Nakano looked out the window, and the unaffected streets were calm and quiet.

Volunteers want to help someone, but they can't help the dead, and there are always people who can't help.

"Everyone feels that way at first."

The captain sighed while driving the vehicle.

"Not only volunteers, but also doctors, firefighters, police officers, TPC workers, and victory team members. Human hands are only so long."

He remembered the scene he had seen before: firefighters rushed out of the fire scene carrying ignited explosives. They were brave men dancing with death.

"But you didn't give up, why?"

This question made Nakano scratch his cheek.

"Because if you don't do anything, you can't help people even more?"

Now that you know it, let's do something important.


The slow-moving vehicle passed the coffee shop and continued to leave towards the corner ahead.

In this quiet store, someone suddenly looked in the direction of the van.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing."

Just a sudden weird feeling like there's something special there, but it's not a bad feeling.

Nangong refocused on what he was doing, which was rubbing the dog's head.

Geddy's furry head was constantly being played with, but that's what it wanted.

If he didn't play with his master every day, a guy who came out of nowhere would become even more arrogant.

"It's a life like a king."

Regarding the reason why Gedi did this, Nangong could only laugh at himself.

Playing Shiba Inu in the store, playing at home... playing monsters?

He thought about it carefully, and he really didn't know which category King Airi should be classified according to the earth's standards.

"How can there be an emperor who comes to work in someone else's shop?"

Hearing his words, Kyoko complained.

"Working emperor."

"You don't have an annual income of tens of millions."


It hurts my heart, I guess I won't be able to earn tens of millions a year in this life.

Turning this grief into motivation, Nangong hugged Gedi with both hands and stood up.

Throw, catch, throw, catch, throw, catch.

"Why did you play such a dangerous activity in the store so naturally?"

Kyoko raised her head and then lowered her head, staring at Geddy who showed no fear at all.

If you want Gedi to give you a feeling, it is: Anyway, it’s not like throwing a few hundred meters and then falling.

"Speaking of which, what will happen in the future?"

Kyoko's tone was tinged with uneasiness, no matter who it was, it would definitely be uneasy.

Can the battle with no end in sight be able to usher in a victorious result?

"It's rare for you to express your feelings so bluntly."

Nangong was a little surprised, it seemed that the other party was different today.

"You're saying that as if I'm a person who always hides himself."

"Is not it?"

Not only do they often hide themselves, but they always come to cheat and play with me, a 23-year-old young man.

"Hit you."

Kyoko narrowed her eyes, why is this guy so annoying today?

Nangong coughed twice, and put Gedi on the seat on the other side.

"It's okay, Ultraman will definitely protect everyone."

Until the battle is completely over.

However, what is the end?

Last night, he dived into the deep sea and into the earth, but found nothing.

Because of the unknown, it makes people feel uneasy.

"I said before that don't rely too much on Ultraman."

Kyoko was speechless, what happened to this man?

"Humans don't depend on Ultraman and Ultraman wants to protect humans from conflict, right?"

Nangong also knew that his words were actually somewhat conflicting and contradictory, but that was the truth.

He wanted to protect people, and he didn't want to see anyone die.


Kyoko made a comment, and then the conversation between the two was interrupted by the music on the TV, which attracted their attention.

After the music ended, the host appeared and told the morning news.

Where and where in the world, what kind of things happened, the summary of yesterday's battle, and of course the official way of touting TPC, according to the investigation, what happened to yesterday's monsters and invaders.

Of course, most of them are Tai Chi.

A piece of news later attracted the attention of the two:

"On April 4, a large-scale exchange of fire broke out in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, which, according to the authorities, was related to the local drug cartels."

What appeared on the screen was only the scene captured by the surveillance equipment on the street, not just the flame at the front of the muzzle, but a small flame falling from the air, and then exploded to form a larger fire wave. It was a Molotov cocktail.

The exchange of guns, the throwing of Molotov cocktails, and the passing of armored vehicles.

"The whole world knows that Mexico is a drug powerhouse. I didn't expect that they would still do such things in the face of frequent monster disasters..."

Kyoko looked away, even in this day and age, the problem of drug trafficking is still emerging, why?

Because from the last era to the present era, the drug trafficking trade is a complete industry, and the benefits in it are exaggerated beyond imagination.

There are always people who want to escape to the illusory world to find beauty. I don’t know how many people have been harmed by these unique drugs that can make people physically and mentally addicted.

"Why haven't all the drug dealers been wiped out so far?"

In the combat command room at the TPC Far East base, members of Team Victory were also watching the morning news.

Dagu's puzzled question made the intermediary captain couldn't help but sigh.

"TPC is a joint organization composed of countries around the world, which is equivalent to the completed form of the United Nations, but it is only an organization after all. Not all countries in the world have abandoned their prejudices and become a unified country."

"We are trying our best to make the world truly unified, but there is still a long way to go."

Zong Fang's deputy team added, and then he continued:

"The drug epidemic in Mexico is a dual effect of economics and politics. The impoverished poor have taken over the jobs of drug dealers in order to support themselves, and the political arena has also been infiltrated by drug dealers. This is a historical problem that has lasted for more than a hundred years."

For example, to grow fruits and crops, the annual income is 2 yuan, and to grow raw materials, the annual income is 20 yuan. How would people choose?

The power of drug dealers has expanded to be even stronger than the country, and they have won over most of the civilians. They are veritable uncrowned kings.

"In the beginning, our TPC relied on various economic compensation measures to attract people and keep them away from the temptation of drug dealers. It was effective, but when TPC was established, they responded quickly and immediately hid themselves and shrunk their power."

Those who do not confront the supported government and who do not see the situation clearly are immediately caught and shot.

But those who can see the situation are hiding like turtles. Even if they are not as majestic as before, they have already earned money that ordinary people can't earn a fraction of in their lifetime.

"If it continues to develop, it is very likely that the Mexican drug dealers will die in peace."

After all, the economic revival policy and preferential treatment have attracted civilians, if they want to use their guns...

Suggest that they consider the difference between the old weapons they have and the new ones TPCs have.

"The problem lies in the impact of frequent monster disasters. The impact of the global economic downturn has affected the preferential policies and the lives of residents. Those drug dealers seem to be planning to rely on this opportunity to make a comeback, but..."

Speaking of this, Zong Fang frowned, and he could feel something was wrong.

"But they can't be stupid enough to take the initiative to fight in the streets."

The intermediary captain gave the answer, and this was what made her and Zong Fang feel puzzled.

Frankly, this is suicidal.

It has been unable to catch the tell-tale before, and there is no good reason, but now it jumps out, and the Mexican government, which cooperates with TPC, has the legitimacy to do it.

Why are these drug dealers so stupid?

The reason is actually very simple.


Ciudad Juárez in Mexico has become a hell on earth.

Flames, blood, collapsing houses, bombs colliding with the streets, and scattered limbs and charred blood.

On this street, drug dealers with submachine guns in their hands pulled the triggers.

"This is our city, our country!"

Whose eyeballs exploded, bullets passed through the 'hole', whoever was blown away, the original appearance was only charred, and whoever fell to the ground screamed and attracted ridicule.

No one can react, no one can react, the leader of the drug dealers, their 'godfather' is standing here.

"I should have done that long ago."

"Yes, this is the power you have."

Someone whispered in his ear.

Chapter 190 Poison

That feeling is more obsessive than anything else, one day, two days, without that thing, it's all over.

How did it take so many years?

There are orders from above, not to act recklessly, whether you are buying or selling, you must be careful and careful, carry out according to the plan, and complete it according to the plan.


The right leg twitched subconsciously, and there was a feeling of nausea when there was nothing in the stomach, and he wanted to spit it out directly.

The man leaned against the wall, still recalling the distant past in his mind.

That beautiful woman, that lovely woman, that dead woman.

I still remember that her face became more and more haggard and dry, and finally the happiest smile in her life bloomed on that withered face, and that withered body was transported away and burned.

Now I feel nothing, everything is so boring and uninteresting.

I don't know what is ringing, in other words, it's time.

Grabbing the suitcase, the things inside are today's goods.

A total of four people stood up from their original positions.

"Hurry up, don't screw things up."

The fifth person came in and said this. He is the leader of everyone and the person who pays the reward. As long as he completes today's task, he will be able to get the corresponding reward again.

Everyone set off and got into the vehicle.

One of them, the man who was still thinking about 'women' at this time was called Hua Zi, and he kept rubbing his face with his hands.

"Business is getting harder and harder."

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