He activated his ability again, and the negative energy spreading in the city was mobilized and manipulated, not only the gang members, but also the counterattacking police were also affected.

The guns began to be pointed at each other, and even greater chaos was unfolding.

At the same moment, on the same continent, Karl, who was a monster with negative energy, once again looked in the direction that might be Mexico.

"It's started again, Commander, there must be some kind of monster!"

Due to his own nature and the special function of negative energy crystals, he has a stronger sense of negative energy than anyone or any existence on this planet.

It has been 20 minutes since the riots in Juárez, and the situation in the entire city continues to deteriorate.

But TPC is an organization aimed at monsters, and cannot casually participate in the battle against humans.

The attitude of 'neutrality' cannot be broken easily, because TPC cannot become a second 'hegemonic' organization.

Whether it is fighting drug dealers or setting up checkpoints, they have corresponding reasons to cover up.

But this time is different, this time it is Mexico's own riots, what will happen if they intervene?

TPC participates in other countries' internal affairs to suppress people?

So you can't just move around.

"I see, then the TPC America branch flight team is dispatched, Carl, turn that monster into minced meat!"


Karl turned and rushed to the outside, and so did the pilots.

The situation at the scene was just the tip of the iceberg, but for Jack, it was enough to constitute a reason to attack.

If there is such a monster that can control people's hearts, what kind of damage will it cause?

World War III started?

After the big deal, I will be dismissed for taking full responsibility for this matter, and it is not bad to go home to accompany my daughter.

Half a minute later, there was a pale giant in the sky, and six Feiyan EX-Js were flying around him.

"I'll go to the scene first."

Leaving such a sentence, Karl moved forward at full speed, walking through the night.

The United States borders Mexico, and it is easy for him to rush to the target location.

The red eyes reflected the bright lights, slowly, the light of the city, the darkness of the wilderness, and alternately, the arrived city had inconspicuous lights, because the rising smoke blocked them.


For a split second, Carl felt his brain being invaded by the worst emotions.

Inside is madness and evil, and the ugly sense of superiority is constantly increasing due to some kind of power.

"Screw you......"

But he didn't try to get rid of this emotion, but followed this feeling to search upwards.

Such an increase is abnormal, and he must find the source of the abnormality.

Carl covered his stinging head with his left hand, and the closer he got, the more he was affected.

Eyes glanced down, across countless disgusting scenes, and it was at this moment that the eyes collided.

The light bursts out and the body grows.

Half a second later, the buildings around the street were directly smashed into pieces, and the green humanoid creature returned to its original posture, like countless mud draped over its body, with downward-curving horns on both sides of its head, and yellow eyes staring at the sky intruders.

The negative energy Spesium hit the invisible wall, which was a barrier created by powerful telekinetic power.

Karl swooped down, and the attack regardless of consumption gradually overwhelmed the telekinetic power.

Finally, the monster took a step back to avoid it.

Red and black light fell on the street, and the members of the drug gang who were enjoying the killing half a second ago disappeared into this world without leaving a trace.

Of course Karl noticed this, but he didn't feel guilty in his heart.

'The man who does this kind of thing deserves to die. '

He thought so.


The yellow eyes are shining, the negative energy monster from the universe, the telepathic monster Debiron is staring at the giant in front of him.

The opponent's fists were clenched and raised in front of him, as if he was fighting.

In other words, intend to fight him.

"Are you going to fight me?"

What arose in De Billon was disgust.

In response to him, the particles blasted by the cutting light from the lasing were stopped by the telekinetic barrier.

At this moment, he was convinced that he loathed the existence ahead.

Sometimes there is no need for a special reason to hate something. For De Billon, there is only one reason for him to hate Karl.

"It's just a monster like me, but now it wants to imitate Ultraman!"

Swinging his fist forward, the two collided.

The gray-white arm, the mud-covered arm, the frontal confrontation shattered the earth, and the light and telekinetic force canceled each other out during the collision.

Carl kicks sideways, knocking the enemy back.

Before the pursuit, the standing opponent opened his arms left and right. Before he could react, his whole body was pulled into the air by an invisible force, and after a circle, he smashed hard to the ground.

The sky infested by fire suddenly disappeared, and Karl's eyes shot out light, blasting Debiron who was chasing him back.

He stood up and rushed forward, raising his arms left and right to block, blocking the counterattacking palms.

As a result, the distance was shortened, and Karl stepped forward, concentrating all his strength on his body.

The shoulder turns into a heavy hammer and explodes on the enemy's chest.

Amidst the shock, De Billon was pushed back.

As if paying homage, the air was stirred, even exaggerated to the point of having a vague shape.

Hit by this thought force, Karl suffocated and staggered back.

De Billon swung his right hand downwards, and the moment he noticed this movement, Karl, who had no time to stand still, rolled to the side, and the position where he was originally standing was more concave.

After one roll, there will be more rolls, and the constant hammer of thought force makes people have to avoid it.

At this moment, heat and cold erupted alternately.

De Billon was bombarded by this force and leaned forward, the pain was so obvious.

At this time, the six-machine Feiyan EX-J that arrived at the scene was separated into twelve fighters, and the simultaneous salvo successfully caused more damage to the negative energy monsters in front.

Seizing this opportunity, Karl formed an L shape with his hands while half kneeling on the ground.

Invoking negative energy, a new light technique bursts out.

The color of red and black spans the distance, blooming like water on the enemy's body.

190 Chapter [-] The Void in My Heart

The light casts on the body, but, meaningless.


Karl saw that the opponent's body restored the negative energy to its basic form and absorbed it, let alone causing damage, and even made the opponent further strengthen it in turn.

Giving up and continuing to attack with light skills, at this moment, the chest was hit by a heavy hammer.


The ignited floor was shattered into pieces during the impact, and Karl was buried under the wreckage in a state of embarrassment.

This is where he has a disadvantage. Turning negative energy into light, he is restrained when facing monsters of the same origin. The thought power released by Debilon causes enough damage, not only that.

The enemy's right hand pushed forward, and Karl could see the movement, but couldn't defend against it.

How to defend if you don't even know what kind of shape, what kind of speed, and what kind of range?

The earth was shattered, Karl was held down by this force and pushed out, crushing the road and crushing the flames.

"The whole team is attacking!"

The α fighter and the β fighter are connected together, even if the main gun needs to be loaded, the light of the secondary gun is enough to cause harassment.

The emerald green light hit, and with the movement of the fighter plane, it pulled out a string of sparks.

Usually the firepower makes De Billon slightly painful and affected.

Seizing this opportunity, Karl quickly stood up from the ground and charged towards the enemy.

The bent legs left the ground at the moment of straightening, and they used the flying ability to draw closer directly and faster.

He tensed his left fist, and he spiraled out, but he missed the opponent's deflection.

De Billon turned around to fight back, but found that the enemy was faster.

Karl's body stopped behind him at some point, and the air didn't even need to completely explode the strength of his body, because this and the land were two different battlefields.

The pale giant controlled its body to rotate, and the legs that swept out were used as weapons to hit the opponent's waist.

The dull sound echoed, and Debiron staggered from the wound.

He wants to fight back, but which side to fight back?

The unbalanced body was attacked again. The power of Feiyan EX-J is not a negative energy, and the attack successfully played a role.

Sparks exploded from Debiron's head, and at the same time, his thoughts exploded to the surroundings.

Karl was pushed back, and the surrounding alpha fighters and beta fighters were also shaken.

"Sure enough, there is an invisible force at work!"

The pilots reacted very quickly, and the six planes that were a little further away climbed away to distance themselves.

The next moment, Karl, who was standing still, jumped forward and grabbed Debiron firmly.

Facing that weird face, he slammed his fist hard on it.

And De Billon's counterattack also broke out in his abdomen.

During the entanglement between the two behemoths, the swooping fighter jets opened fire, and the angle seemed to be that the green rainwater hit the enemy's body and splashed brilliant 'splashes'

TPC and Ultraman cooperate with each other, Karl uses his knees as a weapon, grabs the enemy's head with both hands, and pulls down.

Face-to-knee impact, followed by locking the head and falling over the shoulder.

Before Debiron got up again, Carl used the same action to lock the head and throw the technique.

The second time, and the third time, the road at this time has been completely opened, exposing a large amount of soil below.

The shock transmitted to the entire city, all those who stepped on the ground fell to the ground, the parked vehicles were shaken to a short height, and the crumbling buildings completely collapsed.

'not enough! '

Of course it wasn't enough, no matter how much the enemy who directed such a tragedy attacked him, it wasn't enough.

'not enough! '

How can it be enough, he has to pay the price, has to——

"Pay the price!"

The pilot driving Feiyan EX-J roared and pulled the trigger towards that 'monster'.


Emerald green rays of light exploded behind the gray-black giant, followed by hot melting rays and freezing rays that had completed charging.

Heat, cold, two completely opposite feelings kept reverberating, the unsuspecting Karl was distracted by the severe pain, the movements of his hands became sluggish, and then his whole body seemed to lose strength.

Get down on your knees, and the front view is occupied.

With a wave of his right hand, De Billon sent Karl, who had fallen forward, flying out, and that huge body crushed the connected stores again.

The next moment, the American Flying Team, who had been cooperating with him before, kept pressing the trigger, and light hit him one after another.

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