"John, what are you doing! Answer! Jones! Joseph!"

Communications from the American base continued continuously, and through the camera of Feiyan EX-J, everyone could clearly see the situation at this time.

That was when the American Flying Team turned against them and almost knocked Karl out of combat.


How can it be?

The only possibility is only one, what did this ugly monster do.

Of course Karl can also think clearly about this. The monster in front not only directs everything, but even controls his comrades?


Will you be angry?

Of course he would be angry, seeing this tragedy in the world, and seeing his companion being controlled.

As a result, the evil thoughts in the heart were drawn out.

"Don't be so anxious, you will be on my side just like them."

De Billon's right hand swayed slightly, his fingers bent, as if performing a puppet show.

Soon, as he thought, as he controlled, Karl's movements changed, and he stood up from the inside of the ruins.

Why do such a thing?

Are these gunmen not only using the drug business to make money, but now they are using guns to take the lives of others?

Unforgivable, they are people who should not live in this world!

The red eyes reflected the horrors in the city and saw the people with guns in their hands.

In an instant, the left and right hands formed a cross shape, and red and black rays of light shot wildly across the city.


De Billon laughed, the crazy negative energy monster has abilities related to the heart.

Anger, pain, hatred, sadness, and negative emotions evoke evil thoughts, and he can manipulate this evil thoughts at will.

As long as you see the flaws exposed in your heart, you can control a person through this small gap.

The heart of the drug dealer is dissatisfaction with the status quo.

The police were disturbed by the exchange of fire.

The person who was against him, the planetary army that was against him, was filled with anger at the damage he had done to himself.

Negative emotions are like oil, it only takes a spark to ignite, just like this.

De Billon watched with satisfaction the shattered city, high-rise buildings, commercial streets, fleeing people, killing people, crazy people, everything disappeared in the red and black intertwined stream of light.

Lost the will of self, taken over by the desire to destroy.

Karl has only one purpose, he wants those villains to pay the price, hide behind the bunker, destroy the bunker together, and evaporate whoever is held hostage.

Shooting, attacking, at this moment, everyone knows what kind of damage negative energy monsters can cause.

In 20 seconds, the city of Juarez was over, and the negative energy Spesium gave all equal destruction.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

De Billon suddenly felt that everything else didn't matter, he just wanted to see this scene, the spectacle of everything collapsing and the sky full of fireworks.

Why can other planets exist?

I just want all the planets to be destroyed together!

"It's barbaric."

Gazing at this scene, the existence in the depths of the universe commented in this way.

"lets go."

He emerged from the darkness, born of the darkness of negative emotions.

Inside the slit between the foreheads is the third eye, and the moment the blue light suddenly appeared, he turned into a blue jade and headed towards the earth.

At the same moment, on the blue water star, TPC dispatched.

The riot in Juarez City, Mexico, completely changed its nature the moment the monster appeared, but no one expected that the negative energy Ultraman who was supposed to fight for mankind was not only defeated, but also became a weapon in the hands of the enemy.


In the combat command room of the American branch, Jack thought silently, and after a few seconds, he finally made a decision.

"Destroy the crystal."

This one choice represents only one possibility, Carl will die.

At this time, if he loses the body of 'Ultraman', there will be only one end.

But Jack gave the order anyway.

In the room where countless guns were pointed at, emerald green light shot towards the red sphere.

Hit, ablate, then reflect.

In order to protect itself, the negative energy gathered inside forms a protective shield, which bounces off all attacks.

The connection with the host is close to the final stage, the crystal and the user have become almost one existence, and the power is constantly accumulating and increasing.

At this time, the troops advancing towards Juarez were advancing rapidly.

The first to arrive at this city...or this ruin was the flying team of the European branch.

Is it more than 3 minutes from when the monster appears to when they feel it?

Wreckage is piled up everywhere, but it is absolutely impossible for the entire city to have such a small amount of wreckage. Where did the rest go?

It was probably pulverized by negative energy rays.


Silent, but clenched his teeth unconsciously.

The first thing TPC members do is ideological education.

They do not discriminate against anyone, and take it as their duty to protect human beings, but this time, what exactly are they protecting?

Nothing can be protected, and the city in the back of Mexico is nothing but scorched earth. What about the more than 100 million people living here?

What is buried underneath?

Is it the lost life, or someone struggling desperately to climb out?

With resentment, he pulled the trigger.

Evil thoughts breed and turn into puppets.

In an instant, the world changed.

De Billon was walking, flanked by red-eyed giants, surrounded by fighter jets who seemed to be guards.

Telepathic monsters create hatred with precision, find pain, and use it to their advantage.

Some people were angry when they saw such a scene, so they became his string puppet.

The night in America became dark, the lights that were supposed to light up here disappeared, and even the flames of destruction disappeared completely.

It was such a scene that appeared in the eyes of 'him'.

Sensing who was coming, De Billon raised his head and saw only two blue lights.

Before the two sides collided, the wind danced, and the giant who was about to fall suddenly backed up, because the way he was advancing was the fighters who acted as shields to block everything.

It's Empat.

In the next moment, red, blue, and green represented different attacks, not just light, but all the missiles that were supposed to be aimed at the monster bombarded him.

Its action is faster than shooting. The three-color brilliance pierced the night sky and it is not known where to leave. The missile with the tracking function forcibly turned and was detonated by the power of thought.

At this moment, he noticed the same level of thought power.

The moment the two collided, both hands moved forward to form a circular barrier.

Purple and red and black, the two collide and emit particles.

Withdrawing, jumping up, the short time was enough for him to evade, Empat charged forward from the air, and the power released again pushed away those fighters who were trying to attack him and act as shields.

Cross-shaped combination of both hands, Spethum rays, and Negative energy Spetsium rays, both of which are in conflict and blooming strong light at the same time.

Adding force, pressing back, Karl was hit by the light and retreated.

Then there is only one left.

Empat aimed at Debiron, and his right hand slashed from above, and the invisible shock of thought power was cut from it.

One, two, three, three consecutive blows used violence to counteract the power of thought. The elbow hit his arm and collided with his arm. At the same time as the force was broken, he raised his left hand to block Karl's straight punch.

The left foot stands on the ground, the waist drives the right leg, and it hits the opponent's chest like a long whip.

In the sound of breaking wind and cracking, Karl couldn't stop backing away.

The target still hasn't changed in any way, but Empat can't pursue it.

Carl, who stepped back, pushed forward with his right fist, and the ring-shaped attack light intercepted from that side.

The brakes stopped, arms crossed, and dodged the intercepted light, but the telekinetic hammer hit him head-on.

Empat's feet sank into the ground, leading out of the ravine.

After losing his strength, he took a step forward, raised his purple-stained palm and chopped it down, and the sharp crescent blade flew straight towards Debiron.

This simple route can be avoided by just taking a step to the side, but the standing position at this time is a little different.

Used as shields, the TPC pilots are of course the first line of defense at the forefront, and they are being restrained by Empat's Otto mind.

At the time of the assault, they had already been passed, so when Empat canceled the mind power that restrained them, their noses were still facing straight ahead, towards the position where Empat was before.

It is too late to turn, nor can it provide good support.

That force of thought was attached to the staring crescent blade, pulling it away.

This time, De Billon didn't have time to dodge, cut in, pierced out, and cut in half.

Empat blocked Carl's straight punch with his left hand and knocked him back a distance with the same punch.

The next moment, the entrenched negative energy was absorbed.

Debiron's waist was glued together again, and the monster born of negative energy was not so easy to kill.

"Ultraman, you can't kill me, just fight with the people you guard and your companions there!"

What he said was a strong provocation.

Look, I not only directed everything, but also made you and the people you guard, and your companions fight, angry?Must be very angry!

De Billon searched for a void in his heart.

At this moment, a new fighter jet flew from afar.

Inside, Dagu immediately saw Empat who was fighting one against two.

The spark prism was taken out and unfolded, and before his body turned into light particles, a voice sounded in his ears:

"Can't transform, Dagu."

190 Three Chapters Gradually Revealed

This voice was all too familiar to Dagu, and the giant in front of him warned him not to transform.

'why? '

He listened directly to the inquiry in his heart, and the situation at this time has already reached a conclusion through the situation at this time, and he told the victory team through the global network.

The enemy has the ability to control others. Europe, America, the defense teams of the two branches, and even the giants are all controlled. If they approach rashly, maybe the winning team will have the same end, so he plans to directly transform into support.

In sight, Empat rotated the circular barrier counterclockwise, and Karl released a light bomb that turned into a purple streamer reflection.

De Billon didn't get close, relying solely on telekinesis to attack.

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