to tell her thoughts.

"You should have seen it. I have my life, and you have yours. Our business is over. Leave your ring and give it to a girl who is really suitable."

The straightforward rejection, I don't know how many times it was rejected in these days.

"What about our agreement? I always remember that thing, and I have worked hard until today just to become that pillar!"

Never give up no matter how many times!Your family is my family!

It is to become a man with this ability that I will start my own business and work hard to climb up!

"Are you really so ruthless that you leave me behind when you have someone else you like?"

Shinichiro questioned the other party angrily.

Kyoko's mood was very strange, should she be sad?Should it be hard?

So far, there is only a touch of melancholy left.

"Aren't you the one who left me behind?"

She still remembers that day.


"At that time, who was the person who made the promise but actually disappeared on his own? At that time, I wanted to go on with you, but you didn't listen to me."

I'll come back to marry you after I become famous, well said, then what?

"In the past few years, I have worked hard on my own. I have no one to rely on. As the eldest sister, I should be the one to be relied on. I learned to smoke, I learned to drink, and I even almost tried to see if those powders are good. It’s not really about making people forget their troubles.”

Even the silver lighter had worn away its luster from overuse.

"Then let's make up for that lost time—"

He never considered his feelings about her, made a decision, left, and left alone.

"If you can't come back, what you miss is what you miss."

Kyoko shook her head. If she had a happy family, her parents had a happy marriage, and grew up as an ordinary person, she would probably be moved by this romantic reunion like a story, but unfortunately she was not.


"Let's go, Nangong."


Although he was not heading towards the coffee shop, he still followed. Shinichiro, who was left behind, remained silent and did not speak.

Streets, vending machines, parks, wet places and no one here.

Fire, smoke, fog, this was the first time Nangong saw Kyoko smoking, the movements were smooth and fast.

"If you don't mind, I can be the audience."

"Your opening statement is too bad."

What he said made the other party laugh instead, it couldn't be more vulgar.

"Yeah... Anyway, first apologize for using you as a shield."

Because he is really good at fighting, for his own safety, he should be used a little bit.

"There's also something that I'm just a little melancholy up to now. Neither I nor he did anything wrong in this matter."

That's what Kyoko said, but Nangong felt that he saw the vulnerable side of the other party.

If you really think so, you will not deliberately emphasize it.

"Nangong, don't believe those lies. Love is a very troublesome thing. It's like a plant. It will wither if you don't manage it and water it."

Human beings who have such troublesome emotions are even more troublesome existences.

"He felt like he was trying for me, but he didn't really think about me, you know, I had a father who was rubbish and a mother who died young, and his kind of possessiveness seemed to me at the time. It's a very convenient thing."

How convenient is it?

"I don't have to think, don't think about things that make me uncomfortable, just be the puppet he wants, but it's different now, I was not the person he imagined from the beginning."

Give up thinking and be protected by others, and you can live easily.

"After he left, I realized how mean and fake I was, and then I became what I am today."

Constantly playing different roles, only to find that nothing has changed in myself, the girl who complained about others is still complaining about others, without any growth.

But to force myself to change, as a sister, I must change, because there is no one to rely on.

"Actually, the person I love doesn't have to be so upright. For me, as long as he can stay by my side all the time."

A person will be lonely, afraid, uncomfortable, the kind who wants to be loved by someone, and who can always be by his side.

"Sure enough, the lack of fatherly love in childhood is a troublesome thing."

Kyoko also didn't understand whether she was after love or father's love.


Nangong listened quietly, but didn't speak. There was a girl living in the seemingly mature woman.

There was no rain in the overcast sky, and the breeze was blowing with some humidity.

1 minutes, 2 minutes, 3 minutes.

"By the way, if you just took the opportunity to attack and said a bunch of promises that may or may not be fulfilled, maybe I will really be captured by you."

When the cigarette butt burned to the end, Kyoko said it jokingly.

"Then is it still too late for me to say?"

Nangong also responded with a joke.

However, before he could continue speaking, he felt an abnormal vibration.


He suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance, but there was nothing there.

Fast, how fast?

It's almost time to feel it, and it has already arrived.

The underground of Kumamoto City, the place where the giants sleep, was completely smashed and disturbed, and everything that was left disappeared completely.

No one could stop it. According to the angle, the ground was instantly torn apart, without even being able to react, blood and gravel were mixed together.

With a gray body and red eyes, the gigantic beast roared in this unfamiliar world.

Chapter 180 shakes the earth and tears the sky

Appearing from the very center of the road, smashing the earth, crashing the vehicles, roaring with head raised, joyful to see the sun again.

The ultra-ancient monster Garura from 3000 million years ago showed its whole body, its outstretched tail raised high and fell, smashing the road and everything there.

His eyes scanned the surroundings, making sure he was right.

At the same moment, Kyoko who had already stood up unknowingly was pulled.



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