The sluggishness was thrown away the moment they started to move, and the two just rushed out of the park when they were greeted with the flow of fleeing people.

People wanted to stay away from the sudden monster, no matter which time it was, fear and panic were vividly reflected in the chaotic footsteps and teams.

Nangong let go of his hand and stopped holding the other's wrist.

Without being pulled by anyone, Kyoko also stabilized her steps.

When running, talking will only consume fearless physical strength, and being squeezed into it by the flow of people becomes an unstoppable inclusion.

Have a moment of attention?

Hard to notice.

Unknowingly, the young man who was supposed to be beside him and couldn't be squeezed away disappeared.

At the position where he broke through the ground, an orange destructive light gushed out directly from Garula's head, and the attack, which seemed to be converging on flames, was interrupted before it was launched.

Coming from an oblique angle, the downward kick was as straight as a spear, stabbing fiercely at the side of its head.

Countless sparks exploded from the blow surrounded by purple light, and the hit enemy staggered two steps, as if about to fall.

Galura stood still, kicking with all his strength, but changing the target of his attack.

Shaking his head and blasting out, the flaming light shot at the opponent who got up.

The landing giant pushed forward with both hands, and the purple barrier forcibly defended and endured, causing the flames to disperse and disappear.

Empat rushed forward, and at the moment of this movement, Galura's body began to spin, and the thick tail tore through the air, pulling out like a huge whip.

At the same time, the gravity is abnormal.

Empat, who lowered his body, slid close to the ground, his clenched right fist ready to strike at any time.

But the scorching fluctuations were more exaggerated than before.


Bounce, front flip, fall down.

His body was blocked by the ray, and the destructive ray hit his back directly, allowing the successive buildings in front to survive.

After Jia Lula confirmed that the attack had hit, his heat increased again and reached its peak.

The upper body leaned forward uncontrollably, and Empat, who forcibly used his body as a shield, suffered serious injuries, and even now it is still increasing.

'Is it calculated? '

This light has been emitted twice, the first time it can be easily blocked by a barrier, and it can even be pushed forward.

The second time was this time. After being hit on the body, the opponent stepped up again.

This monster is different from normal monsters.

At the same time, Galura was proud in his heart, just as it had experienced in the past, as long as it attacked these strange things, the giant would kill itself.

The destructive light exerted its maximum power, while attacking, while approaching, the raised left hand smashed down.

In an instant, the attack arrived.

Sparks and Liuyan bloomed even more exaggeratedly, it was Empat who forcibly twisted his waist and turned around.

The blow to the back hurts the chest as well, and the full kick that turns around explodes at Garura's chin, arcing upwards.

Empat endured the pain and took two steps back. His upper body was distorted by the enemy's attack, and the scorching heat wrapped around his body.

At this moment, his hands were crossed to form a cross, and the Spetsium light shot out. The target of the attack was not the enemy's body, but the destructive light released by the opponent.

Purple and orange, flames and particles offset each other to form a wonderful scenery.

Rush forward and keep attacking, Empat jumped up quickly, and the explosive knee hit the face, finally interrupting the enemy's sabotage action.

He defied the restraint of gravity, and he didn't fall after the blow. Instead, he clasped his fists with both hands and swept out from the side.

Amidst the loud noise, Garura was pushed back a step.

Empat stepped forward again, slashing with his left and right hands, and the two rays of light brought up a burst of light spots, using both hands as swords to slash, attacking the hard shell of the enemy again and again.

Aim for that face and hit three hits in a row.

Before further pursuit, the claws of the counterattack forced him to dodge back.

In just half a second, Garula's head flashed again.

Spaceum light, the flames destroy the light, and the two collide again.

'What the hell is this monster—'

Nangong has also defeated a large number of monsters to this day. When they saw him, their first reaction to seeing a giant was to be on guard, just like a beast meeting another beast.

But this one is different, it is obsessed with the destruction of the city.

The light released by Garura suddenly stopped, his head twisted to the front, and the second shot that was quickly connected flew straight to the enemy in front.

Empat crossed his hands in front of him, and the scorching heat was blocked by the purple crossed arms.

The two forces clashed here, and the next moment, the opponent's movements changed again, the attack stopped again, and the destructive light was aimed at the city on the side along with the twisting head.

It aimed at Empat's inability to leave the city behind.

The destructive light was about to be released, and before that, the arms wrapped around purple swung suddenly.

At the front of Empat's right arm, a purple sword blade more than ten meters long stretched out, and now he has been able to form such an attack with his control.

Falling down, the sword broke through the fire, and the head was slashed together.

Roaring in pain, the corner where Garura released the attack was cut open from the center.

Empat stepped forward sideways, and the severed arm drove the sharp sword of light.

Chop in, break open, burn, cut open, cut in two.

The remaining corpses split left and right and fell, and finally exploded completely.

The timer on the chest was ringing, and on the messily destroyed battlefield, the blade of light in Empat's right hand did not dissipate.

He looked up suddenly and noticed the fluctuation.

The blue ball of light penetrated the atmosphere, the heat generated by the high temperature disappeared completely, and the clouds were smashed through the hole. It came with a force stronger than the meteorite, and it came to sink the earth.

A battle has just ended, and a new enemy is about to usher in.

The enemy never waits for someone to rest, nor considers anyone's situation.

Empat pulled back with his right hand, and the blade of light that had not yet disappeared became distorted, and a circle was drawn in a distorted front end.

The crazily spinning sharp blade was thrown out suddenly, and the purple light wheel cut through today's dark clouds, as if it was about to tear apart the sky.

Falling blue, climbing purple, when the two collide, the light ball is cut open without any barrier, and the light wheel that goes straight into the sky disappears at the end of the sky.

Inside, there is nothing.

The fluctuation of space came from behind, and Empat immediately turned his body sideways, and a dark yellow arm and silver gray claws flashed in front of his eyes.

Immediately, both hands locked the opponent's unretractable arm, pulled it, threw it out, and the throwing technique broke out, smashing the enemy who appeared for no reason to the ground.

The earthquake-like aftermath brought flying dust, and from the flying dust, orange fireballs blasted out again.

Empat leaned back, seized this opportunity, and the yellow invader from the universe quickly stood up. Its four red eyes seemed to have no eyeballs, and it just stared at the target tightly.

"Who are you? Why did you come to Earth?"

The mental wave transmitted the question, but there was no response.

A strange cry came from that mouth, and the only response it could give was 'attack'

After the assassination monster Guralei got the target, there was only one thing to do, kill the opponent.

The red pupils reflected the silver figure, so it rushed forward, spitting out fireballs from its mouth as a restraint.

Aim at the body that hits better.

The next moment, Empat's right hand was thrown from the lower corner, and the fireball was directly dissipated.

I saw the sparks mixed with the particles, and the conflict between the palm knife and the stabbing claws.

This is just the beginning. Unlike monsters that rely purely on instinct, what Gulalei uses is a battle method that can be followed.

Conflicts continued, and Empat's palm knife was either blocked or avoided.

He lunged forward, and quickly slashed down. He missed twice in a row, and the chasing knee was also blocked by the opponent's arm.

Gulare counterattacked with a shoulder bump. In the conflict between the two, Empat was knocked back a certain distance, and his upswing arm sent the incoming fireball flying.

Following the fireball is a golden thunderbolt.

The three sharp horns on Gulalei's head are the release ports, and the sudden lightning is faster than the fireball.

Empat's spare left arm was used as a shield to block one of them, and the remaining two hit one in the abdomen and one in the ribs.

The feeling of numbness and pain reverberated in his brain, he let out a muffled grunt, and the electric current spread rapidly throughout his body.

In an instant, the thunder expanded from the launcher, and Gulalei took steps to close the distance and increase the output.

This distance of only a hundred meters will be crossed in less than a second. As if overwhelmed, Empat's legs are bent and his hands are down, as if he is about to fall due to loss of strength.

Aiming at him like this, Gulalei's sharp claws almost turned into afterimages, and the stabbing with all his strength made a piercing friction sound.

Between the two, both the Thunder and the Claw were separated, and Empat, who was half kneeling on the ground, brought out two lines at some point in his hands, and this was used as a punctuation, which was once used to resist Babar's freezing air. The second type of square Ultra Barrier stands like glass.

The feint acts as a deception, and that's when it's time to fight back.

The strength of the legs, waist, and shoulders was superimposed, and time seemed to slow down. The silver furious fist shattered the barrier first, and before the thunder could hit, the gust of wind had already exploded, and the dull loud noise also resounded through the sky.

The dust spread around the two like a wave, and Gulalei, whose chest was wounded, was blasted backwards.

Faster than it is Empat.

As the distance narrowed, the high kick exploded, hitting the waist directly.

Bend the legs to make a jump, and the anti-gravity ability is released.

He quickly caught up with the enemy, and the superimposed speed of the knee impact exploded on his waist again, and his clenched fists slammed down.

Still falling faster than his opponent, Empat crushed the ground, turned around, kicked, deafening, Guralei flew out of Kumamoto City like a fired shell.

One punch, three kicks.

Once for the chest, twice for the waist, and once for the face.

Did an attack strong enough to cause physical damage work?

Empat's hands formed a circular barrier in front of him, and Gulalei's counterattack was blocked.

'A monster weapon again? '

The other party is like a machine that cannot feel pain.

Below is the city passing by at high speed, and in front of it is a monster that has not yet slowed down and is pulling a diagonal line.

The heavy punch collided with the defense, and Gu Lalei's crossed arms blocked the pursuit, so that the two hands were in a straight line.

Empat's left hand was raised high and fell, the purple trajectory was fleeting, and the enemy's defensive hands had two more incisions deep into the bone.

He rose slightly, then fell quickly, and his flying kick exploded.

Falling to the ground, out of the wilderness behind the city, Empat regarded his opponent as a surfboard, and the ground pulled out a gully of hundreds of meters.

Step down, bend your legs, and backflip with an unorthodox no-name kick that hits the chin.

Gulalei was thrown towards the sky, and the next moment, the three horns on top of its head lit up again, and the thunder was released.

However, Empat's clenched fists were already crossed in front of him, and the moment the pitch-black shadow emerged, Zapelio's light pushed back the golden lightning, and finally hit Gulalei's body.

The strongest light technique penetrates the enemy's shell and blasts into it, penetrating out from behind.

It exploded, exploded, and the wreckage was completely burned.


Empat put his hands down, and he turned his head to look into the distance.

Two monsters in a row can't be counted as an abnormal situation. The real abnormal situation is the winning team.

Why are they, who always arrive at the first time, disappear?

Could something be wrong?

The timer was still blinking, but he was still heading towards the known location, the target TPC Far East base.

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