They got into the armored car and wanted to carve a way for it.

But what did you see?

"They're crazy!"

Like zombies who are not afraid of death, drug addicts crash into the car one after another, hit the door, blood and other things stand on the car, stuck in the wheels.

Not everyone is abnormal, but normal people can be driven mad by the sight of abnormality.

The front of the armored vehicle was contaminated by pollution, and the heartbeat accelerated crazily. The driver didn't know what he was doing, so he crashed into the water and sank.

"Hahahaha! Yay!"

Machine guns fired down, and someone ran to the lake, pulled off their pants, and freed themselves.

Soon, many drug addicts standing by the lake were swept by their own machine guns and smashed into the water.

The flames shot up into the sky, and the gunshots continued.

"It's him! It's him!"

Who was dragged out all the way, he was being executed happily a few minutes ago, and now he was dragged onto the road by drug addicts.

"Guys, calm down, calm down—"

Hands forward, this is body language.

The next moment, there was a knife embedded in his right hand, which he used for body language.

There was a scream, and he was pinned to the ground.

"Strange, how come you keep cutting?"

"Then cut a few more knives."

Aiming at the torn hand, the machete kept going down.

The man who took pleasure in execution was now being punished.

The drug gangs in Ciudad Juárez have suffered unprecedented blows, not from the police, the government, or TPC, but from their grassroots.

The lower class who help them transport and manufacture drugs, the 'guests' who smoke

The people at the top know what it is, so they are determined not to use it.

But in order to better control the bottom layer, the bottom layer has been developed as a 'self-supplied and self-absorbed'

The global 'anti-drug campaign' has forced drug gangs to behave with their tails between their legs. So, what will happen to those who are deliberately developed into 'drug addicts'?

They suffer from the tight control, not having enough, and the withdrawal reaction leads to death.

However, compared with death, withdrawal is the scariest thing.

'Since they won't give it, then we will go grab it ourselves. '

Rob who?

Rob drug gang.

Why don't they give it?

Then kill them.

We will die too.

who cares!

The big drug lords tried their best to plant a nail in the city of Juárez. Tonight, the nail was pulled out by an unexpected person.

The trash at their disposal united and did something destined to be recorded in history.

But this 'goes down in history' because...

The frenzied banquet finally ushered in the end at the rising of the sun. What did people see?

Bodies after corpses, guns scattered all over the place, and more frantic things scattered on the road.

Just looking at it is disgusting, the broken limbs are scattered all over the ground, near the dried blood, there is rock sugar dyed red, next to the mouth of the dead body, there is white powder, in the severed palm , are colored pills.

Everything stems from one thing.

Chapter 190 Crazy

People don't even want to collect the bodies of these drug dealers, because it is too horrible.

Can you imagine them smiling after self-harming themselves?

Can you imagine them lying in the dry blood and smiling?

Can you imagine them dying smiling?

This is the shocking scene displayed in front of everyone.

The dead, most of them with a comfortable, happy, contented smile.

What was eaten, what was sucked, what was shot, there was nothing in the bloody syringe.

The drug gangs entrenched in Mexico know what kind of things they make and sell, and they even have clear regulations that members are not allowed to use drugs.

But in this case, how can the power be further expanded?

Those who smoked became the best tools, decent people would not be infected with this kind of thing, only those who lived in poverty, or suffered from unbearable blows would touch it.

There is nothing active in their lives. After exposure, the pleasure produced by the drug makes them dependent psychologically and physically.

They desperately want to experience it again, and of course, it doesn't come for free.

The drug gang will provide them with jobs, and when they finish their work, they will use the rewards they get to buy more. The cycle repeats, and the drug gang has no loss.

They're just going to put a little more effort into punishing the bottom guys who break the rules from time to time.

No one ever thought of these junkies as anything but random dough.

After all, both physically and mentally have been devastated, so what is the need for taboo?

However, it is only usually the case.

If there is only one 'light' in a person's life

When this 'light' is taken away, they become mad.

The originally fragile bodies were still fragile when they inhaled the 'poison', but their high spirits turned them into 'superman soldiers' who defied death

The Mexican government's anti-drug measures, the contraction and strict regulations of drug gangs, and the torture and pain caused by drug addiction.

It is no exaggeration to say that the dead bodies of drug addicts can be seen on the streets of a certain city every day in this country.

The state of high pressure has continued, but it is difficult to get rid of it normally, so that it becomes more and more dependent on the poison that can take people to the beautiful world of dreams.

The combination of many factors catalyzed a bad result. This kind of low-level minions cannot get in touch with the real core, but this does not mean that the government cannot get in touch.

This riot of drug addicts, which is enough to shock the whole world and give the whole world a warning, gives the government a reason to take action. This is where the drug gangs feel uneasy.

They started out as drug dealers, and the world today is no longer suitable for them to survive, and the rest of the industry cannot support such a large organization.

More importantly, they are unacceptable.

The streets are rampant, who dares to insult them today, tomorrow that person's body will be turned into a dozen pieces and hung on the bridge.

Even the government has to coax them carefully, and those poor people who grow raw materials regard them as their parents.

What now?

"It shouldn't be like this."

The man who is the leader and the godfather is picking up the cup and pouring the clear water inside into his mouth.

Do not smoke or drink, love life and sports, this is the life attitude of the man standing at the top of the pyramid.

He, who has ruined countless people's families, of course knows what kind of business he is in, and he knows what the result will be if he touches that poison.

He is in his prime, and he belongs to the rising period of his career.

Export to the world, declare war on other gangs entrenched in this country, monopolize and take away business.

and then?

It has been abandoned for so many years, and now it seems that the family business that has been handed down will be destroyed.

"It shouldn't be like this."

"It shouldn't be like this."

The two voices overlapped, but he didn't notice anything unusual.

Behind the godfather, someone collapsed to the ground.

That person should have existed as a guard, but at this moment he lost consciousness.

Because something lodged in his body had been transferred to another person present.

"We have guns, heavy firepower, and loyal soldiers. Isn't this just like the government and the country?"

What are you doing?

When the godfather came to his senses, he was already standing on the podium, sharing his thoughts with his 'brothers'.

With him as the center, the fluctuations spread out.

Soon, the lower part raised its arms and yelled that Mexico would be caught off guard!

This pleasure, this feeling of being supported by everyone, of being able to dominate others, has a sense of superiority that nothing else can bring.

Summoned layer by layer, ordered layer by layer, the godfather interacts with the children just like a real father.

So everyone also picked up their guns, got into the car, and transported out the heavy firepower that should have been used when fighting with other drug gangs.

They are heading towards Juárez, and what they lost because of some shit 'times have changed', they will take it back with their own hands today.

What a bustling city, what a beautiful street, these things that took time, manpower, and money to create were shattered by the falling bombs.

The citizens didn't understand what was going on at all, and the gang of lunatics with guns had already arrived.

It's just that this time they didn't use 'poison' to kill someone indirectly, but used 'bullets' to take lives.

Someone was going downstairs, trying to escape.

The wall exploded and he was buried under the wreckage.

Some people hid at home and did not dare to move.

I saw the glass shatter and the incendiary bomb set everything in the house on fire.

Just want to destroy, constantly want to destroy what can be seen.

But I have to say that this feeling is really good, this sense of superiority over others, the sense of dominance that decides the life and death of others at will, makes people want to stop.

Aim at the ordinary people who are fleeing in front, aim at the feet to break, and aim at the hands to penetrate, and walk away laughing, the moment the blood dries up is the moment of death.

The police resisted with guns, and finally even armored vehicles drove onto the street.

The city has become a battlefield for firefights. In the hail of bullets, it is not known whether it was the bullets of the police or the drug gang that hit the fleeing citizens.

The time is at 4:3pm on April 6rd in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico

A more exaggerated 'party' than last night started, with the theme of fire and blood.

There are screams of human beings everywhere, death and pain everywhere, but even so, there are still people who are laughing and doing this kind of thing, and the person who caused this result is happy with a sense of release that they have never felt before.

Put morality, ethics, and law under your feet.

Tear up life, dignity, and others one by one.

The feeling of becoming a beast is hearty.

The godfather who did all this watched the spreading flames, heard the screams mixed with the explosion, and sat comfortably on the special seat.

"Can this kind of thing be done with just one introduction?"

Obviously he did it, but he asked such a question, or something in his body asked such a question.

"Why can such a civilization survive when my planet is destroyed..."

The negative energy monster that causes evil thoughts is hated by the last person on the planet.

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