Companion someone is saying that.

"Now it can only be sold internally, and there are only so many ways to export. TPC's crazy, just one pass is not enough."

Who else is joining in.

What they say is what's going on now, it's not just mexican police that are blocking land roads in mexico, TPC members come here from different countries around the world don't care what your 'rules' are

"I can't hold it anymore."

Watts spoke suddenly, and upon hearing his words, the companion beside him stroked his dry back.

"Don't worry, you can last for a while after today's work is over."

"If it goes well, it won't even take an hour."


His companions rushed to comfort him.

"Yes, you are right."

Watts rubbed his face vigorously, as if it would make him more conscious.

The vehicle wobbled and finally stopped.

"It's time to get out of the car."

Take out the box and follow orders.

Under the street lights at night, one or two flying mosquitoes passed by, slowly approaching the front, waiting for the trader to come.

1 minute, 2 minutes, contact person, password.

The van was parked some distance away from the transaction location, and the man who was the driver did not approach, he was just a watcher, if something went wrong, he could leave at any time.

At present, it seems that there is no need for this.

In his line of sight, the two groups of people had already met, and only the last step was left.

Money, goods, verification, everything went so smoothly, but the 'wind' seems to be a bit strong tonight.

Big enough to blow a suitcase away.

With a bang, Watts felt his palm hit by something, and the goods fell to the ground and spread out.

There are bags of 'rock sugar' in the bag

Was it because it hit a sharp spot on the ground?

A lot of the goods inside fell out.

At that very moment, the eyes could hardly be taken away.



It's almost maddening, is there really anyone in this world who can resist this temptation?

Quickly stepped forward to pack up and put the goods back into the suitcase.

After packing up, Watts got up and was caught.

"What did you put in your pocket just now?"

"I do not know what you're talking about."

He shook his head.

"Oh, really?"

Pulling, twisting, restraining, the buyer's man started wadds to search, clothes, pants, every pocket.

Several small 'rock candies' were taken out of the pocket.

"what is this?"

The buyer held it in his hand and questioned the culprit who made this 'theft' in a weird tone.

There was a conflict in the trading field, but the eldest brother sitting in the van remained silent. Anyway, this was not the first time, so if there is one less person, there will be less.

At this time, Hua Zi heard nothing in his ears, he could only see the wobbly 'rock sugar'

Looking at it pinched between two fingers, there is nothing in the dry eyes.

The buyer moved left and right, and Watts' eyeballs were also constantly moving.


Some people are laughing, these little drug traffickers are also addicts themselves, their brains, everything about them has been destroyed, and they are waste products with only one purpose in life.

There is no way to control your own waste, only waste.

The man holding the 'rock candy' in his hand was about to take back the goods, and at this moment, severe pain struck.

Unable to hold back, a painful roar rushed out of his mouth.

"Let go, you madman!"

The blood gushed out and dripped, and the 'rock sugar' was swallowed directly mixed with the warmth.

Watts let go of his mouth and let go of the two fingers that he almost bit off directly.

'I got it. '

There is no way to endure it, is there?

Even if he was beaten to death with a gun pointed to his head in the next second, he had received corresponding comfort before.

On the face that seemed to be withering, it was a happy expression.

This abnormal situation is creepy, but the other three people present are envious.

They know how happy that is, as long as they have that box of things, as long as they have that box of things...

Gunshots sounded.

"What the fuck are you doing!"

The gunfire rang out a second time.

Someone did it, and everyone started doing it.

The buyers who came to buy the guns and shot them fell down, and the 'big brother' who couldn't sit still and left the car also fell down.

A suitcase of cash fell to the ground, but no one took care of it.

Picking up the box of 'rock sugar' like a treasure, and pulling Watts who started to take effect, they rushed to the van, ignoring the scattered banknotes.

I can't hold it anymore, I really can't hold it anymore, even if I'm going to die tomorrow, I have to live comfortably and happily today.

In the shadows, someone is watching everything.

He didn't do anything but blow the air a little.

Night is the best cover, in the city of Juárez, transactions are not uncommon.

However, tonight is different.

The man who was counting the banknotes was still at ease one second, and the next second he heard gunshots.

The muzzle of the gun was on the head, and the person who broke into the house was like a dry firewood, but madness was written in those eyes.

"Are you crazy!"

"Where is the goods!"

"You know you're—"

The skull was shattered, and everything inside was completely smashed.

A few meters later, someone was smashed to the ground.

He wanted to yell, but before he could do that, he saw the officer lying there with half his head rotting, blood and something else splattered all over the place.

"Goods! Where! Where! Where!"

Act today, drug dealers all over the city unite.

They have only one purpose, which is to find out all the goods hidden by those high-ranking bosses.

Tonight must be a sleepless night, large-scale firefights, dogs that were thought to be docile suddenly turned into beasts that love people, they don't care about anything, and use guns to snatch everything they want.

The lunatic doesn't think about anything, and he doesn't need too many lives, as long as he knows where the goods are hidden, he can rush in and shoot.

Whether it is a relationship person or a non-relationship person, all living beings are equal under the bullet.

In a certain room, there was a foul smell.

In addition to blood, there is also the foul smell of excrement.

"Look at the poor fellow."

The muscular man spoke loudly, and the two who were with him sat aside.

Together they looked at the poor fellow tied to the stake.

The whole body is naked, but it doesn't make people feel wretched.


Because there is no part of him that can be said to be complete, the eyes are only empty eye sockets, and the open mouth is still dripping with blood, and saliva and blood flow out from the position where the teeth are not protected.

The chest was flayed, the various bruises hung on the body, incontinent from the initial pain, and there was a mess under the stake.

Even so, he is still alive.

The executioner knows exactly how to die and how not to.

"Tomorrow you will be the most typical example for everyone to visit, and let everyone know what happens to those who break the rules."

The man who made the attack smiled cruelly. He likes to do such things the most.

"We'll cut your shriveled bird up and stuff it in your mouth, poke your ass out, pour your shit into your empty eye sockets, put—"

Before he could finish speaking, the door was slammed open.

Before the three could react, the bullets smashed their heads and smashed their bodies.

Several people who broke into the room showed sympathy, disgust, or uncomfortable expressions at the same time.

One of the leaders took out a bag from his pocket, and the 'white powder' inside was taken out.

"Brother, can you hear me? Suck it, and you'll never be in pain again."

He poured a large amount of powder into his hand and handed it to the other person's nose, and soon his breathing became short of breath.

The tortured person was breathing crazily, inhaling those things into the nasal cavity, trachea and throat, life and death became no longer important.

All he wanted was this, as long as this kind of pleasure was all he wanted, and the numb nerves suddenly felt pleasure, as if his whole body was climaxing.

The blood was still dripping, but there was a smile on his face.

Second incontinence, water dripping on dirty floor.

"Brother, I wish you a sweet dream."

That's a lethal dose, hopefully he can rest in peace.

Will you rest in peace?

Nobody knows.

The city is in chaos, the lowest level of drug dealers, the lowest level of drug addicts, who are almost useless, they don't know when they started to breathe and took up guns.

The sudden attack caught the members of the drug gang by surprise. Soon, they discovered that those people not only wanted 'powder' or 'rock sugar', but also wanted their lives.

Over there, while swallowing and inhaling, while holding the gun in his hand, he frantically pulled the trigger.

I don't know what kind of world I saw, and I opened fire while laughing.

Had a 'bonfire party' at night?

"Ah ah ah ah ah------------"

The screams echoed in the sky, the members of the gang were the 'bonfire'

Incendiary bombs, submachine guns, and raids make the drug gang retreat steadily.

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